Tuesday, November 30, 2010


A Cure for Out-of-Control Cravings
What to do when chips, chocolate or another favorite splurge food keeps calling your name.
By Martica Heaner, M.A., M.Ed., for MSN Health & FitnessQ: My cravings are out of control. I do cardio at least five days a week for at least 40 minutes and lift weights three days a week. But I still have excess body fat and I suspect it might be because after eating really well for a few days, I then develop uncontrollable cravings and I keep eating and eating until I feel full. This happens every couple of days. How can I stop this?

A: It's hard to say exactly what may be contributing to your cravings or resistance to fat loss without knowing more specifics—the intensity of your workouts, how long you've been following this routine, whether you've lost weight recently, how close to a "normal" body weight and healthy body-fat percentage you are, and how much you eat on binge and non-binge days. But it sure sounds like your tendency to overeat several days of the week may be counteracting the calorie-burn you're getting from your workouts, making it harder to slim down.

Cravings may be complicated

Grab any diet book and you'll find a number of theories about what causes cravings. Some claim that eating too much sugar, or too many foods that have a high glycemic index, or foods that do not have enough fiber or fat can make you hungry soon after eating. Some say not eating enough protein or going too long without snacking can trigger cravings. Some suggest than hunger can actually indicate emotional hunger, so any practical advice on food or fitness won't get to the root of the problem. These proposed causes may play a role, but, in reality, it may not be that simple.

For example, while greater amounts of protein and fiber in the diet have been found to be more satiating, if you are under-eating or burning a lot more calories than you are consuming, chances are you're going to be hungry no matter what—your body simply needs more fuel, sparking your cravings. If your perception of your "good" days—when you're eating well—are actually days when you are taking in too few calories, your body eventually may demand more calories to try to balance out your energy intake versus your energy expenditure over the week. If you're bored or lonely, you might not be physically hungry, but a preoccupation with food may be a psychological trigger to add stimulus or comfort to your life.

If you're not eating enough compared to the calorie burn you are accumulating from daily workouts, you're likely to feel hungry and seek out more food. If you go long periods without eating—skipping breakfast, and avoiding eating dinner past 6 or 7 p.m., for example—you might be creating a rollercoaster energy supply that leads to a few days where your body tries to stock up by stimulating you to eat more to make up for the periods of not eating enough food. Often, highly caloric foods are the most appealing when your body wants fuel fast.

Cravings may also have a biological component. If you've lost weight recently, biochemical triggers may kick in to try to help the body to regain the lost body fat. Recent research suggests that genetic influences may affect things like how fast you get hungry after eating, how full you feel from eating, and how active you are when you are not exercising.

Just as there are many potential reasons why you may be getting cravings, there may be a variety of solutions that can help you abolish them.

Are you eating enough?

Your first step should be to make sure that you are eating enough to fuel your energy expenditure. If you're hungry, your body is going to demand food, so make sure you are well-fueled every day. If you're trying to diet, take a non-drastic approach: Cut out a couple of hundred calories each day, not thousands.

It's impossible to know exactly how many calories you're eating and burning each day, but you can do the math to get an estimate and try to keep on track. By keeping a diet diary, you can spot obvious culprits—like days when you don't have time for breakfast, then you don't eat lunch until 2 p.m., and then you end up binging the rest of the day. Or days where you do a greater amount of exercise (your regular workout plus lots of extra walking, for example), yet you restrict how much you eat. If you are compelled to eat twice as much the following day, it might simply be because you deprived yourself the day before.

Or, you might spot a seemingly innocent snack that adds a whopping amount of calories to an otherwise "good" day (a pint of premium ice cream can take 10 or 15 minutes to eat but add 1,000 to 1,200 calories, the equivalent of perhaps half of your day's calories; frequent dipping into a co-worker's candy dish can add hundreds of calories). If you're careful to include lots of details in your diet diary, such as the times of day you eat, and what you're doing and how you're feeling when you eat, you may be able to spot cues that trigger you to eat more. One lesson from cognitive-behavioral therapy is to learn to avoid those certain cues— or teach yourself new behaviors—in response to certain triggers.

Use these tools to help track your energy intake, output and needs.

Controlling cravings

Learning more about your diet patterns can help you figure out how to improve how you eat, but you should also prepare a plan of action for when a craving hits. Try these suggestions:

Take a time-out. Ask yourself if you are really hungry? Can you go for a walk around the block instead?
Water it down. Start by drinking a glass of water. Sometimes thirst can be mistaken for hunger. Even if you are hungry, water can help to start to fill you up.
Put it off. Consider that you may be able to eat more or less depending on what you've had already today, and over the past few days, and depending on how much physical activity you've fit in. If you've been highly active, a little snack may not matter. If you've been a complete couch potato all week, maybe you can make a deal with yourself. You'll exercise today, and have an extra snack tomorrow.
Choose low-cal nibbles. Figure out ways to feed the cravings that don't pack on a lot of calories: eat a piece of fresh fruit (or two). If part of what you crave is the physical feeling of fullness, getting it from high-fiber, low-calorie foods like fruits and veggies is better than stuffing yourself with fattening snacks.
Eat. If you are still obsessing, eat a small amount of what you're craving.
Use portion control. Be aware of how you dish it out. Rather than grab an entire giant bag of potato chips, dole out a serving in a small dish. Then close the bag properly and store it up high, out of sight, in a cupboard. If you're eating a candy bar, give yourself 1/3 or 1/2, then toss the rest (or save it, if you think you can resist the temptation to come back for more.)
Enjoy. Eat your splurge food slowly. Make the most of each mouthful. Keep in mind that most of the pleasure you get from eating is in your taste buds. So the satisfaction you feel when succumbing to a craving is not from the quantity that you shovel down, but from the seconds spent savoring what's in your mouth. Fat has a distinctively pleasurable mouth-feel, which is one reason why fattening foods hold so much appeal.
Write it down. Successful weight-losers tend to keep ongoing diet diaries. You may get to a point where you can plan in sensible splurges without upsetting your overall caloric intake.
As every day is different, experiment with different strategies that you can whip out when needed: one day the walk might work, another day, a half portion of a sweet you love may suffice, another day you might be able to eat a whole bag of mini-carrots and feel satiated.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Post Thanksgiving Thoughts

I was tempted to write on Thanksgiving, but I thought I would enjoy the day and see how it went, food wise. I did well. I followed my own advice that i was going to give you: wear a figure flattering, form fitting (not tight) outfit. I know from experience that when I wear something loose or too "comfortable" it is more likely that i will overeat. At least in my case when i wear something form fitting, i am more conscious of how i look and how i will feel after a huge meal. Thus, no huge meal, just a tasty meal that i easily stopped myself when i had enough.

My problems started the day after...I did so well Thanksgiving but gave into temptations for a few days after. Oh well, I am not going to beat myself up, like i mentioned last time, if you take a wrong turn, get back on the right road. One of my main problems and I know i am not alone in this, is if i overindulged say on a Friday or Saturday Night, I won't start getting back into my healthy groove until Monday. I convince myself weekends/holidays were made for this sort of gluttony, and i will behave the rest of the week starting Monday. And i do behave. I eat well and generally not too much. But, as an article I just read outlined, this just can't work. Yes, i won't gain a ton of weight doing this, but it will not help me achieve my fitness goals longterm. I will be on this see-saw indefinitely and this is what bothers me.

Its up to me, just as it is up to you how you treat your bodies in terms of what you put in them. I am thankful for my regular exercise routine, and if that is all you have at the moment, it's better than nothing.

GOOD NEWS: I have been a willing guinea pig for you all trying various new beauty products and services. Got a winner here: The new gel manicures work! Sometimes called Shellac or just gel, they are awesome! They promise that they will last for up to 2 weeks and cost anywhere from $20-$30 per. I got mine the Friday before thanksgiving and it still looks good. No chips...I was told there was no dry time, but actually there was more of a dry time because they have to put the gel on in stages...so be prepared for about 15 more than you are used to for a regular manicure. BUT SO WORTH IT. And my nails have grown more it seems cause the gel seems to make them stronger or protect them. I will be a regular patron of these. My one question is does the gel come off easily or do you have to go back to the salon to get it off? Will tell when the time comes.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Diet -vs- Exercise

Hi there! Been a while but this blog and the topics it covers are never out of my thoughts. I often wonder why this is: some people are completely obsessed with fitness and health and others just aren't. I guess this is a topic for another day. One theory i have is that those people who aren't haven't tasted fit! Pun intended. Fit feels fantastic, and as much as I love food, i think it feels better than a butterscotch sundae. Because you don't feel horrible after being fit!

Being fit, bottom line is a combination of diet and exercise, PERIOD. I have long fought the belief that diet has as much to to with physique as it does. You are what you eat, simple. Not easy to do the right thing in terms of eating all the time, but you can give it your best shot each day. Number one rule: If you slip, get right back on track. I heard this from Dr. OZ. He said if you were travelling along a road and you made a wrong turn, you wouldn't keep going in the wrong direction, you would turn around and get on the right road, trying to find your way to where you should be! Perfect analogy for healthy eating. I do this, and it took me a long time to really do it. Before, if i slipped i would indulge the rest of the day, telling myself i would start tomorrow. I can't say i don't have episodes like that anymore, but they are fewer.

