Monday, November 30, 2009

Nothing Tastes Better Than Thin Feels?

To the question above, I say, after some thought, NO! I can think of some things are so fantastic, I would take the chance of gaining weight! (Think of Starbucks Chocolate covered Espresso Beans in Coffee Ice Cream!) This was the quote that Kate Moss has been getting slack over lately. It was very telling, though. I honestly thought (silly me) that she was just one of those lucky ones who were naturally thin. Think of the signs that she wasn't, I remind myself: smoking (instead of eating, no doubt), drugs (instead of..)

Let me explain my position. I don't think there is anything wrong with considering what you are going to eat before you do. Is that sugar covered danish worth how it will make you feel immediately afterwards and in the long run? That would be a no for me because I don't like danish. Now that ice cream, yes, I would have SOME. I would allow myself to have some. Gone are the days for me when I would not let myself have it, then have it on an impulse without really allowing myself, and then feel like I have messed my healthy eating up, so I might as well eat the whole carton, and start fresh tomorrow! IT JUST DOESN'T WORK. Now, I let myself eat what I want, and by truly doing so, I don't fall into that awful mess. For example, Thanksgiving! I ate more than I should, more than I felt comfortable with, physically and psychologically. I take full responsibility for it. The next day I vowed to do better, but sometimes when you stretch your stomach out with food, the next day you are hungrier more often. So, the next day I ate more than usual, but I knew what I was in for. Now, I am back to normal, and glad to have enjoyed my holiday, complete with pecan pie a la mode. The only think I would change is this: When I had the pie, I really didn't want it at that moment. But I had built it up in my mind so much, my head wanted it more than my stomach! It would have been MUCH more enjoyable if I just waited. I did wait one hour, but I needed more time! All I can say is I will try to do better next time!


Have you seen the ads with Sarah Jessica Parker talking about how Garnier Nutrisse products get rid of her wrinkles and dark circles, etc. There is just one problem with these ads: THEY ARE COMPLETELY AIR BRUSHED. How could she, in good conscience, lend her name to this product and these photos! It ain't right, I tell you! I love Sarah's work, but not this particular choice. Your fans and you deserve more!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Flat Belly Folly

Ok, here is a secret I am letting out of the bag: I have never had a "flat" stomach. Even when I was a skinny kid, my belly was always a bit round and protruding. Genetics, I guess. I also guess that is why I am so drawn to those ubiquitous ads claiming flat belly success if you do x, y and z. ZZZZZZZZ! Put me to sleep! I fall for it everytime: Acai berry, mediterranean diets, cider vinegar, lemon juice... You just don't know what to believe or try. Here's a newsflash for you: I am not saying that no one has a naturally flat mid section. What I am claiming is that 9 out of 10 times those people with the ultra trim, sculpted stomachs are A) airbrushed. B) dehydrated! I am serious. I've read more than once that models or celebrities getting ready for a photo shoot like that will eat very little a few days before, and even prohibit how much water they drink (body builders do this all the time before a competition).

Now the good news: Since I have reconstructed how I approach food and how much I need to be satisfied and not full and bloated, my stomach is a lot flatter. My sides are more taut and I see some six pack! Yay. (I also have to attribute this to Zumba and kickboxing. Especially Zumba, as I find the dance moves really work my abs and obliques!) It's not every day, though. Some days I get up even after I have consumed very responsibly and my lower abs look like I swallowed a water balloon. Mind you, I eat more salt than anyone should, so I do contribute it to that. But, it still bums me out, even if there is a reason for it. While I won't be showing it off anytime soon, it makes me feel good to know it's there. I feel comfortable and healthy.

With that said, I will now pass on some fodder for flat belly fiends (or friends) like myself:

Drink Green Tea Daily: Those who drank 4 cups of green tea daily lost over 8 times more ab fat. Squeeze some lemon in it and drink it piping hot for maximum results. Don't add milk or too much honey!

