Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Power Within...Not a New Concept

"Be always at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let each new year find you a better man (woman...)" Benjamin Franklin had it going on, didn't he? Amazing. Such a simple concept, yet so difficult to achieve. He stated it so succinctly though: Everyone has vices and yes, to battle them is a literal war within. Ben let's you know though, that this war will never end. There is always going to be temptation with unhealthy, decadent foods. The point is as I have mentioned, know that it will be a never ending battle. Enjoy each triumph and learn from each set back. Set goals for yourself. Little ones.."I will not have dessert today"... I will not eat until I am uncomfortable. I will exercise today, or even just break a sweat. I love this other quote I read recently: "Health has no finish line". You have the power to make good choices every moment. If you make a bad choice, always try to follow it up with a good choice. Balance is the key. Remember, no one ever says "I wish I hadn't exercised!"

This week is my 41st birthday. I will treat myself to a espresso body scrub and an antiaging compulift facial. I will report the results to you. Consider me your guinea pig. I chose the espresso body scrub because coffee is supposed to invigorate you cells, detox you, and somehow fight cellulite. At 41, I have the least amount of celllite I have ever had since I started noticing such things. I have hope for you all that struggle with this. If you lessen your body fat, you will see a noticeable difference. I never believed it, but it is true. Quite the motivator. For my birthday I am dreaming of that Starbucks Coffee Ice Cream with Chocolate Covered Espresso Beans and Flourless Chocolate cake. The experts say don't offer yourself food rewards. I think this it true, but I am sure I will truly enjoy that dessert, and for your birthday, why not? Plus it's loaded with antioxidants, so not all bad (dark chocolate, coffee even has anti oxidants...)

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