Monday, January 4, 2010

Persistence is Better Than Perfection

The statement above could not be more true at this moment. I just spent a lot of time writing a great blog post, and I accidentally deleted it! There is just not enough time today to redo it, so I will give you the highlights:

EVERYONE SLIPS UP. The holidays are a magical time, even for adults. I enjoy them and look forward to them. With that said, yes, I did overindulge. The point is even if you ate and drank irresponsibly, refuse to give up and abandon your efforts. I wish I could say that I was perfect over the holidays, but I wasn't and that is ok. I am proud of myself because I know i will not give up my efforts to live a healthy lifestyle. The rewards are too great. With that in your back pocket, toss out the old and bring in the new.

CREATE A NEW STANDARD FOR YOURSELF. When you get to your goal weight, and you will, set you maximum acceptable weight a bit lower. My maximum allowable weight allows me to overindulge, and that is something I want to get away from. Aren't you tired of the Feast or Famine Lifestyle? I am. Everything in moderation. In one of the post holiday weight loss articles i was reading, it suggested you might consider not going to social events that were outside your controlled food environment. NONSENSE. I am not saying I have never either done that or considered it, but I won't anymore. I think as an adult, I should be able to go to an event and have self control. It is something I strive for anyway. Another article advises how to dress 10lbs. thinner. NO! Don't fall for that. You deserve more. You deserve the real deal. To be comfortable in your own skin. Don't settle for less.

Exercise! I know in past blogs I said you don't have to exercise to lose weight, and technically that is true. BUT, exercise give you a good place to go when you slip up, making you fell instantly better once it is over. It also truly tones your body if done regularly. So, find something you love, and do it!

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