Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Find Things You Love (To Do and Eat!)

Sounds like common sense, right? Than why do many of of torture ourselves with exercise and food we just don't care for? Oh, I want some (fill in the blank) but I really should have (fill in the blank) so I will have the latter. Or, I need to exercise! Let me get to the gym and do the StairMaster for 50 minutes (yikes!) If anyone thinks the StairMaster is inspiring, fun or life altering, please let me know. I am here to tell you it's just NOT! In my last blog, I did say, and firmly believe, that the day after a night of indulging i go straight for the treadmill or even the StairMaster. That is because I know those exercises will result in maximum sweat. I feel instantly better after a good sweat and know I am on the path back to mindful behavior. I might do the treadmill 2 times a month. In other words, I do not plan for consistent torture. The point of all this is find an exercise you like. As far as foods go, have what you are in the mood for (because you will anyway at some point) but either have a smaller portion, or modify it to be lower fat or healthier. (Read my Superbowl Blog).

Speaking of exercise I love, my favorite of late is most definitely ZUMBA! People who know me and read this are probably wondering why I haven't written about it earlier. I guess I wanted to feel it out or see if I would tire of it. I haven't and in fact, as most know, I am now an instructor. I love the workout it provides (especially for the obliques) and the fun it is. Choreographing the dances each week is challenging, but very rewarding. THE MOST rewarding part of this whole experience is seeing the joy on people's faces, hearing the giggles behind me during class (they are having fun, not laughing at me I hope :), and the best, is hearing how ZUMBA is WORKING for the ladies in my class. More than one of them has come up to me to share their success stories of loosing weight, feeling great, loving the dances and more. Congratulations to all who have discovered an exercise they love and are sticking to it. Remember an exercise is guaranteed not to produce results if you don't do it!

SIMPLIFY: This will be a regular feature of the blog. It will include just a few things I do to make life less trying: Next time your showering, clean it while you are in there. Use a washcloth and regular shampoo. The shampoo, in addition to being non-toxic, really does wonders to get your shower clean, even glass shower doors like I have. If you do this regularly, you will get rid of one really annoying chore! Cleaning the shower while fully dressed and dry!

Next time: Anatomy of a the Perfect Salad and Revving up your Metabolism (sign on as a follower of this blog, and I believe you will be automatically notified when there is a new post).

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