Eat these three proven flat belly foods: whole grains, 1 oz of nuts (they talk about almonds specifically, but any I think would be good, as long as they aren't honey roasted or chocolate coated!) They state 1 oz of pistachios is roughly 42 nuts? THAT HAS TO BE A MISTAKE, CAN SOMEONE HELP ME OUT HERE...i think on the package i have it said more like 18 which is still a good snack. The last flat belly food is protein. TRY THIS: TOSS one cup of edamame beans (get them frozen-they are easy to defrost and a quick fix) and toss them with a bit of sesame oil and maybe a bit of soy sauce. This is a really good snack or salad.

Here's a Thanksgiving themed recipe that sounds quick, easy and delish (lowfat and healthy too):

Pumpkin Soup

1 Tablespoon diced white onion
2 Tablespoons diced celery
1/2 teaspoon butter or oil (a bit more if you need)
1 can pumpkin
1 Can low fat cream of chicken soup
Chicken Broth (to make it as thin as you like)

Brown veggies, then add the rest. Simmer till warm. Season as you'd like-curry is especially good (thanks dawn).

HAVE A HAPPY THANKSGIVING IF I DON'T GET TO CHECK IN BEFORE THAT. REMEMBER, ENJOY YOURSELF AND THE FOODS YOU LOVE, BUT LISTEN TO YOUR BODY. DON'T EAT UNTIL YOU CAN'T MOVE! Make sure your Thanksgiving includes a vegetable that is not in a casserole or a salad. If you feel like eating more, eat that and put some cider vinegar in your dressing (I have been eating cider vinegar everyday, and I think it's helping??? Just call me a flat belly fool) I went to a pre-Thanksgiving Dinner last night, and did just that. I was so happy when I came home. I even had dessert, but just ate till I was comfortable. The scale the next day was less than the day before. Now that is something to be thankful for.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Diet Coke Solution (really?)

Let me start off by saying I really am no fan of diet coke and any soda in theory. One Hundred percent horrible for you, and the diet version probably more so due to the chemicals. With that said, I have to tell you it has been my saving grace lately. For a long while i was stictly drinking water or maybe selzter with cranberry and some lemon or lime. The cranberry fizz drink is probably my favorite non-alcoholic beverage, but I have to add probably more cranberry than I should to make it really good. If you remember, I really want to save my liquid calories for wine! But when I know that I have to take it easy to ease the scale back in the right direction, I don't have any wine, even my beloved one glass a day. That is the diet coke steps in. No calories and very satisfying. It fills me up, too, which is nice. If I have a diet coke with lunch, I am usually too full to finish lunch, and then I can put in the "redistributing calorie" plan, and save the rest of my lunch until I am hungry again (usually 2-3 hours later). For now, it's working. I am really against soda, so this is kind of a bummer for me, but right now the good outweighs the bad, so I will stick with it. The most I drink are 2 diet cokes a day, so how bad can it be. Or perhaps I should start drinking soy milk? Did you hear this one? The guy who plays the agent on Entourage on HBO stated he is no longer going to drink soy milk because it gave him man BOOBS! He did mention that he drank 12 GLASSES a day! Again, is 12 of ANYTHING a day necessary? I am kind of lacking in the department of his misery, so I am considering it :)


Oh yeah, we weren't and seemingly neither is anyone else for her work anyway. I don't mean to be cruel, just pointing out that this 40 something woman is looking outrageously HOT for her age or any age. I chalk it up to the fact that her only job is to look outrageously hot (spa visits, diet, exercise, and of course, her own little HOTTIE, Ashton, who I am sure keeps her busy...) Some people have all the luck! Anyway, she is my idol. Looks better than ever (have you looked at her in the 90's? Not so good! But, I can tell you, from experience, we all have those pictures).

Speaking of HOT, while I was lying awake last night, I was thinking of who I thought was the hottest male on the planet (other than my husband :) Answer: David Beckham (as a matter of face, his wife is no slouch, so they qualify for the hottest imported couple!) Any thought on this? This isn't my normal subject matter, WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME? Hormones I guess!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

A Life Style Change, One Step at a Time

Well, I can't say since I have last written that I have been perfect. I had a few slip ups and indulgences, some planned, and some not. But I do have good news: I am sticking to the plan. The plan includes mindful eating, (eating until comfortable, not full. Eating smaller meals throughout the day) daily weigh ins, Not drinking calories ( more on this!), taking a bit more time to do the things that matter to me. At 40 years old, you learn there can be a balance. Remember the changes we all need to make are lifestyle changes, not diets! Each day I remind myself, and it's working!

