Sunday, October 9, 2011


Happiness is....wearing the shorts that are sometimes too tight depending on diet choices a few days before, and feeling COMFORTABLE.

Hi everyone! Sorry to have skipped a day, the weekend...busy and on Friday night i has a small relapse into bad habits. I wont get into it, lets just say smores and move on.

SO, Point number one: If you make a choice not in line with your goal, think about it, realize its not part of the plan and move on. Do not give up! Do not beat yourself up, but don't make veering off course a habit or it will become one you don't want and you will get lost on this journey.

SO i have moved on. Yesterday was a good day. I went slightly off the plan due to poor planning, but I always kept the rules in mind: no sugar, a protein and complex carb.

Point Number Two: THIS PLAN requires some major changes for people. Realize that it is diffiult to do. Also realize that some of the lessons learned you will take with you for life, and some you may choose to leave behind. I for example, will remember the complex carb and protein rule, i think that works for me. But i will again eat dark chocolate just not right now.

This morning i did the Shoulder and Arms DVD. I am suprised i can type my arms feel shaky and like jello. A few observations for you: The first round of the dvds i suggest you listen the the man rooting you on. He has a lot of sound advice, like go at your own pace, follow the eating plan, its not a race, and most importanlty, that FORM is the most important. For example i was doing this 3 part moved for biceps and shoulders. I could get through the first 2 parts with a heavier weight, but could not extend my shoulders with the heavier weight for the 3rd part, so i had to go lighter...

You should have at least 3 different sets of dumbells. And i highly recommend getting a ball.. Like he states, you are working your balance and core even when you are doing arm exercises because you are stablizing your self.

As for push ups...this dvd saved them for the last....the kind that your hands are close together so you use your triceps. I could not do one correctly, so i opted for tricep dips (google them).

I am getting feedback like "I can't keep up with the dvd". YOU ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO KEEP UP WITH THEM. YOU JUST HAVE TO PUSH YOURSELF TO YOUR LIMIT, NOT THEIRS. You will know your limit because you will be shaking trying to get the last of the reps up. Adjust the weights, reps accordingly. WE ONLY ASK THAT YOU DO AS MUCH AS you CAN DO NOT ANY LESS. THIS IS HOW YOU WILL SEE RESULTS.

Keep up the great work. One lady in the program who has followed it to the letter has lost 7 lbs!!! In just about a week. I have heard from several others who have lost several pounds as well. How are you doing?

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