Wednesday, October 5, 2011

New Season, New Outlook, New Program!

Hi Everyone! I haven't written in a while, other responsibilites...but i write now to tell you of a new, exciting program we just began at Crooked River Adult Ed in Casco. It is the Total Transformation Program. It is named that because you really cannnot achieve your fitness goals without the complete package of diet and exercise. I have been fortunate enough to exercise consistenly for two years now, at least 3-5 times a week as a Zumba instructor. I have seen great changes in my physique, but i am still not where i dream of being physically. Being a petite person naturally, people, including my husband, make light of my health and fitness quest. "You look fine now, there is nothing to you, you are almost 50, of course things are going downhill. " I SAY NO! Everyone has their goals, and no i won't give in to age! Here's a visual for you: Middle aged lady with her expandable waistband polyester pants and holiday sweater going through the buffet with a loaded plate! NOT for me, sorry.

So, we have 23 ladies in our group for Total Transformation. We are all using the Supreme 90 fitness program (available online) in addition to 3 zumba or cardiokickbox classes a week. We are following a very sound eating plan. This blog for the next 8 weeks will be a forum for me to share my experience with this program with the group. Please feel free to comment!

Okay Ladies: Day one: Made great choices all day, but did skip meals and snack as i was running around. Every meal or snack i did have followed the plan. Combining a protein with a complex carb is the key. Lots of water. The water part (4 cups in the a.m. first off) is getting easier. The breakfast was hard to get all down, there is so much. I had 3 whole eggs and 2 pcs of Ekzekial Toast with Almond Butter. For lunch, i was not near my diet plan book, but i kept the rules in mind. I had a cup of lentil soup and half a chicken salad sandwich on Whole wheat with tomato. Snack at 4 p.m. one hard boiled egg. Dinner was a lentil salad i made with red onion, cilantro, natural cilantro dressing, a bit of raw almonds chopped, I had 1 cup it was delish and satisfying. I also had one glass of red wine which is actually on the plan! So i had a great day, with of course, a zumba class in the mix, fantastic.

Day Two: Woke up hungry. Had my 4 glasses of water (i have a huge coffee cup so i only had to fill that up twice, i measured, that made it easier. this is the second day in a row NO SUGAR OR ARTIFICIAL SWEETNER IN MY COFFEE! THAT IS BIG FOR ME. yESTERDAY I DID NOT MISS IT, today i did. I used two teaspoons of protein powder and a splash of half and half (okay two tablespoons). I will work my way to trying protein powder and almond milk instead, i think that is very doable! this morning my husband was cooking bacon and chocolate chip pancakes! THEY SMELLED SO GOOD, BUT i kept with the program thinking of the quantity of food i had coming to me for breakfast. I had the Wheetabix breakfast with the berries, almond milk, then one brown rice cake and 4 egg whites plus one yolk. I actually switched it a little and had almond butter on the brown rice cake, so i cut out one egg. Very good, very satisfying and i did not miss the bacon at all.

More tomorrow. Feel free to share ladies!

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