I have some stories to tell you. The first will be about the last few weeks. I have been really conscious as I mentioned in last blog. For the first time in my life, I truly know that I have to watch calories. I can't go into that mindless mode and expect it to all be OK somehow. I take responsibility for my actions regarding diet and exercise. So, I decided that I was going to go out with my friends. We had a great time, I knew I was going to eat and drink whatever I felt like having. I don't think I went overboard, which is the good news. I did know that perhaps I would gain a few pounds, and that I would need to get back on track the next day. I wasn't going to weigh myself the next day. But, I was curious, and felt that no matter what it said, I wasn't going to get upset because I knew I would go back to the plan. When I got on the scale I was shocked: It was the same as the day before. Wow, got to indulge and didn't feel the pain. I liked that a lot. So, I went about my normal routines. I let myself have maybe a bit more food than I would have if I my indulgent evening led to gain, but again, nothing crazy. The shocker came the next day: The scale was 4 pound more!!!!!!!!What was this? A delayed reaction? Never before had I experienced that. I was shocked, but determined to get back to the weight i like. I knew it would just take some mindful eating and an exercise class. THE KEY WAS TO BE AWARE AND NOT LET IT GET OUT OF HAND. Weighing yourself daily is a reality check, and helps you make the right choices. Two days later of no indulgences and healthy choices, and I am back to where I need to be. WHEW.

Now to another funny and telling story. I saw this guy I know who was overweight for as long as I had known him. He looked well rested and slimmer. My friend and I commented and he said he had lost 70 pounds! WOW, we asked how did he do it? He said he doesn't deprive himself of his favorites, just now he is eating less of them and incorporating exercise. (Sounds like my philosophy exactly!) So, I asked him to give me an example. He said he eats pizza, but now instead of eating 6 slices, he eats 2! Can you imagine? 6 slices of pizza at one sitting! No one needs that! Just goes to show that many of us could use a mindful eating course!

TIPS: SO, you can have your wine if you want. I mentioned earlier, don't drink any calories throughout the day and save the calories you would have used on lemonade, soda or juice, and treat yourself to ONE GLASS of wine. Red seems to be better for you, but if you like white, have white!

TIP NUMBER TWO: REDISTRIBUTE YOUR CALORIES: Often I plan out meals and half way through what I planned to eat I get full. If this happens, this is an opportunity. Save the food you were going to eat for breakfast, and eat if for your mid morning snack. Instead of eating more calories, you are just spreading out the ones you were going to eat anyway. This happened last night. I planned soup and some steamed turnips (They were fantastic, by the way) and half a tuna fish sandwich. By the time I ate half the soup and the sandwich with just a few turnips, I was full. So, I will now have lunch today with the leftovers of what was supposed to be dinner. I don't always get full that way, but hey, it works for me when I do. I also am fully aware that even if I am eating healthily, I don't want to eat more than I need to be comfortably full. If I eat more while I am feeling the full feeling, I will stretch the stomach, and will need more food next time to feel full. Once you start eating smaller meals you will see that you will be fuller with less food! That is the goal right there!!!!

40 SOMETHING BEAUTY TIP: Dark Circles and Bags under eyes: I will try these tips I just read: Vitamin K and licorice extract to minimize the darkness, caffeine to reduce swelling. Don't forget to put your eye cream in the fridge. The cold will also reduce swelling.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Big Changes and Beauty Reviews

I don't do well at parties, generally. I really like parties, but, maybe because I don't get out often enough, when I do go, I tend to over do it. Not drinking necessarily. At this stage of my life, I no longer enjoy headaches, dry mouth and all the other lovely side effects of over indulging with alcohol. So, I tend to know when I should go for a glass of water instead of another glass of wine. But, overindulging with food is another issue. Drinking alcohol is partially to blame. I am sure I am not alone when saying that drinking leads me to eat more than I normally would or should. But even if there was no alcohol, in the past, I would over eat. It was like all all rules were out the window. Actually, for a long time, i didn't have any rules when it came to food. I would eat what I wanted, when I wanted and how much I wanted. That wouldn't be so bad if I could have just controlled the last part. The how much part. I would be eating things that I knew were decadent, etc. Then I would say, well this is a party, if you can't eat X at a party, then when can you, etc. Games, games. Well, finally, I think I have a handle on it somewhat.