About a year ago, I was at a ladies day out and the leader asked each of us to write a note to ourselves about our goals for bettering ourselves. I wrote to control my portions and to engage in CONSISTENT exercise. Being a person of extremes, which probably explains my bouts of indulgence, i am now the exercise instructor. (I am always SO envious of those power eaters whose job is to each endlessly say 100 hot dogs in 5 minutes. I say to myself, I can do that! There are even a few who are thin, go figure...healthy, not so sure.) Being the instructor is a good thing for me as i tended like most to blow off classes or exercise routines. The outcome has been very interesting. Teaching 6 classes a week plus practicing routines, in my book is plenty of exercise. I have seen amazing changes in my body after doing it for about a year. Am i perfect? NO. I know i will never will be, but i think if i had a more consistent diet i could be a heck of a lot closer. Some of my problem areas have changed dramtically, some have changed only slightly.

Bottom line: I can force myself to exercise (not so much forcing because i found exercise that I LOVE), but I do not have the discipline for 100% healthy eating. There are too many forces working for me to be able to control it directly. Hormones, fatigue, carbs and the effects...sugar and blood sugar levels..I know what to avoid, but i don't always. All i can say is when i do hit the detours, i will turn around and try to find my way once again. Will you? Hope so because you are worth it.

Beauty Tip: Best Hair Conditioner EVER: Naked Naturals. I am using this one right now. I have thick course hair and it is the only one that makes my hair silky and smoother, without using alot! Try it!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

What Type are You?

For the last month or so, i have been in a major rut. A back slide, really. I have retreated to old bad habits. Please don't misunderstand, my bad habits are not that bad by todays standards. The main point is my old habits include the same theme: no discipline. And, being a minor control freak, that freaks me out. I have come to a realization about myself that is sad but true. I am not like the person I want to be. The naturally healthy living, disciplined person who can effortessly avoid white sugar, flour, alcohol, processed meats...I know several people who just don't gravitate to these things. They are armed with information about what is healthy and what is not, and use it to their advantage. They are what i call TYPE B: The BE GOODS. I, on the other hand, am a TYPE A: ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING. I go through phases where I eat as much as I want of whatever I want, knowing full well that it is not the right choice. I read everything there is on nutrition and wellness, yet cannot use this knowledge wisely when I am going through my phases.

WHY? Why is this I ask constantly? Is it genetics, self-sabotage, menstrual cycle realted? I do think it is a combination of these things. I also think the habits I have adopted are deeply rooted. An article by Jillian Michaels talked about theories of habits. How our repeated actions set up nueral pathways in the brain that make us mindlessly repeat our actions because we have trained our brains to do so. My job, I think, and so does Jillian, is to stop in the moment and re-direct. Replace the negative behavior with a positive.

LUCKILY, I have my friend the scale. I have said many times that you need to weigh yourself daily (perhaps bi-weekly)to keep yourself in check. I did that and was 2 lbs over my max weight. You say, 2 lbs is nothing, but 2 leads to 5 leads to...The thing is if I just ate healthily and didn't overindulge in various foods and wine, I wouldn't have to be so strict because I do exercise on a regular basis. So, i don't have to be so restictive.


Monday, August 16, 2010

What is Oprah's Problem?

I know the title of this blog sounds accusatory, even rude, but it is not meant to be! It's meant to address the fact that I KNOW what her problem is, well at least one of them. When it comes to her weight loss (and gain issues), one major problem is I see is that she does not enjoy her exercise regiment. I've said over and over again if you dread what you choose to do for exercise, you will not stick to it, plain and simple. Read on and you'll see what I mean.

I bring up Oprah because the other day I was at the Library and saw on the sale rack for $1, a video by her called "Making the Connection...It's About Changing Your Life". I was intrigued, especially after noticing the tape was made in the mid 1990's (it IS a VIDEO TAPE). Intrigued also because of what we all know now, which is she gained all of it back.

The hour long video takes us smack into Oprah's weight loss struggles, issues, and plans to revamp and rejuvinate herself. In the tape she talks with other women about their overeating issues and how they felt about their bodies. One of the most interesting parts is her story: she goes back to key moments in her life and career where, unbeknowst to her fans, her primary focus is how much she weighs at the time. Her turning point came when she won her first daytime emmy for her talk show. She knew the show was coming up, vowed to diet to be "show ready", stressed out daily that she wasn't doing what she needed to do to lose the weight, ate more...many of us can relate. When her name was announced as the winner, all she could think about was how much she did not want to walk up those stairs and onto that stage because she felt too big and she didn't want people to look at her "big butt and how it moved"! THIS IS POWERFUL. What a shame. It was a moment I may have even witnessed on TV and who could have ever guessed that this successful woman was obsessing about her weight when she was at her highest point career wise?

So, she vows this is it, no more, etc. She hires Bob Greene as her personal trainer, apparently to WHIP HER INTO SHAPE. QUITE LITERALLY. The video chronicles her daily work outs with Bob, her nutritious meals, the whole bit. As I was watching it, I thought to myself, this is NOT sustainable. Oprah hated almost every minute of the gruelling exercise sessions. In fact, she would prance around the gym on the way out the door singing "I'm done, I'm done!!!" She would also get very annoyed with her trainer scolding him often, and telling him to be quiet. It was obvious to me that here she is doing this motivation video for people with the accent on how she wasted all this time obsessing about her weight and food, and yet this video and her regiment was all just a big waste of time for her once again in the end.

I felt compelled to go find out her weight today but could find no numbers. It seems Oprah has now given up dieting thanks to Geneen Roth, who advises to never deprive yourself and find out what it is that eating is keeping from discovering about yourself and what you are lacking in your life. I have heard about Geneen Roth and really like her theories. I will discuss them in a later blog. The point of this post is Oprah's ultimate problem: LACK OF BALANCE

In 2008 she said so herself on her show when she confessed her continuing weight issues. That is what i saw on this video: PUSHING HERSELF TO DO A TORTUROUS EXERCISE ROUTINE 6 DAYS A WEEK FOR 2 HOURS A DAY OR SO WILL NOT PROMOTE BALANCE AND WELL BEING. Only resentment and fatigue. There are just so many ways to get exercise, and the treadmill or stairmaster (2 of the worst offenders in my book) do not have to be part of your fitness routine!!!

I want to wrap this up for now, but i leave you with this: When I am (choose one) working, playing, really doing anything TOO MUCh, I lose balance, and I turn to food just like Oprah. The classic scenario for me is being so tired, but my schedule not allowing for sleep, so I stare blindly eating something, hoping that will be the magic elixir (when all i really need is sleep!) Sound familiar? Think about it.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Consistency is Key

Hello All. It has been a while. I knew in the summer the blog posts would slow down dramatically due to needing to prioritize. I mentioned previously that this blog is my guilty pleasure. Finding the time to squeeze it in is challenging, especially with the 3 ZUMBA classes I teach weekly, a full service seasonal catering service I own, a bi-monthly article I write for the local paper, 2 energetic little girls....you get the picture.

Enough of that. We are all busy, which is a great segue into the topic for today's blog: Consistency. Fitness and a healthy lifestyle is all about being consistent. In order to reach your goals, you have got to plan your work (outs) and work your plan! Same thing goes for how you eat. am not saying you can't have what you're craving. Have it, but compensate in some way to make up for it. If you have a heavy-ish meal, make the next lighter. Be aware and consistent in these ways and you will see results. Since I have become a ZUMBA instructor, I have seen fantastic results. WHY? Because I exersise consistently 3x a week. It also works because I enjoy it and therefore am sticking with it. Just because I am the instructor, doesn't mean I can't just throw in the towel, and decide I don't want to do it anymore. But I DO want to do it. Same goes for all of you out there. If you find something you like you WILL stick with it. You will want to.

My next point is you have to CONSISTENTLY VARY YOUR ROUTINE. Meaning that one type of activity is not enough. Although i work out hard with ZUMBA and have seen great results, when I do a different work out, I am generally sore the next day. Running makes my shins sore, and abs are sore after traditional ab exersises. That tells me that I need to challenge my body in other ways. Hiking, Biking, FUN stuff that you can do with friends and family ( I am not really referring to traditional exersise machines, life is just to short for that torture). I can handle some weight training, and i think it is extremely important.

TONED ARMS: Many ask me how to get their arms looking better and toned. I have a few recommendations. First, you have to do cardio and ZUMBA is a perfect choice. Next, i suggest you check out Tracy Anderson. She is one of Madonna's and Gwyneth Paltrow's Trainers. She has a website, the tracyandersonmethod.com I like her because her focus is using light weights with lots of repetitions and unconventional movements to target the smaller muscle groups. Combined with cardio, i beleive this can help you achieve the arms you crave! I suggest you try the Tracy Anderson Perfect Design DVD sequence one to see if she is for you.

BEAUTY UPDATE: FOR THE RECORD, I TRIED THE ROC EYE PRODUCT WITH THE MICRO CURRENTS, AND MY ADVICE IS SAVE YOUR MONEY. THEY JUST DIDN'T WORK FOR ME AND I HAVE BEEN USING IT SINCE JUNE! I did try St. Ives Cucumber Anti Stress Under Eye treatment and liked it, seemed to reduce puffiness. Found in any drug store!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Healthy Habits: Alpha Lipoic Acid

As I have mentioned previously, I really like the book and theories of Mark Sissal who wrote The Primal Blueprint. His primary premise (in addition to going back to the basics concering diet and exersise) is that of eating absolutely no grains. I have also mentioned that the all or nothing or the restriction of anything does not work for me. SO, while his wife and he look amazing and I am sure because of their diet and exersise, I feel everything can be incorporated in moderation. BUT, he has a wealth of great information to share and he does so in his email newsletter, Mark's Daily Apple, which i highly recommend you subscribe to. His book is fascinating too. It talks about he used to be a very serious marathoner but realized that all that exersise was just punishing his body rather than perfecting it. He developed several health issues concerning wear and tear mostly from pounding his body by training so hard. Now he does a much less strenuous routine and stresses the importance of sprinting (like our ancestors used to do to stay alive!)

