Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Healthy vs Low Cal

Right now I am at war with myself. Over the weekend, I celebrated my 41st Bday and I had a great time. You probably know what that means: Overindulged. Not horribly, but enough to know the daily weigh in would not make my day. So, I decided to take it easy this week. I set up a reward for myself so that if I followed my plan, it would be waiting for me. So far so good on limiting my indulgences this week, but I have an issue. I have been reading these strict diet plans (normally not a fan of) but they interest me because they tell you all the things you should be staying away from if you want to achieve great fitness results in a short amount of time. The kind of results body builders want before a show. Or if you want to detox, which is truly what I am talking about. These plans advice very healthy things like no caffeine, alcohol,sugar, processed foods, low salt. The problem is in order to combat my cravings, in the last few months I have reverted back to low calorie processed, chemical laden foods (light dark chocolate pudding, for example). So they help me stay slim, but are they good for me? No, of course not. I have to ask myself then, what is the goal? I would love to get rid of the toxins in my body, but I then keep adding more of them. In response to this, i have lowered my intake of coke zero and those darn puddings ( i will finish them,they are in the fridge after all). Even fitness bars are off the list and there is nothing I love more than a ZONE Dark Chocolate Bar. They say they have all these added vitamins, but when it comes right down to it, they scream PROCESSED. So, perhaps I will opt for a small pc. of 60 or 72% cacoa dark chocolate (I tried the 86% version, it was awful, maybe too healthy for me :)

Have any of you dealth with this struggle. What are your tips?

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