You see, scapegoats are a really handy thing. For example, my friends came over the other day unexpectedly. Well, time for a party in my mind. I wasn't going to drink any wine that night, but because they were there, I did. And then I got hungry, and I ate too much. I rationalized, well, it's my friend's fault-they came over, what was I going to do, not have a glass of wine with them? Well, OK, I could have had A glass of wine with them, but I used it as an excuse to have a few when that was going against all I am working for, mainly control of myself. Then I wound up eating snack type food at dinner time (they didn't have any, but I felt the need to bring it out for THEM, of course, using them as a scapegoat again). The Point is: I am starting to see it all for what it is. I have made some good changes over the past few months and here they are:

I eat smaller meals throughout the day.
I eat until I feel satisfied, not full.
I don't eat until I am too full or keep eating for all the wrong reasons (well, I already blew it, might as well keep going, I will work out tomorrow, etc.)
At the party the other day, I was genuinely hungry, at until I was satisfied. When I got home, guess what? I was hungry again, so I ate a small meal. THIS IS ALL GOOD!

What I like is that I felt in control, made good decisions. I have an example that may explain: One night I was making dinner, slid into some old habits, ate a bit too much. I felt like I ate for the wrong reasons. The next day I didn't feel excited, even though the scale said less. Today, the scale said more, but I am OK with it because I felt like I ate and acted appropriately.

That I ate when I was hungry and stopped when I wasn't. PERIOD. Why is this such a hard concept???

Because as we see on a regularly basis, people eat for many reasons. If we only ate until we weren't hungry, we wouldn't have so much obesity around us.

OK LADIES, new beauty product update: Victoria Prinipal's Reclaim line. Got it at a yard sale (unused, unopened packages) for $10. So far I really like it. Only using it a week. I will give an indept review after 30 days or so.....Package included eye serums, anti aging day and night creams, enzyme masks, etc.

SENDING BACK: GOT SUCKERED INTO THE COMMERCIALS ON THE RADIO-ORDERED "HYDROLYZE" NOT LIKING THE DARK CIRCLES, BAGS UNDER MY EYES-I am sure it is from 5 years of lack of sleep due to babies and catering. Anyway, didn't work for me-everyone is different, but I sent in for my refund.....

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I've Finally Made It! So, Now What?

WOW, I had my blog for today all planned out, but just read one the only other blog I've ever read, Back in Skinny Jeans (located on my blog list), and she states that she will no longer blog about basically all this nonsense. She asks how old do you have to be before you stop obsessing about your body and looks? It is a GREAT question. I think I have a great answer. Stephanie, the writer of the blog, mentions that she has been obsessing about her looks and weight since teen years (She is now in her 40's). I agree with her that our society perpetuates the feelings of insecurity women have about their looks, particulary the beauty industry as a means of survival. On the other hand, she states that there is nothing wrong about wanting to look and feel your best. That is where I am coming from. There are so many things that you can't control. The way other people make you feel, for example. But one thing you can control is how you make yourself feel. By eating right, making the right choices about diet and exercise, you are giving yourself some fabulous gifts. The gifts of self confidence, health, and if a bonus gift is beauty, well, great! We all know how it is. If you are going out, and you take the time to pick just the right outfit and do your hair and makeup, you just feel great on the way out the door. If you are rushed, didn't take the time to look the way you like to look, you wind up feeling this slightly off feeling all night, wishing you did what it took to feel your best. It is not about what others think of you: They might think you look great. But it is how you didn't live up to your standard in terms of looking your best.

