Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Now THAT is what i am talking about, and some tips for you

Great day yesterday. I did not have many of the ingredients for the specific menus so i winged it, following the rule. 4 oz of grilled salmon at lunch with brussel sprouts. Snack hoummous with whole grain crackers and some nonfat yogurt. Dinner, chicken soup and a pc. of eczekial 4:9 bread with natural peanut butter. Lots of water too, and a zumba workout. WHAT A DIFFERENCE A DAY MAKES.

Yet, i am still afraid to get on the scale because of the debaucherous (is that a word?) weekend, so i will give it one more GOOD day.

Hope you are all back on track, regardless of how misdirected you might have gotten.

So, some tips for you.

SALSA IS YOUR FRIEND. Because i went so off track on the weekend, i decided that i would follow the plan but just slightly reduce the amounts of food to get me back to good place sooner. This morning i had the wheatabix cereal with the fruit and almond milk, and i had two eggs over easy with salsa. At 10! calories per two tablespoons, you can go to town with it. I used the fresh kind they have packaged (sisters salsa is a good one, it is made in maine!) I added a bit of anti-inflammatory cayenne pepper (cinnamon too is a good anti-inflammatory, i promise to write soon on why they are so important). Quite delish and satisfying.

I had coffee too with protein powder and a splash of half and half (will not give that up). Speaking of coffee, i read today that coffee has been linked with reducing your risk of certain types of skin cancer. YAY i love coffee, so that works. It seems the benefits of coffee out weigh any negatives at least from what i have been hearing over the past couple of years, so great news.

In regard to sticking with the plan's rules for life, although it seems strigent and rigid, it really is not! There are so many clean eating recipes out there. Really! and very delicious. Its just when you go to these parties and are tempted by what normal people eat (have you ever noticed here are ALOT of overweight and unhealthy "normal" people.

So, i think once in a while you can include forbidden foods in your routines, but if you follow the clean eating the majority of the time, you will be a winner in your battle against the bulge. You will feel and look great, ok? Now just do it. ONE DAY AT A TIME WORKS THE BEST FOR ME.

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