Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Happy Days are Here Again

So you guys must be tired going on this rollercoaster ride with me! This is my life, one self made rollercoaster ride. The problem is i am a thrill seeker i guess, for better or worse. Zumba, better, oversized holiday margaritas, worse.

Great Great day today. To the letter yesterday, awesome news for me (wow two whole days, pat myself on the back!) see that is the negative Vicki talking the positive one will say Great job, Vicki. Keep up with it.

And i will. for now....

This Friday i am catering a party which i am also invited too. The great news is that i can choose the menu. SO, i will include things i can eat guilt free and if i stick to a glass or two of red wine (the healthiest alcoholic beverage in many's opinion, i think i will do okay. I will allow some leeway which will hopefully keep me from bingeing! As usual, i will disclose on Monday!

I just had my morning snack of two brown rice cakes (remember to make sure you buy brown rice, not just rice cakes) They are harder to find. I paid $4.20!! at morning dew, i am pretty sure i can get them for half that at trader joes, i am going today. anybody want some, let me know, i will get them for you. I put the natural peanut butter, and i love to slice the included apple quite thinly and place it on top of the sweetens it up so i am not fantasizing about adding honey!

Since i cant seem to go longer than a 5 day week with being absolutely true to the plan, i have not seen my sugar cravings go down. Although it is true the longer i go withouth the easier it seems, but the craving, temptation is always there. It is the hardest a few days after indulging in sweets cause i am in withdrawal stage!!!! The memory is fresh...i am working on it.

TODAY THE SCALE FINALLY GOT BACK TO THE HAPPY HAPPY NUMBER FOR ME, THE ONE I EXPERIENCED A FEW WEEKS BACK. So, it is not my target, but i could totally live at this weight and be good with it. My target is only 3 lbs away, and i feel if i were at that, it would give me a little wiggle room (you know when you are bloated etc.) One trick i found that worked for me is that i lowered my okay with that weight. It used to be 5 lbs more, but that was me eating anything i wanted and that is not healthy. the new good enough weight keeps me honest. If i get above that, i start behaving...i haven't gotten to that old weight in two years cause i will not allow it, and that is final!

Make sure when you do eat your snacks you do include all the water and tea they suggest. I have been doing green tea with lemon. A great cleanse, and there is something in green tea that can help with weight loss ( i forget what it is). I also just read black tea (without milk or sugar) also aids in weight loss. Tea is great, just consider it a hot beverage, something soothing for your throat, something to warm you up, and not a sweet treat like a latte, which you should never drink. Maybe a skim one...

Living with the plan..

People have been telling me they are getting bored with the menus, need to be creative, which you totally can be. Here is a recipe which follows the plan:

Vanilla Almond Granola:

2 cups oats rolled
1 cup sliced almonds
1/4 cup unsweetened coconut flakes (optional)
2 T flaxseeds (optional)

Wet ingredients:

1/2 cup unsweet applesauce
1/4 cup brown rice syrup or agave nectar (the nectar will be sweeter) or maple syrup (not sure if that is on the plan, but it is natural so why not in moderation)
1 t vanilla
pinch salt

1/2 cup unsulphered unsweetened berries ofyour choice.

Preheat oven to 300. Line a baking sheet with parchement paper or aluminum foil ( a large sheet)

In a bowl combine dry ingrediets stir well. In another bowl combine wet, then add the two until evenly distributed.

Pour mixture onto baking sheet in an even layer

Bake, stirring every 15 min for 45 min or so. until browned

remove from oven, stir in dried fruit

set aside to cool, serve with almond or soy milk, or over greek yogurt!

Sounds good, haven't tried it yet, normally granola is made with lots of oil which is why it gets a bad rap.

Gotta run ladies, see you all at Zumba!

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