I was ecstatic when he sent the newsletter containing the info about Alpha Lipoic Acid (see excerpt below). It was confirmation for me as I have been taking that for a year or so via the advice of the Perricone Prescription. READ:

Living a healthy "evolved" lifestyle in this high-tech modern world isn't easy. We all try to eat right, get regular exercise and control stress. But the reality is, this world we've created conspires at every turn to make us look and feel old, ill, and weak. We breathe polluted air, we don't get enough sun, we stress about bills, traffic and the economy, we don't always get enough sleep or exercise, we don't always eat as we should, and when we do, even the best natural foods are not as abundant in micronutrients as they once were. Some of the most critical nutrients are missing entirely - and it's only getting worse as the commercialization of food continues to spiral out of control. For these reasons and many others supplementation is an integral part of the Primal Blueprint. Which is why I started this series of newsletters: to provide insider information on the top supplements you should consider taking for optimum health and longevity.

This week we'll explore...

Alpha Lipoic Acid

WHAT IT DOES: Alpha lipoic acid is, in many ways, the alpha dog of antioxidants. Though it's commonly found in most foods, and especially in broccoli, spinach, liver, kidneys, heart, and grass-fed dairy, relying on dietary ALA is usually insufficient. Supplemental ALA, however, acts as a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, and it reduces the symptoms of Vitamin E and Vitamin C deficiency. Unlike most supplements, ALA is both water and fat-soluble, making it ideal for absorption.

STUDIES SHOW: In a lab experiment with animals, supplementing with alpha lipoic acid reduced triglyceride readings by as much as sixty percent. Triglycerides are increasingly being identified as major markers of cardiovascular disease, and they contribute to the accumulation of VLDL cholesterol, the small, dense lipoproteins that get stuck in artery walls and induce dangerous inflammation. The less triglycerides, the better. Another, earlier study shows that supplementary alpha lipoic acid might actually turn back the clock on aging by replenishing the body's supply of glutathione, which is implicated in reenergizing cellular signaling and reducing mitochondrial breakdown. ALA also targets free radicals, those dangerous compounds that attack cells and are thought to increase the effects of aging. Supplementing with alpha lipoic acid also seems to inhibit both arterial lesions and induce appetite-suppressing effects. Alpha, indeed.

WHY I LIKE IT: Combined with a healthy diet and plenty of regular exercise, supplementing with alpha lipoic acid seems to be an obvious path to good health. Its apparent health benefits seem to be far-reaching and numerous - lowered triglyceride readings, possible anti-aging effects, antioxidant replenishment, free radical destruction, and appetite suppression - and without negative consequences. All the evidence is, of course, preliminary, but everything thus far points to ALA as being a worthy component of any healthy person's supplementation regimen.

DR. PERRICONE calls ALA the universal anti-oxidant. ALA can increase energy levels of the cell. THe characteristic of an AGING cell is DECREASED energy, ALA helps cells repair themselves like younger cells do. Take it with meals. Perricone also suggests taking it with acetyl-L-Carnitine (take 200-400 mg per day. I buy a supplement with the two in one pill)

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Beauty Lab Focus: Skin Care Routine

Since my late 30s I have really committed to a skin care regiment. I am not saying I am loyal to the same routine, but I have begun to:

Wear an anti-aging day cream with SPF 50 every day by c-booth called Derma-42 Anti aging daily defense cream ( I really like it, retails $19.95, no coupon :( probably can get it on line cheaper)

In the morning, I use a cotton ball and a mild astringent, I hate getting my hair wet and all that with a full face wash!
In the shower: Wash with a good cleaner ( I am using Skin Appetit which has lots of anti-oxidants in it, at Rite Aid. I exfoliate with the Rite Aid Skin Polisher I wrote about a while back. It has glycolic acid and peptides, it is awesome!)
Wash off my makeup at night (always, even if I REALLY don't want to)
Apply a night time anti-aging cream
Apply an eye cream that SUPPOSEDLY helps reduce puffiness, lines, and dark circles.

The night treatments are what I will address today. I really don't mind the wrinkles around my eyes when I smile...I think it shows the world that I have smiled a lot in my life, and I have! What I do mind is the one deep set wrinkle I have right between my eyes and the dark circles and puffiness under my eyes (sometimes I tend to not get enough sleep, I am working on that, but the years of sleep deprivation have caught up with me!)

SO, I had been reading ALOT about ROC products and how effective they were. In the many magazines I peruse (TIP: I go to the local library and there is always a stack of cool magazines people are done with, i save them for long car trips. I do subscribe to PREVENTION and WOMEN'S HEALTH), there were several write ups about ROC. ROC is made by Johnson and Johnson, so I am not sure if they just have lots of muscle and money in the industry to persuade the media, or enough money to devote to some very effective research which results in effective products?

To research this for all of you, I bit the bullet and bought the new ROC BRILLIANCE (Retail $49.95, but there is a $20 mail in rebate on roc.com). The reason I gave in finally to my curiosity is that there has been a buzz about the technology it offers. According to the package, E-PULSE are micro-currents which become activated and reduce puffiness. It claims fine lines are reduced in 3 days. I have been using it for 4 days, but skipped a day. Since I never paid attention to fine lines, I don't know if it worked on them. I am interested in the puff and dark circle feature. ROC claims it will work on them in a few weeks. There are other products with this new technology, so feel free to try them and let me know! I will be diligent in the application of this and get back!

I also had another coupon (also on roc.com) for $3 off the ROC Nighttime Anti-Deep Wrinkle cream (Retail $21.99). For that pesky one between my eyes. By the way, Marilu Henner in Total Health Makeover has a section on reading faces to interpret health, and she says this line means basically that you drink too much! Geez, I didn't think I drank that much! I have been studying the faces of some that I KNOW drink too much, and some of them don't have the line, so....:)The best thing health wise would be not to drink at all, but I am not there, nor do I want to be at this time.

Keep you posted on the results!

A QUICKIE: In the morning I have been making this shake and it is so good for breakfast or when you want something indulgent:

1 package chocolate instant breakfast or protein mix (i used carnation)
1 8 oz FROZEN (stick it in the freezer) vanilla LITE yogurt (yoplait is the best i think)
Soy Milk
1 TBS Peanut Butter
Banana (half) optional

Blend all. Add some crushed ice if you'd like but that frozen yogurt makes it cold enough! It is awesome. I used a dannon yogurt last time (also good) and I poured it right back in the cup and drank it up (that is 8 oz which is what you should have more or less. Throw the extra in the freezer for a treat later! YUM

Monday, May 17, 2010

Guilty Pleasures....Aerobic Exercise??

I consider this blog to be one of my guilty pleasures. How do I define that? In my mind, it is something I am always thinking about (there is SO much to write about), something I do on the sly (I feel like in my real life there are more pressing matters to deal with), and something I absolutely love doing (it's nice to get some of my MANY thoughts in writing). It's even nicer when people comment, can relate, etc. Thank you for that all who have done so.

One of my other guilty pleasures of late is ZUMBA. I label it as such because I am always wanting to work on a routine and for the above reasons. The good news is I FOUND IT. I found something that I love doing, that is good for me, AND that I can make money at. (i love eating chocolate chips cookies and drinking wine but that won't get me very far.) At this stage of the game, it is a good feeling to having something in my life that inspires (besides my family of course).

THE REALLY GOOD NEWS ABOUT MY ZUMBA (AKA AEROBIC EXERCISE) HABIT: Everyone knows that aerobic exercise significantly improves your cardiovascular health but did you know that it also helps to slow the aging process: (pay attention ZUMBA clients)

* It makes skin look younger because of improved circulation
*Reduces lenght of hot flashes (not there yet, but good to know :)
*Cuts your odds of getting ill (studies suggest that regular exercisers have higher levels of immune cells that can fight off certain cancers. Plus (knock on wood) I haven't been sick all winter!
*Sharpens your mind (jury still out on this one for me..:) helps to maintain the size of the hippocampus where memory resides
*Improves mood and staves off depression (TRUE). That will keep you thinking younger and more optimistic.
*Helps control weight
*Improves digestion (try to have not eaten at least 2-3 hours before you exercise though, or your food in your system will interfere with your workout, if you know what i mean :)
*May raise HDL, good cholesterol and improve other heart disease risk factors
*Keeps the body young: lowers the rate of telomeres (sites at the end of chromosomes on all cells) erode, which means overall body wear and tear happens at a reduced speed.
*Lowers Blood Pressure
*Normalized fasting insulin levels (reducing risk of diabetes).

IS THIS ENOUGH FOR YOU? Are you ready to commit to REGULAR exercise. I exercises on and off for years, but now that i found my exercise GUILTY PLEASURE I will never go back.

AS IF YOU NEEDED A FEW MORE REASONS: My facialist says my pores are very clean thus requiring very few extractions (if you have ever had these, you KNOW they are painful). She and I attribute it to sweating it out (the toxins, pollution) through regular exercise. The aerobic kind makes you sweat the most. IN MY OPINION, EXERCISE IS THE FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH. MY SKIN HAS NEVER LOOKED BETTER NOR HAVE I FELT BETTER, SO GET MOVING!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Beauty Lab!