So, the title of this blog is where I wanted to go with this today. I am finally at my goal weight. I have arrived. The sacred number on the scale! This number, by the way, was not the "Oh, I'd be happy at X", it is "WOW, if I could get down to X..." So, here I am. I'd like to share my feelings with you. I am ecstatic, jubuliant, all those things you would expect. I want to go clothes shopping, and get my nails done. I want to look polished. Am I perfect? NO!!! Do I care? HONESTLY, NO! I think some people will assume that if they get to their goal weight, it will never be enough once they realize they are not perfect. This is the point I want to get across. I know I will never be perfect. I do know that at this weight I feel more confident, fit into my clothes better, feel comfortable. I am happy because weight means that I have been able to shed some bad habits and eat healthily, and until I am comfortable, not FULL. I am not saying by any means that this is the way I will be from now on-the perfect eater. But, at least I can say that I like what I am experiencing,and each day I will remind myself of that. One day at a time. Bottom Line: It is important to care about how you look in my opinion. It is also important not to obsess, but to just be aware of what you are putting in your mouth and why. Enough said on this for now. Think about it.

Make the right choice!

There is no doubt about it, I love to eat. But what's unfortunate are the mind games and mis-information. For example, I was reading this food comparison in Glamour Magazine (would not buy it-got it at the library!) It's not that I don't like the mag, but looking at those images constantly can't be good. ANYWAY, they listed the calories for one medium sized Bananna Nut Muffin at 530 and 23 grams of fat. (!) If that were in my house, I would probably eat it as I was racing out the door. Then I would incorrectly say to myself "Well, I only had that muffin this morning-I can afford to eat a bit more for lunch or whatever..." 530 is PLENTY of calories for a breakfast, especially if you want to add some coffee with half and half, sugar, and some OJ! The interesting part of this article was what they listed as having the same amount of calories: 1 english muffin with 2 tsp. peanut butter, 1 hard boiled egg, 6 oz of greek yogurt with strawberries and 2tsp of honey on top and a large coffee with skim milk! Can you imagine! That is the kind of breakfast we all should be having. I certainly would not convince myself that I did not have enough for breakfast...And it actually had less calories at 430 and only 12 grams of fat. Unbelievable!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Time for Blog!

I am so sorry to anyone who has been following. I did warn that I would be super busy in the summer and not be able to post. I will now commit to try and keep up with this. It is not that I don't think about my weight, health, body composition, etc. every day, but sometimes it might take me a few days to gather my thoughts, so bear with me.

When I first started this blog, I divulged that one of the reasons I started exercising again after a 10 year hiatus was that experience my traditional 5 lb weight loss during my busy summer catering season. Well, this year was a banner year, and yes, I did lost that 5 lbs. In fact, almost 10 lbs. I am a petite person and most people would say I did not need to lose this weight, but I am ecstatic about it. My clothes fit better, I am back in my "skinny jeans". I can't pinch any inches on the side of my waist. I just feel good. NOW THE PROBLEM: How to maintain. First off let me say I am not depriving myself. I have been able to maintain, eating whatever I want.

You can have one glass of wine a night, but it really has to be one if you don't want to gain.
When you go out to a party on the weekend it can be two, but something else has got to go (maybe no carbs that day or something like that). If you want to indulge in one thing, try to cut out something else that you won't miss so much.

EAT SMALLER MEALS MORE OFTEN. I have heard this many times, but I am trying it really for the first time. EAT WHEN YOU ARE HUNGRY, but choose something healthy and a smallish portion. You will be amazed at how little will chase that hungry feeling away.

Exercise will firm you up, but from my point of view, IT WILL NOT HELP YOU LOSE WEIGHT unless you are doing intense cardio sessions that last more than 45 minutes.
Yes, exercise is great and now that I have a bit more time, I am getting back to my weekly classes and schedule. I always feel great after I do it, and my muscles are getting firmer. But I did not exercise a lick this summer and lost 10 lbs. I was active, but more importanly, just did not eat as much. Bottom line: calorie intake is the key to weight loss.
I like to exercise, but do not like the torture of the treadmill and other boring machines. Because I will not subject myself to that, I need to take in less calories, plain and simple.

