Thursday, March 4, 2010

Food For Thought

I could not help but use the cliche above because in this instance it fit: You have to loosely plan or think about what you are going to eat for the entire day. If you don't you tend to eat whatever is around. At the end of the day you are wondering what just happened! Yesterday was a perfect example. I did not intend to eat white flour laden carbs at EVERY meal, but I did. Anyone who reads this regularly knows that I am all about everything in moderation. But I do try to stick to some loose rules, one of which is not to have carbs at every meal and try to stay away from them for dinner. The scale went up today, not surprisingly. I was happy because I followed the mindful pattern all day: ate until I had enough and no more, did not pick or BLT mindlessly (BITE, LICK, TASTE). But I could have made less caloric choices. Overall, good day though. I would rather have carbs at every meal than give into mindless eating. Even if you are eating a salad, you can still overeat. So, my advice: Think about what you eat for the day. The best plan of action would be low carb with a healthy fat (olive oil, avocado, natural peanut butter). Another good choice is to try one whole day with no meat per week. It will not only help you stay healthier, it also reduces your carbon footprint (the production and transportation of meat is one of the main drains on the environment).

NEXT TIME: I will get to anatomy of the perfect salad and revving up metabolism, promise. I should know by now that I have to write what is fresh on my mind, and not plan...that's what blogging is all about!

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