Okay, People! Don't say I never did anything for you! For the good of this blog, I conducted a risky experiment. I am a big label reader, not only when it comes to food but also to beauty products. I've done enough reading to know some key ingredients, in what order on the label, etc. Many of the key ingredients these days are natural including many foods, herbs, etc. Why, i ask myself, can't i make my own beauty products out of these materials? I know why. Because it is easier and less messy to buy a pre-made lotion containing avacado oil, caffeine, grapefruit, whatever the ingredient is. The drawbacks of buying these products are the expense and the fact that you cannot control the other ingredients they add, most of which we can't pronounce. Well, I happened to have some
organic coconut oil around and I was dying to try a home remedy. If you recall, a while back I got an espresso body scrub which was supposed to help detox and tighten my skin. I really wanted another one, but didn't want to shell out the $100 plus for it. SO, here is what I did and the results:

Mix: 2 Tablespoons coffee grounds (yes, already brewed, good way to recycle them. Also, they are supposed to be good for the soil you plant in, why not your skin?) plus 2 Tbs unbrewed coffee (I was afraid I brewed most of the caffeine out of the coffee, and that is the major point of using the coffee in the first place) To this add 1/2 cup Coconut Oil or Olive Oil, and 2 Tablespoons Sugar.

PROBLEM: WHERE THE HECK WAS I GOING TO APPLY THIS WITHOUT MAKING A COMPLETE MESS? While I do live in a private setting, the idea of doing this outside and hosing off DID NOT appeal to me. So, I opted for in the shower. PROBLEM: HOW MESSY WAS THIS GOING TO GET, AND ARE YOU REALLY SUPPOSED TO LET COFFEE GROUNDS GO DOWN THE DRAIN? In the interest of science, I had to proceed (without letting my husband know of course) Does anyone know if I irreperably damaged by septic system. Does the water from the shower go to the septic system?

THE ACT: I APPLIED THE WARM MIXTURE (i HAD TO NUKE THE COCONUT OIL, IT WAS SOLID IN THE FRIDGE), AND EXFOLIATED everywhere...it felt really good even if i was the one applying (i don't know why i like the idea of a total stranger rubbing it on even better...it just feels good when someone else is doing the rubbing!)

THE MESS: NOT AS MUCH AS i thought. The shower did get slippery from the oil, so make sure to do this before you have to wash the shower anyway because you will have to afterwards.

THE RESULTS: I THOUGHT IT WORKED GREAT. My skin looked and felt smoother, even my husband noticed. (I fessed up to him telling that i did this treatment, but he never asked how, why or where, so i left it ALONE!) At first my skin was a bit greasy, but I used a little bodywash, and I felf fantastic afterwards. I figure this treatment would be beneficial about once a month!

SIMPLIFY YOUR LIFE: In the mood for ice cream but not the calories? Try this: Freeze a whipped yogurt. It tastes just like Ice Cream with only about 70 calories.


Thursday, April 29, 2010

Wendy's Story and More...

Here it is, the long awaited Wendy's story...Well, when i am running around all day, I usually stop at Wendy's fast food place for a spicy chicken sandwich. With a sugar free lemonade, it comes out to about $5.50 more or less and about 470 calories and 16 G of fat. I think that is a reasonable amount of calories for lunch. I truly enjoy the sandwich, and with the drink, I feel full afterwards...Well, being cheap as i tend to be, I said to myself, Hey, I can get the dollar menu spicy chicken to go wrap and a drink and spend about $2 something...Well, i have had the snack wraps over at McDonalds, and they are very small, so I thought by getting two I would still save some money and be happy...I was looking around for the nutritional info while I was ordering but i was driving up and they only have it displayed in a corner inside the restaurant (NOT FOR LONG, more later on this!) The Spicy Chicken Go Wraps were delicious! But, I knew as soon as I saw them they were bigger than McDonalds. Of course, I would have been satiated with one of them, but of course, i had to eat both because they were so good. when i got home, i looked up the nutritional values online...NOT SO GOOD. The snack wraps were 320 EACH, with 15 grams of fat. Do the math and you come out with me eating 640 calories and 30 grams of fat vs my usual sandwich at 470 calories and 16 G of fat. HAD THE NUTRITIONAL INFO BEEN AVAILABLE THROUGH THE DRIVEIN, I COULD HAVE MADE AN INFORMED CHOICE. I wouldn't have chosen the cheaper option, but the healthier one! THE GOOD NEWS: STARTING FEBRUARY 2011, ALL RESTAURANTS in Maine WILL BE REQUIRED TO HAVE NUTRITIONAL INFO CONSPICIOUSLY DISPLAYED (ON MENUS, MENU BOARDS, ETC). I went seeking this info of WHY it wasn't there and found out it had been recently passed as a law. HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY There is a happy ending to this story! Lesson learned: Stop being so cheap :)

PRODUCTS I LOVE: My husband recently bought one of those new zero calorie, naturally sweetened SOBE waters enhanced with vitamins, etc. The difference between these and the other is that this is naturally sweetened. It is very good! You don't get that funny aftertaste like most low calorie drinks, especially if you drink it ice cold. I have been putting them in my freezer for a few hours, and drink them slushy! SO good and satisfying..I really liked the Yumberry Pomegranate.

SIMPLIFY: Here's a great, healthy dessert that you can whip up in literally 10 minutes. Melt 1 cup dark chocolate chips in the microwave. Stir in Craisins, Sliced Almonds (you can use dried blueberries, pecans, walnuts, whatever you like). By the tablespoon drop them on some wax paper. Chill for 5 minutes. DONE. They are so good but also addictive. Just because they are good for you (antioxidants) doesn't mean the calories won't add up. Great for when you get called upon to make cookies for a special event, cookie walk, etc!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Important Information!

Did you know the world was coming to an end? That' right, and the food supply will be greatly affected, so you must eat all you can right now, as much as you can and as fast as you can...

OKAY, it's not true, but if you had been watching me on a handful of days the past few weeks (especially this last one), you would have had to beleive that is what I was thinking. Last time I wrote I mentioned several reasons why I hadn't been writing so much. Feeling a lack of control was one of them. It is hard for me to try to give advice on health when i am not practing what i preach. I am like a child. Every time I try to set limits for myself, I rebel or act out, and throw caution to the wind. I go for the things that I know are the worst for me in terms of my goals (like carbs-my number one goal is to feel comfortable and confident in my own body!) Or if i manage to stay with healthy foods, i eat way too much of them. I am sharing this with you because that is what this blog is about: I hope through my struggles and perspectives I will help other people see they are not alone (as several of you have told me, thank you). Maybe together we can figure something out. It's me, WRINKLES AND ALL (luckily not too many yet!:)

I blame SOME of this on the visit of my monthly "friend". Yes, the cravings are much stronger a week or so before. I am armed with many weapons, strategies, etc. to combat these (take a walk, know the witching hour that you tend to eat too much-for me it's while preparing dinner). You have to understand that to me, these days, eating too much is eating past the point of a normal person being full. OKAY, I caught myself. I always though i was special (hopefully we all do!). But when it comes to eating too much, i have to remind myself that MANY of us have issues. THAT IS NORMAL. I am working to change that, especially in myself. The REAL ISSUE THAT BOTHERS ME IS THE LACK OF CONTROL. I LIKE BEING IN CONTROL AND CAN'T FIGURE OUT WHY THE ONE THING I CAN CONTROL 100%, I CAN'T CONTROL!!!!!

ONE OF MY SAVING GRACES IS EXERCISE. I know when I get off track, even a short work out or walk will boost my spirits and motivate me to be healthy. Of course, my children and family are right up there with motivators!!!

A friend mentioned maybe artificial sweetners had something to do with my wild cravings, but I just don't use them enough to think that. I use real sugar in my coffee, and honey in my tea. Yes, it could be sweetners in general...I can't help but feel it's more psycological than physiological. Actually, I have to beleive it's both..the cravings are generated by something...MY advice to you if you are going through this: Find a physical activity you love to do and can fall back on in times of trouble. It won't let you down...


FOR HAIR: As most of us age, our hair get's coarser. I have always had THICK, wavy hair, but now after kids even more so. I had heard about Keratin, a plant protein in some shampoos that can really help smooth and relax hair. There is an expensive salon treatment you can get ($200). There is also a pricey shampoo called Liquid Keratin you can get on drugstore.com for about $25. I found a great product in Rite Aid (yes on clearance) called Naked Naturals Citrus and Keratin Conditoner. It really relaxed my hair after the first shampoo. It just seemed to take the bulk out. I got it for $3.49, but I think the regular price wasn't too steep, maybe $9.99...

MAKE UP/FOUNDATION: I am forever in search of the perfect one (do i go liquid, mineral powder/ SO many choices. One i really like is called Beyond Natural. It came with this fantastic silky primer lotion that kind of helped to prepare the canvas (aka your face) so the foundation went on smoother. The foundation is WHITE in the tube, but adjusts the color needed to match your face. Light weight, and light to medium coverage, good for summer.

NEXT TIME: I know I promised the Wendy's story, but it will have to wait! I got into other things! Please know that today is a great day for me. I made healthy choices yesterday and feel good. I feel in control. Hope you ALL have a good day today!!! Looking forward to the week!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

On My Mind

It has been a while since my last post. There are a few reasons for this, all of which I think are relatable to the premise of this blog. One of the reasons that I will discuss today is that I have been researching much interesting material for this blog, and I have kind of gotten overwhelmed. I will try to break it down and share it all with you if not now, then over time!
One of the problems is that the books I have been reading have some conflicting information, and I guess I do not have a strong enough background in it all to tell you what is correct. I can only give my opinion. Out of my bookshelves, I dug out Fit for Life, by Harvey and Marilyn Diamond. I like this book because it emphasizes a natural approach to being fit. It stresses the importance of Natural Hygiene, which is described as the body's regulatory process for staying healthy. Basically is states the body is a very efficient machine which is constantly striving for optimal health. Give it the right fuel (HEALTHY FOODS) and it will take care of you, and cleanse and maintain itself. The book downplays the role of supplements in one's diet, stating that they really don't work. That you need all the chemical componets of food and the digestion to get your nutritional needs met. There is MUCH to the book
but the major points are EAT ONLY FRUIT or Fresh Fruit Juice in the morning. FOOD COMBINING IS KEY. You can eat what you want but it has to be in the right combinations. The book debunks the theory of the food groups, especially the dairy and meat portions. (The book talks about how poeple say we need to eat protein to keep up our strenght and to build muscle, yet in fact, many of the strongest animals on the planet are vegetarians!)

