Tuesday, October 18, 2011

You Can Have it ALL!

First a quick update of my plan status: i followed the plan's rules yesterday, but because i failed to plan ahead, i could not be 100% true o it. I always mixed a complex carb with a protein, watched my portions. I did skip the late snack, but ate more at dinner (probably not good, but it was veggies!) So the scale is down, rah rah.

Now to You can have it all: One of the reasons i really loved this plan was because it included every food group. Dairy, Meats, Carbs, all of it is in there (except of course sugar which believe it or not IS NOT a food group. You can even have a glass of wine ONCE A WEEK. Other plans i have studied tended to exclude something. Carbs, Dairy (read Marilu Henner's book Total Transformation. A LOT of great advice and wisdom, but she does not like DAIRY at all. And she beleives in food combining where you eat a certain type of food at each meal (like all protein or all carb, but don't mix. The thought behind this is that digestion will be much easier, you will get more nutrients, less weight gain as digetsion is better.) Now this will not be the plan(verbatim anyway) i live the rest of my life but i believe i will follow many of its ideas. I am pretty certain i will be able to stay away from most white flours with no problem. I will aim to mix a complex carb and protein at each meal. I will know what a portion of protein looks like (4oz like the palm of your hand). I will have my cake and eat it too, but certainly in moderation. I will think twice abot a sweet. And when i do have sweets they will be the most healthy i can manage, 60% or higher dark chocolate for example.

If i go back to sweetening my coffee, it will be with a natural sweetner (sugar in the raw maybe) and will be half of what i used to use.

Here's the thought for today: Wouldn't it be a fantastic world if we could eat all we wanted and whatever we wanted and not gain weight. WHY NOT!!!!!!!! I ask myself that sometimes, why can't i eat what i want, its not FAIR!! WELL BOO HOO. Life is not fair. You can't spend all you want just cause you feel like it. You can't do anything you want at anytime. Because there are rules in life, like it or not. Eating well IF YOU CARE AND RESPECT YOUR BODY WHICH IS TRULY A GIFT, is a GIFT to yourself. And it is the rule you should live by. There are certain things you should just ban from your diet because they just don't follow the rules in terms of what is best for your health. This is what i am telling myself, don't think i am yelling at any of you, i just have to yell at myself sometimes to make it all sink in.

Thanks for listening. See ya tonight, remember dance like no one is watching, please. I do.

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