Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Fair and more

Hello All! Feeling good about what i have been doing, although it has not been perfect. Starting out slow on such a dramatic change is probably a good thing. What i am happy about is that i really want to do this, and the group is giving me great motivation to do so.

So yesterday. I started off great with the full breakfast and water. What i neglected to do was plan and pack my snack, so as we were headed to the Fair i started to feel hungry. Had i packed my snack this would have been resolved (it was about 11 a.m., i had breakfast about 8:30). So i began to panic slightly. Would i just give in at the fair? I must also throw in that i have company visiting and that in itself not only throws everything out of whack to begin with, but can be very stressful, especially when you don't get along with said company at times (and every time so you know its coming)!

SO. Did I give in?

Well, because i didn't plan my snack i allowed myself to get hungry. But i knew all along that since i was going to the fair i was going to get SOMETHING...i mean that is cruel and unusual punishment not to be allowed anything special at the Fair. So, i got what i planned on getting which was a slice of Sunflower Pizza, garlic and olive. YUM. I did ask if they had whole wheat pizza, they did not (there is not a whole wheat choice in the whole fair, FYI, that i could find, anyway. Then i went on the ZIPPER ride at the insistence of my daughter. I DID NOT want to do this, but did it for her. I was ill for a few hours after, just queazy. So a few hours went by, i was hungry (again, not eating every three hours and no plan) so i chose a grilled chicken breast with grilled veggies and tomato. I added balsamic vinegar for flavor. It filled me up, it was on a pita (white flour and remember white flour dough for pizza). So, two no-nos. BUT I HAD NO SWEETS, NO FRENCH FRIES (WHICH I HAVE EVERY YEAR AND MY FAMILY WAS EATING). I did have a diet coke, which i ordered almost out of habit, as opposed to actual craving, so i give myself a pass on that, better than alot of other things i was considering (hot cider, all natural ice cream)

i think if you go to the Fair a decent choice would be the Giant Smoked Turkey legs. Protein just probably too much salt. Eat a banana after, supposed to help flush the sodium out. lots of water too does that.

For dinner, i didnt' follow the meal plan, but i behaved (lentil salad, chicken soup broth and one glass of red wine. You might see that one glass of red wine often as i really do enjoy the taste, and it is supposed to be full of i will have a little less of something to fit that in, but again i do have company too...excuses excuses.

Breakfast on Day THree: I searched around the menus to see what i had and what i was in the mood for. I am not so sure about doing that all the time because i have noticed that some breakfasts towards the middle are lighter than the ones at the beginning, and i think that must be on purpose? Or maybe that day she allowed for a heavier lunch or dinner? Check that out somebody and get back to me!

Breakfast was: 2 pcs of Eczekial raisin toast with all natural peanut butter (1 T), 4 egg white plus one yolk scrambled with all natural trader joes salsa (very good by the way), 1/2 cup mixed berries, 1/2 cup almond milk (i was supposed to eat the eczekial cereal, haven't been able to find it even in trader joes, maybe whole foods?) and the peanut butter wasn't on the list so i traded 1/2 cup of the whole cup of almond milk i was supposed to have with 1 T peanut butter. Hope this was okay, do you think that is kind of a fair swap?

Getting ready for my snack, don't know what yet, probably a protein shake. Put the protein powder in my coffee again with 2 T half and half, but tomorrow i will try almond milk and protein powder...i am wondering if the protein powder has sugar. It is vanilla flavored, but it said 100% whey protein. I hope it does not, but it is making me happy with my coffee, so i suspect it might have sugar, i hope not! Find out tomorrow!

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