Food Combining brings me to another book that I have mentioned before: Marilu Henner's Total Health Makeover. I really like this book. It adopts many of the principles of Fit for Life. She stresses the food combining, no dairy and no meat. I do agree with this. I am sure they are right: eating foods in proper combinations and in the proper order will certainly have a positive impact on one's health, well being, and weight. THE PROBLEM IS I AM NOT THAT DISCIPLINED!

Which brings me to a television program I recenly viewed. It was kind of an infomercial for PBS televison, part of their fundraising efforts. But because it was PBS, I listened. It was called Change Your Brain, Change Your Body by Daniel G. Amen. Mr. Amen take scans of people's brains to find out where the activity or lack of it is. He has a list of several different types of brains based on the scans. If there is more activity in one part of the brain, and less in another, he states there are certain supplements that can help bring you to an even level and help you stop overeating. It is highly fascinating, and a must read. I have yet to try his theory, but I plan on it. One thing that we can all do right now is wean ourselves off the sugar habit. Eating sugar and sugary foods only increases our cravings for those foods. And artificial sweetners and diet sodas are the worst! They make you crave sugar even more. I am not innocent when it comes to this. If you've read my previous blogs, I struggle with making the right nutritional choices versus eating lower calorie, artificially sweetned food and drinks to save calories. I do indulge in diet sodas occasionally if i get an urge for something worse calorically. The lesser of two evils? YUP.. One thing Dr. Amen said really made me think: He was describing his healthy daily diet and he mentioned he always had "dessert" which consisted of plain yogurt and blueberries. He asked the audience if that sounded boring. They said yes, and then he said something profound: NO, WHAT'S BORING IS CONSTANTLY FINDING YOURSELF BACK TO THE DRAWING BOARD BECAUSE YOU'VE GIVEN INTO YOUR FOOD CRAVINGS AND UNHEALTHY HABITS. That actually is boring me to tears. Don't you wish you could make the right choices as if on autopilot? Without the stuggle? YOU CAN, but it takes just a bit of training. Dr. Amen says it takes about 2 weeks to stop craving sweet stuff after you stop indulging. Interesting...

The last book that I will discuss briefly is one I am very interested in. It is called The Perricone Weight Loss Diet by Dr. Nicolas Perricone. I picked it up after reading The Perricone Prescription which has all kind of information for maintaining weight, health, and what foods and supplements are best for health, beauty, anti wrinkle, etc. I love this book and it's wealth of info. There is just one problem: If I listen to Fit for Life, then the supplements Dr. Perricone suggests would be useless considering Fit for Life says supplements have no value. I think I have come to a conclusion on this: If prescription pills work for curing conditions, then supplements which are a form of a drug, can work to help boost healthy conditions. I do absolutley go by the fact that THE BEST REMEDIES ARE IN THE FOODS YOU EAT. The Perricone books go deeply into anti-inflammatory foods which keep your body balanced and reduce free-radicals. MUCH MORE ON THIS NEXT TIME, BUT THESE BOOKS ARE WORTH A READ.

I encourage you to check out these books. Then you'll be as confused as I am. I do have a bit of a clue. Going back to common sense: The less processed, the better (make your own salad dressing instead of bottled. You just don't know what is in there!). Listen to your body, and eat only until you don't feel hungry anymore, not until you are full (I have to work on that one).

Next Time: My lunch stop at Wendy's and what I learned....

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

All or Nothing: Not for Me!

I have a book called Jane Brody's Personal Health issued by the New York Times. A friend gave me this book in 1988!!! (I know this because he graciously signed the book to me with the date). I tell you this because a friend asked me recently when I got "into all this" meaning health and fitness. It surprised me to see the date on this book because I only date my involvement in fitness back to my step-aerobic days in NYC in the 90's. The funny thing about this book is that is has a lot of relevant information even today. There is SO much good information in this book, but to stick to today's topic, all or nothing, I will only quote a few passages. She states: "40% (back in 1982 when the last update to the book was written)of the population are overweight by 20 lbs or more. Instead of adopting a long lasting, nutritionally sound solution to their weight problem, most grasp at health-damaging straws including fad diets and reducing drugs that nearly always fail in the long run..." "Most of us have moved away from the simple menus of yore based on ...grains, fruits, vegetables, dairy, and animal and vegetable protein. More than half the food we eat today is PROCESSED...We have also moved far away from the menu HOMO SAPIENS evolved on: a diet rich in complex carbohydrates and fiber (from starchy vegetable, fruits and foods) and low in animal protein. The high meat, high sweet, low fiber diet we currently eat is overtaxing our metabolic abilities and undermining our health." In the intro to the book, she mentions how she lives, which pretty much mirrors my own philosophy: "My guiding principle is moderation. ...I eat three reasonable meals a day with snacks and a preselected "no no food" like 2 small cookies or a 1/2 cup of ice cream...And lo and behold, I lost weight...no more binges, whole bags of potato chips, whole pints of ice cream...I never skip a meal. I consume most of my calories at breakfast and lunch."

She goes on with her wisdom, but for now I will discuss what she has said thus far. What amazes me is that this came out in the early 80's . There are plenty of authors today that reintroduce this information and most of us think it is something new or that they discovered. For example, there is a book that has been on my must read list for a couple of weeks now. It is called The Primal Blueprint, and basically discusses the HOMO SAPIEN diet as Ms. Brody mentions. It does go a step farther than she does, saying we should not eat grains at all and only get our complex carbs from potatoes and vegetables. THAT KIND OF ALL OR NOTHING MENTALITY IS WHAT GETS MOST OF US INTO TROUBLE IN THE FIRST PLACE. Some other books that I really like are Skinny Bitch and Total Health Makeover, by Marilu Henner. I do like to read these books for general information, and I will even go a step further to say most likely their philosophies work for weight loss and health. However, they definitely promote the all or nothing theory, and I just can't do it. Skinny Bitch wants us all to be vegans. The authors also don't like anything processed and ALOT of other things. I would not be long for this world mentally if I followed their advice to the letter. Marilu has some great tips, but she believes in NO DAIRY and food combining, meaning at each meal you only eat 1 type of food at a time (only protein or starches). CAN WE PLEASE LIVE IN THE REAL WORLD. I DO!!! So do most of us as far as I know.

SO much information to DIGEST (sorry for the pun, could not resist). So, I leave you with 3 tips for your week: SPREAD OUT YOUR MEALS. I have mentioned this before, but it's worth repeating. When you make your meal plate up, place half of it on another plate, and wrap it up and put it in the fridge, knowing you can have it anytime you want. Finish slowly what you have portioned. If you still are hungry, eat the portion you wrapped. Most likely, if you are like me, you will realize that your half portion was enough for now. Maybe you will want the rest of the portion in an hour or two as your snack. Same amount of calories doing double duty-serving as a meal and a snack. Can't beat that. Tip number two: Have one (maybe two) meals a week where you have what you want (like pepperoni pizza or something you know perhaps isn't the best choice). Just do it in a portion controlled way so you don't do too much. Have it, enjoy it, and move on. Lastly, be mindful of your posture this week. When you find yourself slouching, sit up straight, and tighten up your stomach. You will be amazed how this feels. And it works your muscles to sit like this, so this is a good habit to adopt.

Monday, March 22, 2010

AHH Warmer Weather...How do you feel about it?

Most people seem really happy about the warmer weather arriving. Even I suggest often how happy I am about it. Lately, I have been truly happy about it. But there was a time when I dreaded it. Sometimes I still do if I haven't made the right choices the day before or even that day. Warmer weather means less clothes. Less clothes makes some uncomfortable, especially if they are not feeling confident about themselves. I used to fantasize that if I lived in a warmer climate I would be more active, and because of the warmer temps, be in less clothes more often, which would mean I would be more fit in general. WELL, it is a well know fact that overweight people live everywhere, warm and cold climates. My point is that it is up to you to live mindfully and responsibly when it comes to your eating, no matter what season. The problem is it is way too easy to overeat in the winter because you know you can rely on those extra layers. There are a few problems with this theory. One is that you are fooling no one, especially yourself. The other is the yo-yo weight is just not healthy, physically or mentally. The past few years I have made a concious decision to stay active in the winter. I am not saying I don't slip up with my food consumption, but staying active really helps you stay honest with yourself. In a recent article I read about "Shorts Shock". How when you go to put them on either they are a bit too snug in the waist, or you just feel awful in them. Don't let this happen to you. If it is happening, now is the time to get into motion. The truth of the matter is exercise will help you look and feel better, but if you eat too much, no matter how much you exercise, you won't look as good as you want or feel as good as you want. Advice: Have some houmous or some low fat dip or peanut butter around that you can just dive into when the hunger strikes. Pre-portion a decent amount, eat it, then walk away. Literally go for a walk to do something, but don't stay in the kitchen! QUICK FIX: When I need something sweet, I make some hot chocolate (they have a women't health one from Nestle now) and I add light whipped cream. Very satisfying.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Road to Saiety (and Sanity): What Choices Will YOU Make?