EAT UNTIL YOU ARE NO LONGER HUNGRY, NOT UNTIL YOU ARE FULL. This is a hard one for me, especially if something is delicious. I just can't stop. It is a struggle everyday. I dream that someday I can follow this rule without even thinking, but I am not there yet. One thing that makes it easier for me is knowing that I can eat the next time I am hungry. I am not going to wait to some appointed time. If I eat a sandwich, and I get full 1/4 of the way through, I know I can pick it up in an hour if I want and have some more. That is very simple, but very liberating. It works too! This is not only a weight maintenence tip, it is also a very healthy way to live, taxing your system much less than overeating.

I have also been taking Chromium Picolinate (with dinner) and another supplement that I read about (name next time). Both are supposed to help with fat metabolism. Who knows if they help.

Oh the last tip for today: WEIGH YOURSELF DAILY. It is not obsessive. It is just staying aware of where you are at. It helps me, especially not to eat at night, because I know I have to face the scale in the morning! Whatever works for you, most important tip of the day!

Hope this helps out you members of the 30-40 year old ladies who don't want to wear the elastic waistbands and holiday sweaters!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


I am talking to myself when I say Grow up! But perhaps it applies to you too. I know what I should be doing to keep myself fit, and in turn, happy, but I keep pretending that I can keep up my old habits and still stay fit. It is just not reality. No, I cannot eat until I am really full and expect to lose weight or even maintain. What I am talking about here is a difference between losing and gaining 5 lbs., which may not seem like much to some. But the problem is it is the same 5 lbs that I keep struggling with. I feel much more comfortable in my clothes and just in general when I have the 5 lbs off. Would I like to be even 5 lbs. thinner? Yes, who wouldn't? But I can say that I cannot maintain that and eat normally. So, yes, I would take just the 5 lbs. off that I speak of. I was reading my last blog, and it said to pat yourself on the back for any progress, no matter how small. So, ok, had a set back yesterday with too many cocktails AND dessert, but today I exercised for one hour and have been eating well and consciously. So, I pat myself...I just don't want to give up and get the middle age spread! (What I dread the most). Good news is, I just don't think I have it in me to give up to that extent. So, battle on for the rest of my mid-life. I do know ladies who are 70 plus who look fabulous, so perhaps the battle will be a lifelong one, and I will never give myself a break. That's ok, because really looking good means feeling good!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

I Overcame Procrastination!

At least, that is what Denise Austin told me this morning when I finished my 20 minute VHS cardio-kickbox workout. You see, I haven't worked out for at least 2 weeks. I blame it on being busy, prioritizing (i.e. I really should be all done with the seasonal family clothes out swap, it is JUNE). Even my beloved blog is suffering. There just aren't enough hours, blah blah, blah. So, I just said to myself, "OK-remember your words...just show up, just do SOMETHING" And, I have to say, I do feel a bit better, although 20 minutes is no marathon. At least I feel like I am possibly on the right track again, and that is something. I did work up a sweat (20 minutes seems like a marathon when you have been slacking off. I kept wondering when it was going to end! I did try Zumba about 2 weeks ago on the advice of a friend and it was really fun. It's like one big girl dance party, with great music and simple moves. All the ladies had a smile on their face, and that says a lot! Well, I have many hours of paper work to finish in 2 hours, so I must be on my way. I leave you with this: Be good to yourself today, and pat yourself on the back for any accomplishment that took a bit of coaxing on your part!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Tori Spelling Syndrome

I think I have this. Sort of. Have you seen this woman lately? She is THIN, and I think I know what is going on. There is the obvious lady getting older in Hollywood/needs to compete thing. But what I can relate to is the "Yes, I am on the thinner side of the spectrum, but after having two kids, I still have this, that and the other body part that I am not happy with." It is clear to me that she is obsessing about her parts rather than seeing the whole. I can't believe I am saying this, but I truly think she would look good with another 5 or 10 lbs. on. I am usually a true believer of the You Can't be too Thin or too Rich Club", but I think I am handing in my membership card (if I was too Rich, I would give too charity, so don't look down on me!) I will tune into her show just to see what she is doing to herself. (yes, I might pick up a weight loss tip or too. I am not saying I am not envious of her ability/will power to get that thin, but I think she has taken it too far!) I like that show because it seems like a true reality show: not too much can be hidden. I really like her husband too. He is very considerate, and I think she realizes that. I am curious to see if he has any concerns about her getting so thin. Her legs are smaller than my arms! I'll write with what I find out! Feel free any of you to comment if you find out first-I don't have too much time for TV these days, although there is always DVR!

