Friday, October 7, 2011

The Good News, The Bad News and Speaking of Salt.....

Okay first the good news: I feel good. I have been eating healthy, cutting out almost all artificial sweetners (i did have one diet coke at the fair, but really out of habit, not craving. Boy its hard to break some habits). Cutting out all sugar ADDED BY ME (more on this). No sweets, pieces of dark chocolate, nothing. For that i am pleased.

Now for the bad news: I have been taking liberties with the plan. Remember yesterday i said starting slowly was a good thing? Well i still agree with that. The only problem is i GAINED A POUND. WHY I ask? I know why. I followed the plan pretty well all day except when i got home from Zumba. On a scale of 1-10 i was a 5 in terms of hunger. I really could have taken or left food, but i knew i would get ravenous especially if i was up watching the yankees lose (boo boo face), and the people around me were eating homemade apple pie and pistachios! So, i ate a well balanced meal, sticking mostly to the rules. I had one slice of ham (not on the plan but still a protein, but PROCESSED AND SALTY), 2 slices of fresh mozzarella, with tomato and basil and olive oil (i thought this was okay, not sure about the cheese) and 2 small potatoes oven roasted, sliced, tossed in olive oil, SALT, and rosemary. I think that was okay too. Potatoes are a complex carb and natural. One glass of red wine (water with lemon better choice. Or actually i am going to buy tons of flavored seltzers cause i like the carbonation). Make sure you get the no sodium kind.)

The PROBLEM with this meal i have described above. What i didn.t mention is a added about a 1/4 teaspoon maybe of salt. The plan doesnt' really talk too much about salt, so being the type that loves taking liberties, i fooled myself into thinking this would not matter, and it was allowed. Wrong. I am not saying you can't have any, but if the potatoes were cooked already with salt, i had no business adding any, period!! That last word their sums up the additional problem i am having right now (TMI?) but now you have full disclosure, right?

So lesson: no added salt please, no processed meats, and after my company leaves i will plan my dinners, and cut down on red wine to only once a week.

SUGAR: JUST A QUICK NOTE ON THE SUGAR. I bought Eczekial 4:9 raisin bread, 5g of sugar per slice. so i will finish the loaf, but get the wraps as per the plan. Also the whey powder i got at sams has two g of sugar per scoop. since i am only using one tablespoon in my coffee i am not sweating that, but just goes to show you even 100% whey protein has added sugar. It is the vanilla flavor so maybe that is why. There are brands with no sugar and vanilla though cause i have bought them before, so try to find them! Even the half and half has 1 g of sugar per two tablespoons. Crazy huh?

Workouts! I am hearing about lots of sore people who have done a dvd or two. AWESOME THAT IS WHAT YOU WANT. Take some ibuprofen and do another one today. DOn't forget to take a day off though. I will be doing one each day this weekend. Good news next week. ALthough we are not having zumba mon night (kickboxing instead at CRAE, 6 p.m.) there is that zumbathon at the HS on Wed night 6:30 p.m.-8 p.m. and THAT WILL COUNT FOR POINTS! $10 donation to the benefit the football/cheefleading teams so why not? Two instructors too!!!! Raffles. lets do it! See ya Monday at kickboxing.

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