Every time I eat a truly healthy meal I feel great. Each time I make the wrong choices I know I won't feel good as good as I could about myself. I think this is a universal statement. It would probably apply to most reading this blog. If it is so obvious, then why do we consistently make the wrong choices? Don't we want to feel good? Of course we do, but there are many other components to the story. Here is a great example. Yesterday morning, I was feeling pretty good about myself. Taught a really fun ZUMBA class (something I love that keeps me moving, motivated, positive), did not overeat the day before, made healthy choices overall. So in the morning I was not feeling panicked or guilty or any of the things that may entice you to make unhealthy choices. I woke up, baked some triple chocolate chip cookies I was donating (did not Bite,Lick,Taste the dough!), and went about the routine. Had my usual two cups of coffee, then started getting hungry. Really hungry because as I mentioned when you kind of eat a light meal for dinner the night before, you tend to be a bit hungrier when you get up which is a good thing. The interesting thing about this morning is that i had several choices for breakfast, some healthy some not. There was just a smorgasbord around me. You name it, those wonderful cookies baking, gorgeous blueberry muffins, homemade pancakes, granola, sausage, egg and cheese casserole, and some hard boiled eggs. All were ready and waiting, no additional prep needed. What was I to do?

THIS IS THE GOOD PART: Because I was in such a good state of mind, I knew that whatever I chose would lead me to the same place, sort of. All of these choices would lead me to feeling not hungry anymore or satiated. I did not want to use the word full because in a perfect world, you are not supposed to eat until you are full, just not hungry anymore. HOWEVER, WHICHEVER PATH I DID CHOOSE WOULD LEAD ME TO A VERY DIFFERENT PLACE POST MEAL: Did i want to feel great, feel like I can do anything, feel light and clear headed, ready to focus on other things besides what I eat. OR If I chose the Sausage Casserole and Cookies, I would have wound up in my non happy place: "OH I shouldn't have eaten that, it is so bad because of x, y and z" Ok, I won't eat until x time, and I will eat no carbs and have no wine and basically I will make up for what i just did".

Bottom line: If your goal is to satiate your body, choose the healthier path because the place you will end up in is much nicer :) JUST KNOW THAT WHAT YOU CHOOSE HAS TO TASTE GOOD, OR YOU WILL KEEP LOADING UP ON CARDBOARD UNTIL YOU GET SOMETHING THAT IS TASTY! (btw, I chose the hard boiled eggs and had a yogurt. It tasted great and I was happy).

The Bottom line paragraph is a good segue into my TASTING GOOD PHILOSOPHY and THE ANATOMY OF A PERFECT SALAD. I have heard alot about this book called "Skinny Women Don't Eat Salad". I am here to tell you this one does, but it has to taste good. It has to have the right textures and flavors to make you insanely happy you chose the salad.


Mixed Greens (both crunchy and darks). I like a little of each: iceberg, romaine, mesclun, and maybe some baby spinach. My absolute favorite green is Arugula. So spicy and delicious! SECRET INGREDIENT: CHOP UP YOUR FAVORITE FRESH HERB LIKE BASIL OR CILANTRO. YOU WON'T BELIEVE HOW TASTY THIS WILL MAKE YOUR SALAD. EVEN DRIED HERBS WORK, ESPECIALLY BASIL IN AN ITALIAN THEMED SALAD. CILANTRO WILL WORK IN THE ASIAN OR MEXICAN SALAD.

PROTEIN: I always add a source of protein to my salads. Think hard boiled eggs, avocado, beans, nuts and seeds (i especially like sunflower seeds or almond slices. Cheese is also great, (goat, feta, shredded cheddar, whatever) but only add it if you feel the salad is missing something. Sometimes these other things will be more than enough to satisfy. Meat is great too. Marinated Chicken, Steak slices, turkey roll ups, what ever you like. This is a great opportunity to use up leftover meats like last night's baked chicken or pork line or rib eye steak!

Some kind of Onion: Either Green (scallions which work well with mexican, asian) or red bermuda, or plain white. I think it really adds to the dimension of a salad

A GREAT DRESSING: I ALMOST ALWAYS USE CITRUS IN MY DRESSINGS. If you can make your own, great. Making one is easier than you think, and is also less expensive and healthier than what you can buy (not all those fillers and preservatives. So, for example, if it were an italian salad, i would use extra virgin olive oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper, and my favorite vinegar or a mix of vinegars. If you need a little creaminess to it, add a dab of mayo or lite sour cream and blend. or even plain yogurt. Maybe then add some herbs or dijon mustard. You will get it down to a science eventually and find exactly what you like. For the mexican or asian dressings I would use lime juice olive oil, rice wine vinegar. Or go crazy and use sesame oil, soy sauce and some cider vinegar for your asian dressing. One pre-packed dressing that I have come to like is Ken's Lite Caesar. It is tasty on lots of different salads, not just Caesar. You can even marinate your chicken or steak strips in it before cooking. YUM.

I always like to have something crunchy in the salad. For mexican salads I like a handful of crumbled up tortillas added just before eating. For Asian, they sell crunchy noodles or asian snack mix (just not too much of these things!)

Sweet and Salty: I love adding craisins as a little sweet surprise. For salt I add salted nuts (like sunflower) or OLIVES. Love those, kalmata or California. Depends on the type of salad.


Thursday, March 4, 2010

Food For Thought

I could not help but use the cliche above because in this instance it fit: You have to loosely plan or think about what you are going to eat for the entire day. If you don't you tend to eat whatever is around. At the end of the day you are wondering what just happened! Yesterday was a perfect example. I did not intend to eat white flour laden carbs at EVERY meal, but I did. Anyone who reads this regularly knows that I am all about everything in moderation. But I do try to stick to some loose rules, one of which is not to have carbs at every meal and try to stay away from them for dinner. The scale went up today, not surprisingly. I was happy because I followed the mindful pattern all day: ate until I had enough and no more, did not pick or BLT mindlessly (BITE, LICK, TASTE). But I could have made less caloric choices. Overall, good day though. I would rather have carbs at every meal than give into mindless eating. Even if you are eating a salad, you can still overeat. So, my advice: Think about what you eat for the day. The best plan of action would be low carb with a healthy fat (olive oil, avocado, natural peanut butter). Another good choice is to try one whole day with no meat per week. It will not only help you stay healthier, it also reduces your carbon footprint (the production and transportation of meat is one of the main drains on the environment).

NEXT TIME: I will get to anatomy of the perfect salad and revving up metabolism, promise. I should know by now that I have to write what is fresh on my mind, and not plan...that's what blogging is all about!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Clean Plate or Clean Slate?

In my last blog I said next time I would write about revving up metabolism and the anatomy of the perfect salad. Both important topics, but I was unexpectedly drawn to the blog this evening. This blog is awesome for me. When I started it, I knew it would be cathartic and it is. Tonight I was once again faced with the clean plate syndrome. Not just mine, but the entire family's. My husband made me a delish cheeseburger. Not what I was planning to eat, but it was certainly divine. After I ate it, I didn't need any more food. Although it was a calorie bomb, I was happy because I didn't need to eat anything else. Then comes clean up: My daughter left 1/4 of her delish burger, some green beans and a mozzarella stick. Now if I was not practicing mindfulness, I would have cleaned her plate without giving it a second thought, almost like i was on auto pilot. NOW HEAR ME WHEN I SAY THIS: IF I WAS GENUINELY STILL HUNGRY, I WOULD HAVE NO PROBLEM EATING THAT FOOD. But i just mentioned that i was perfectly satisfied, and that was the truth. Why then do I and others like me feel the need to finish that plate? I stopped and I really thought about it. I thought about all the advice I give, and what I would write to you all. And I stopped myself. To those who have experienced this, they know a small victory is what i had. To others it will sound silly. It is all about habits and reading your body. That is how to have the health and body that you want. Not diets. The freedom to eat what you want is fantastic. Once you know that you CAN eat what you want, feel satisfied and not be a glutton. So, I slid the remaining food in the garbage. A CLEAN SLATE. Every day is a new challenge. An opportuity for a clean slate. I feel I have one tonight. Tomorrow all may change, but tonight I celebrate. And not with food. My goal is to not have this struggle. I tire constantly having to create a clean slate because of my habits. But I am happy to have the chance to make a healthy choice.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Find Things You Love (To Do and Eat!)

Sounds like common sense, right? Than why do many of of torture ourselves with exercise and food we just don't care for? Oh, I want some (fill in the blank) but I really should have (fill in the blank) so I will have the latter. Or, I need to exercise! Let me get to the gym and do the StairMaster for 50 minutes (yikes!) If anyone thinks the StairMaster is inspiring, fun or life altering, please let me know. I am here to tell you it's just NOT! In my last blog, I did say, and firmly believe, that the day after a night of indulging i go straight for the treadmill or even the StairMaster. That is because I know those exercises will result in maximum sweat. I feel instantly better after a good sweat and know I am on the path back to mindful behavior. I might do the treadmill 2 times a month. In other words, I do not plan for consistent torture. The point of all this is find an exercise you like. As far as foods go, have what you are in the mood for (because you will anyway at some point) but either have a smaller portion, or modify it to be lower fat or healthier. (Read my Superbowl Blog).

Speaking of exercise I love, my favorite of late is most definitely ZUMBA! People who know me and read this are probably wondering why I haven't written about it earlier. I guess I wanted to feel it out or see if I would tire of it. I haven't and in fact, as most know, I am now an instructor. I love the workout it provides (especially for the obliques) and the fun it is. Choreographing the dances each week is challenging, but very rewarding. THE MOST rewarding part of this whole experience is seeing the joy on people's faces, hearing the giggles behind me during class (they are having fun, not laughing at me I hope :), and the best, is hearing how ZUMBA is WORKING for the ladies in my class. More than one of them has come up to me to share their success stories of loosing weight, feeling great, loving the dances and more. Congratulations to all who have discovered an exercise they love and are sticking to it. Remember an exercise is guaranteed not to produce results if you don't do it!

