Monday, March 22, 2010

AHH Warmer Weather...How do you feel about it?

Most people seem really happy about the warmer weather arriving. Even I suggest often how happy I am about it. Lately, I have been truly happy about it. But there was a time when I dreaded it. Sometimes I still do if I haven't made the right choices the day before or even that day. Warmer weather means less clothes. Less clothes makes some uncomfortable, especially if they are not feeling confident about themselves. I used to fantasize that if I lived in a warmer climate I would be more active, and because of the warmer temps, be in less clothes more often, which would mean I would be more fit in general. WELL, it is a well know fact that overweight people live everywhere, warm and cold climates. My point is that it is up to you to live mindfully and responsibly when it comes to your eating, no matter what season. The problem is it is way too easy to overeat in the winter because you know you can rely on those extra layers. There are a few problems with this theory. One is that you are fooling no one, especially yourself. The other is the yo-yo weight is just not healthy, physically or mentally. The past few years I have made a concious decision to stay active in the winter. I am not saying I don't slip up with my food consumption, but staying active really helps you stay honest with yourself. In a recent article I read about "Shorts Shock". How when you go to put them on either they are a bit too snug in the waist, or you just feel awful in them. Don't let this happen to you. If it is happening, now is the time to get into motion. The truth of the matter is exercise will help you look and feel better, but if you eat too much, no matter how much you exercise, you won't look as good as you want or feel as good as you want. Advice: Have some houmous or some low fat dip or peanut butter around that you can just dive into when the hunger strikes. Pre-portion a decent amount, eat it, then walk away. Literally go for a walk to do something, but don't stay in the kitchen! QUICK FIX: When I need something sweet, I make some hot chocolate (they have a women't health one from Nestle now) and I add light whipped cream. Very satisfying.

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