Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Yes you can....and some temporary frustrations....

Yes, YOU CAN...

Bake a cake (for others) and NOT LICK THE SPOON OR BOWL
Visit Len Libby's Chocolate and not have ONE bite (not even of dark chocolte)
Take your kids to ice cream and not have a single like, or finish theirs even when they ask you to hold it.

These are things i never thought possible but they really are. Its all about mind over matter. All about choices, and following the directions because you really want to see if you can get to your desired destination.

Okay, on to the temporary Frustrations: It has been a week now, with only one really messed up day in terms of sticking to the plan for me. But i did not lose one pound. I am holding steady, and considering all the food we are allowed that is good. But i am not following it to the letter. I am taking liberties, and maybe those liberties are costing me?
For example i have a protein shake every day (and when she says use half a bananna i use a whole and when she says drink 1 cup i drink a cup and a half. I also have a glass of red wine generally with dinner. I figured since i don't have my night time snack, the calories would compensate, but i dont think it will work out that way. So this week, no company , no excuses, no wine. I want to see if that makes a difference. Many on the plan are joyfully losing weight and that is AWESOME. I wonder if it is because i really don't have that much to lose (my ideal would be 5 lbs. thinner), but i think it maybe it is just too much food for me? I am not sure. So i think my first step will be to follow it to the letter as best i can. If that doesn't work, i will follow the rules but just eat one less egg, etc. You get the idea. We'll see. It just frustrates me that i did not have the ice cream, haven't had sugar (except that one fridaynight rats!) and the scale is not moving. oh well, plan my work and work my plan.

Great class last night thanks to Denise, my lower abs are sore today, and you really have to target them to make that happen. Lets have some more of that!

Don't forget this week there is an extra zumba class at the high school this Wed night! That will count as points, but being a fundraiser, it will cost you...$10 to be exact, but 1.5 hours of fun starting at 6:30 p.m. Two instructors, both fun and different.

Keep up the good work, drink your water. If you find yourself not sticking to the eating or barley trying, ask yourself why??? You signed up, now JUST DO IT! You might be pleasantly suprised!

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