SIMPLIFY: This will be a regular feature of the blog. It will include just a few things I do to make life less trying: Next time your showering, clean it while you are in there. Use a washcloth and regular shampoo. The shampoo, in addition to being non-toxic, really does wonders to get your shower clean, even glass shower doors like I have. If you do this regularly, you will get rid of one really annoying chore! Cleaning the shower while fully dressed and dry!

Next time: Anatomy of a the Perfect Salad and Revving up your Metabolism (sign on as a follower of this blog, and I believe you will be automatically notified when there is a new post).

Saturday, February 27, 2010

A Happy Wife (or girlfriend) is a Good Life

I've seen this quote on the tee shirts of some pretty rough and tumble guys. I used to think it was quite sexist: Keep the lady happy if you don't want headaches, basically. As I get older, I have a different take on it. It is up to the WIFE to keep the WIFE happy. In other words, it is up to you to take care of yourself, take time for your self, read yourself so that you know what you will need in order to be the best possible you. In turn, you will be the best wife and mother (or girlfriend) for your family or loved ones. THAT IS PRICELESS. You won't mind giving your time to your family if you make a habit out of carving some time out of each day that is just yours. This may take some maneuvering on your part, but it will be well worth it. For example, I had a great time with some friends last night. I enjoyed myself thoroughly. This morning let's just say I was ready to rid my body of some toxins. When I indulge, the next day I just love to sweat it out. It is the best instant fix I know. When I need to achieve maximum sweat in minimal time, I choose the treadmill. So I pushed myself on that then did my abs for dummies video (yes video) for 10 minutes. The video is 45 minutes, but I usually do just a 10 minute portion per day. I think doing 45 minutes of that would be overkill. I certainly feel it after 10 minutes. We are not here to punish ourselves people! I skin brushed (read previous blog), face polished (info below) and showered. Now I am ready to take on anything the kids or my husband throw my way. What a great state of mind to be in. You can have this everyday! It can be yours...

Skin Polishing: Listen up, this is important. If you want facial like results, try this: I bought on the clearance rack yet another skin care product promising great results. The reason I had high hopes for this one is that it had glycolic acid, which I have read is great at removing dead skin layers. I am telling you all that it works. The product i bought is called Daily Skin Polisher (self heating) by rite aid. (It says compare to Olay regenerist Thermal Skin Polisher) I am sure that Olay product would run at least $20 if not more. The Rite Aid product was $2.99 (down from $11.99). I would buy it for $11.99 too. I am hoping though to visit other rite aids and stock up on it. I recently had a facial and was really very impressed with the results. This is almost as good..My face is so smooth and glowing afterwards.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Waking Up Hungry: It's a Good Thing

I am not usually hungry when I wake up. I think one reason is that I tend to eat big dinners. As an experiment I ate a light meal for a couple of days in the evening. Not surprisingly, I woke up hungry. Everything I have read has stated that eating within one hour of awakening is the best thing. It gets your metabolism going. First start out with a big glass of water (preferably either iced or hot with lemon, but stimulate your metabolism, and the lemon detoxes). I have found that besides a super hot flavorful cup of coffee, nothing is better in the morning than a cold ruby red grapefruit. So good, tasting and for you. Refreshing is the word. Remember the Grapefruit Diets of years gone by? They were right. The acids in grapefruits help slow your digestion, helping you feel fuller longer. The vitamin c can't be beat for cold prevention, lowering cholesterol, and decreasing chances of stroke, heart disease and some types of cancer. I section it out removing the pith, then squeeze the remaining carcass into a glass and drink it! Pure and delicious...Grapefruits also help to reduce the narrowing of your arteries and help to reduce blood pressure. Go for it. Once a day. Maybe section a few at a time so when hunger strikes you are ready.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Superbowl: What Was Your Score?

So did you do it? Did you give in to all the convenient excuses and over-indulge on game day? What I want to know is who is behind the conspiracy? Everywhere you look there are game day recipes for high fat (highly delicious), mega calorie dips, spreads, chilis, subs. Why? Is it because Football players eat all these things and that is why they are so big? Are we supposed to aspire to that? Why is that one (namely me) feels like a failure or left out if I don't indulge in the hype-laden foods of the day? "Well, it's Superbowl Sunday...It would be UN-American not to eat and drink and celebrate THE BIG GAME!" Does it matter that I didn't even know who was playing until the morning of? The point is, like most Americans, I live for the excuse to indulge. So, with that said, I met it head on this time. Ok, I will have Buffalo Sauce and Bleu Cheese and even Tortilla chips, BUT MY WAY. I made the most delicious Buffalo Chicken Salad with Low Fat Bleu Cheese Dressing. I added scallions, peppers all colors, shredded cheese low fat, tomatoes,celery, carrots, cukes, sunflower seeds, red onion. I mixed the shredded chicken I pulled off my leftover baked chicken from the day before, with a bit of light cream cheese and the Frank's Red Hot Buffalo Sauce (the cream cheese mellows out the buffalo sauce a bit). Poured some light bleu cheese dressing. Then I crushed a handful of Lime Tortilla chips and sprinkled them on top. The result: Fantastic, Superbowl (Healthy) Decadence. I did not feel one bit deprived and had leftovers for the next day. Plan your work (food prep) and work your plan. Thanks to knowing myself and years of experience, I was able to identify a weakness approaching, and by planning wisely, I pigged out on Superbowl Sunday (on a salad!) I even stopped myself 3 bites after I knew I already had enough (not too bad for me! It was just so delicious!)

The kids were sick so I stayed home with them. I was so content with my meal, I fell fast asleep. One problem: I woke up at midnight with almost 4 hours of sleep under my belt: I will try next time: A handful of Sesame Seeds. Sesame Seeds are known to have trypyophan, the sleep inducing amino acid famously known in Turkey. I also rely on Melatonin which I buy at the drug store which works very well...and all natural. Another source of melatonin: Cherry Juice (Try Knudsen Just Black Cherry Juice with 100% juice and no added sugar :) (If i were you, I would cut it with seltzer and squeeze some lime or lemon juice in it!)

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Less Sore? Eat more!

This is another tip I love. Anything about eating more for a good reason gets the thumbs up in my book. I usually do not eat 2-3 hours before a workout for a few reasons. One is just plain common sense: All that jumping around makes the food not settle so well and I get nauseous. Secondly, I've read that your body burns the calories you've just eaten rather than the stored stuff you want to burn (i.e. fat). So, usually it is fairly late by the time I come home from the most fantastic exercise class on the planet (ZUMBA). This is the perfect set up to overeat if you let it be. DON'T. Plan ahead. Know exactly what you will eat and how much. When you get home, do an assessment. Am I really hungry? If you are, great, follow my advice on what to eat that follows. If you're not, eat just a small portion of whatever you planned just to reap the benefits of less muscle soreness and boosted muscle building and metabolism revving. Studies have shown that eating within 30 minutes of exercising help prevent your body from breaking down muscle tissue in order to replenish itself. The perfect thing to eat after work out would be about 400 calories with 20-30 grams of protein. Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches or a SMALL bowl of pasta with meat sauce fits the bill. That sounds good! Top if off with a large glass of iced water with lemon and you're good to go. Just make sure your portion is correct. If you are not hungry, go for a glass of low fat milk. Studies have shown that milk re hydrates your body better than water after a workout because it has electrolytes and potassium.

SORENESS: Personally I like being a bit sore a day or two after a workout so I know I pushed myself. But, for beginners, it can be a little too much of a reminder of how out of shape you really are! OUCH! If you exercise in the a.m., caffeine has been shown to reduce muscle soreness more than pain relievers. Also, papaya and pineapple have bromelain and papain, enzymes help break down proteins for digestion bur also have anti-inflammatory properties to help speed up your post workout recovery (Information in this blog segment provided by Eat This, Not That!)

Monday, February 1, 2010

Give Yourself the Brush Off?

First some updates. The Espresso "MUD" Body Scrub and Wrap at Nine Stones Spa in Portland Maine was fantastic! Pricey, but worth every penny. The scrub is intended to detox and exfoliate your skin. It smelled divine. Then the Vichy Shower hosed me off right on the same table I got the scrub applied. Heaven not to have to get up. Afterwards I did have to get up to dry off and then go on to the massage table to get an extremely buttery lotion fantastically massaged into my skin. This treatment had it all. I never did get to the restaurant I mentioned (Duck Fat), but I will. If any of you go, please let me know! So, on to the brush off. IF YOU WANT THE SOFTEST SMOOTHEST SKIN EVER, DO THIS! Go to drug store and buy yourself a natural bristle brush (looks like a shoe shine brush). I think I bought mine for about $9. Before you shower or even work out DRY BRUSH your skin. Special attention should be paid to the back of your knees, your inner thighs, under your arms (lymphatic areas). Brush toward the heart always for 2-3 minutes at a time. Do everything except face and breasts. After your shower finish with an alpha hydroxy lotion (c.booth is very affordable and have lots of different options. You can find it at drugstore.com or local drug stores or even wal mart (i bought it on the clearance rack there, so don't know if they carry it regularly.) YOUR SKIN WILL FEEL AMAZING. You won't be able to go a day without doing it because it feels so good and is effective. Skin Brushing helps reduce cellulite, tightens the skin, aids in digestive process, removes dead skin cells, aids circulation. The skin eliminates 2 lbs. of toxin waste each day. Help it along!

EAT TO LOOK YOUNGER? OK...I was happy to read sunflower seeds have the highest natural vitamin e content of any food around. No antioxidant is better at fighting off the aging effect of free radicals (found in pollution, junk food, chemicals, smoking). I throw them in my cereal in the morning which is granola and soy milk (make sure yours has at least 3 grams of fiber and less than 10 grams of sugar per 1 cup serving)

Thursday, January 28, 2010


Just when I think I have had enough of all this fitness and nutrition info, I find a whole new bunch of news to share with you all. That excites me. I mentioned last time I was reading what not to eat if you were going to be really strict with yourself and detox. Well there piece of information I liked in there (more really, but one I thought would be helpful to you all. Diets high in protein promote greater fat loss versus high carb diets. So, if you want a peice of fruit like an apple ( a carb), eat it with some peanut butter or a small peice of cheese. Thumbs up, yes I like that! If you want to eat some bread (whole grain of course), dip it in some olive oil! YUM.. Just remember, not too much of the good fat! Don't fool yourself..The diet guide also mentioned eating vegetable soups and stews that have a high water content, thus filling you up. If you've been reading this, you know I am a proponent of that. I was in the kitchen the other day trying to think of something for dinner (danger zone not to be prepared, but I managed not to sabatoge my self that day) and I came up with the most fantastic, filling STOUP (as rachel ray would call it). Healthy, very satisfying, very filling. I made a huge pot of it, and lived on it for a few days. It was so good, but of course, it you get bored easily, you could always freeze the rest in portions for yourself. Then simply take out as needed. My best advice to day is to cook more than you need of each healthy think you make, and freeze in portioned containers. You're cooking anyway, so just buy a little more of all and do it. Also, do not cook hungry. The best time to cook is after you've had a meal. I generally have no temptation to BLT when I do this. So, dinner at 4 p.m., then while you are cooking for yourself or everyone else, you won't pick. If you choose to eat another meal, most likely it will be a small one, and then have some nice hot tea with lemon! Perfect...maybe even a square of dark chocolate with it. I just bought some dark covered chocolate cranberries. Full of anti-oxidants and delish. Just portion out how many you think is reasonable, and close the bag immediately and don't go back!

Here is the Smoked Chicken STOUP recipe:

1 fully cooked whole chicken or turkey (smoked or rotisserie style from the store)
Celery Tops (a few)
2 chicken bouillon cubes
1 Can cream of corn
1 can Rotele style diced tomatoes (I used green chiles and jalepeno)
1 red pepper, diced
1 orange pepper, diced
1/2 small onion, diced
2 celery sticks, diced
2 cloves minced garlic
1 can white beans, partially drained
chopped basil

Remove chicken from the bones. Chop and set aside. Simmer bones in water for one hour. Add the celery tops to this broth for flavor.

Drain broth in colander, drain it into another cooking pot.
To this broth add remaining ingredients except basil and simmer for 1 hour
10 minutes before you're done, add chopped basil. Add more water if you need.

You will adjust the recipe as you need it, but it is very easy and very delicious.


Bon Appetite!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Healthy vs Low Cal

Right now I am at war with myself. Over the weekend, I celebrated my 41st Bday and I had a great time. You probably know what that means: Overindulged. Not horribly, but enough to know the daily weigh in would not make my day. So, I decided to take it easy this week. I set up a reward for myself so that if I followed my plan, it would be waiting for me. So far so good on limiting my indulgences this week, but I have an issue. I have been reading these strict diet plans (normally not a fan of) but they interest me because they tell you all the things you should be staying away from if you want to achieve great fitness results in a short amount of time. The kind of results body builders want before a show. Or if you want to detox, which is truly what I am talking about. These plans advice very healthy things like no caffeine, alcohol,sugar, processed foods, low salt. The problem is in order to combat my cravings, in the last few months I have reverted back to low calorie processed, chemical laden foods (light dark chocolate pudding, for example). So they help me stay slim, but are they good for me? No, of course not. I have to ask myself then, what is the goal? I would love to get rid of the toxins in my body, but I then keep adding more of them. In response to this, i have lowered my intake of coke zero and those darn puddings ( i will finish them,they are in the fridge after all). Even fitness bars are off the list and there is nothing I love more than a ZONE Dark Chocolate Bar. They say they have all these added vitamins, but when it comes right down to it, they scream PROCESSED. So, perhaps I will opt for a small pc. of 60 or 72% cacoa dark chocolate (I tried the 86% version, it was awful, maybe too healthy for me :)

Have any of you dealth with this struggle. What are your tips?

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Duck Fat

The name of this restaurant both scares me and intrigues me. Duck fat aka confit is a precious gem of the cooking world, mainly French, that offers a wonderful and deep flavor to many dishes. With that said, no, it is not good for you. I want to try this restaurant, whose specialty is the gravy covered fries cooked in you guessed it, 25% Duck Fat. I know when a menu or dish is that intense a little will go a long way, so I am not worried that I will overindulge too much. What I do worry about is how I will feel afterwards. Will I feel bloated, nauseous? Who knows. The caterer in me wants to try it and so I will. All the menu items are inventive and made from scratch from 2 very well known restaurateurs and chefs, so I am looking forward to it. A light dinner is all I will need to get me back on track.

TIP: When we don't have the luxury of going to a wonderful new restaurant for lunch, we have to manage on our own. It is amazing how I panic if I am hungry and don't have anything prepared or planned for lunch. I panic because I know I will grab anything I see to satiate myself. Probably too much of it too. I have a couple of good ideas about this, considering this is the position I found myself in today. Luckily, I kind of did plan ahead. I bought that little snack/lunch portion of pre-marinated or flavored tuna that comes with crackers. Bumble bee makes this one it is a spicy thai flavor (yes it was spicy, and this is coming from Mrs. Del Fuego herself). I didn't even have to add cayenne pepper to it ( a natural metabolism booster, so I read). Anyway, it was perfect. I replaced the crackers with some whole grain bread and added lettuce and onion. It was just right and got me past the "I need food now" stage. Then I had a very small oatmeal raisin cookie and some tea and I could not be happier. Also, Campbell's Selects (the lite variety) makes some good soups like Veg beef Barley and Southwestern which are so low in calories you can eat the whole can and other things too. Good news is the soup is rather filling so you probably won't need much more than maybe some grainy bread.

If I haven't written about Zumba before, I just have one thing to say about it: Do it! It is fun and great exercise. Will get you off the couch and in a good mood.

Good luck and remember: Respect yourself before you wreck yourself...This is from an old school rap song, but I play this phrase often in my head. You will "wreck" yourself emotionally and physically with the wrong habits! Take care!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Power Within...Not a New Concept

"Be always at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let each new year find you a better man (woman...)" Benjamin Franklin had it going on, didn't he? Amazing. Such a simple concept, yet so difficult to achieve. He stated it so succinctly though: Everyone has vices and yes, to battle them is a literal war within. Ben let's you know though, that this war will never end. There is always going to be temptation with unhealthy, decadent foods. The point is as I have mentioned, know that it will be a never ending battle. Enjoy each triumph and learn from each set back. Set goals for yourself. Little ones.."I will not have dessert today"... I will not eat until I am uncomfortable. I will exercise today, or even just break a sweat. I love this other quote I read recently: "Health has no finish line". You have the power to make good choices every moment. If you make a bad choice, always try to follow it up with a good choice. Balance is the key. Remember, no one ever says "I wish I hadn't exercised!"

This week is my 41st birthday. I will treat myself to a espresso body scrub and an antiaging compulift facial. I will report the results to you. Consider me your guinea pig. I chose the espresso body scrub because coffee is supposed to invigorate you cells, detox you, and somehow fight cellulite. At 41, I have the least amount of celllite I have ever had since I started noticing such things. I have hope for you all that struggle with this. If you lessen your body fat, you will see a noticeable difference. I never believed it, but it is true. Quite the motivator. For my birthday I am dreaming of that Starbucks Coffee Ice Cream with Chocolate Covered Espresso Beans and Flourless Chocolate cake. The experts say don't offer yourself food rewards. I think this it true, but I am sure I will truly enjoy that dessert, and for your birthday, why not? Plus it's loaded with antioxidants, so not all bad (dark chocolate, coffee even has anti oxidants...)

Monday, January 4, 2010

Persistence is Better Than Perfection

The statement above could not be more true at this moment. I just spent a lot of time writing a great blog post, and I accidentally deleted it! There is just not enough time today to redo it, so I will give you the highlights:

EVERYONE SLIPS UP. The holidays are a magical time, even for adults. I enjoy them and look forward to them. With that said, yes, I did overindulge. The point is even if you ate and drank irresponsibly, refuse to give up and abandon your efforts. I wish I could say that I was perfect over the holidays, but I wasn't and that is ok. I am proud of myself because I know i will not give up my efforts to live a healthy lifestyle. The rewards are too great. With that in your back pocket, toss out the old and bring in the new.

CREATE A NEW STANDARD FOR YOURSELF. When you get to your goal weight, and you will, set you maximum acceptable weight a bit lower. My maximum allowable weight allows me to overindulge, and that is something I want to get away from. Aren't you tired of the Feast or Famine Lifestyle? I am. Everything in moderation. In one of the post holiday weight loss articles i was reading, it suggested you might consider not going to social events that were outside your controlled food environment. NONSENSE. I am not saying I have never either done that or considered it, but I won't anymore. I think as an adult, I should be able to go to an event and have self control. It is something I strive for anyway. Another article advises how to dress 10lbs. thinner. NO! Don't fall for that. You deserve more. You deserve the real deal. To be comfortable in your own skin. Don't settle for less.

Exercise! I know in past blogs I said you don't have to exercise to lose weight, and technically that is true. BUT, exercise give you a good place to go when you slip up, making you fell instantly better once it is over. It also truly tones your body if done regularly. So, find something you love, and do it!