MY HOMEPAGE on my computer is I like it because it has the latest news but also lots of pop-culture stuff, so I get the serious news and the fluff all at once. And it always has weight loss tips, anti-aging advice, etc. Today it reported on the 10 habits or secrets of thin people. I am happy to report that about 80% of the time, I follow about 9 out of the 10. Eat Breakfast, allow yourself the treats you want, but smaller portions of them, don't depend on quick fix diets as your health should be your permanent lifestyle, don't go more than 6 hours without food or you will slow your metabolism. These are things most of us are aware of. One thing that really made me stop and think was the mention of the Clean Plate Club. I think I am the president! Lately I have been tyring to start with smaller portions to begin with. The problem is that I know I am doing that, so I go back for seconds (even if I am starting to feel full :( I have been getting a very small portion for seconds, so that is good. ) ANYWAY, I usually clean my plate, again, even if I am starting to feel full. Or eat food off my kid's plates, even if I am full. My trick of brushing my teeth or chewing gum before I even start cleaning up works, if I A) remember to do it, or have gum or B) don't decide that I just want to keep eating, and aw, I'll just eat this extra food just this time...What I am saying is that if I was genuinely hungry, I wouldn't mind cleaning my plate, or eating off my kid's plates. 98% of the time, I am satiated enough, and have absolutely no business eating any more food! I really liked the quote in the article by a Weight Watcher's Rep. She said "Either way, the food is going to WASTE or WAIST." Makes you think..........

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Informative Comment!

Thank you to Jackie Conn, a fellow blogger, (luv2lose, it is featured on the Raising Maine web site), for filling us in on Weight Watchers. I knew she worked for them, and asked her to describe the program. Please read her comment under "Is it Time for Professional Help". Thank you, Jackie! Hopefully, users of Nutrisystem and Jenny Craig will come forward and enlighten us. I will have comments when I have time to post. I do have some most definite opinions!

Interesting Radio Broadcast Tonight!

Hey, I don't know if I can tune in, but this sounds like something we should listen to. On Maine National Public Radio's Fresh Air show tonight, there is an interview with the Author of the book The End of Overeating: How Sugar, Salt and Fat have Highjacked our Brain . It airs at 7 p.m. tonight 90.1 FM Radio. If anyone gets a chance, I would love to have a report on that show! Thanks!

Is it Time to Seek Professional Help?

  • Usually, this statement refers to psychological help (and believe me , with my harried life, I have asked myself this question from time to time :) What I am asking you is if you think perhaps it might be time to check out a weight loss club or system. If you think about it though, weight loss systems are a form of psychological help. I truly believe that what you put in your mouth is influenced primarily by your mind. If it was exclusively physiological you would stop eating when your hypothalamus (is that the monitor in your brain that tells you when you're full?) Your eating would not be influenced by external cues (happy, sad, tired which is a big one for me). So, maybe we do need some psychological help. Some one or some system to help us make those healthy choices. That's another psychological factor. When were truly hungry, (and not just eating cause we're bored, upset, etc.), our minds have a choice. Do we go for the potato chips or that apple? Then we go into all kind of rationalizations why maybe we could or should have those potato chips (I need extra salt cause I sweat a lot today, or I haven't eaten that much today, so I'll have some, and then I'll eat a light dinner...) These mind games are enough to make anyone cry out for help. What I am saying is wouldn't it be nice to have no guess work. I get so frustrated when I go out to dinner for example. Lately, I've become increasingly aware that just because I choose the turkey or fish item on the menu, doesn't mean I have made the healthiest or least caloric choice. I wish (and may even do something about it) that all menus were required to have nutritional info next to each item, so we can make educated decisions. Then, if we want to eat that 2,000 calorie burrito, it would be our choice! Getting back to the systems, I would love to know more about Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig and Nutrisystem. Does anyone have experience with these and would be wiling to share? I will write more about what I know and think about them soon!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

The Day I Ate Everything I Wanted

What a powerful statement. As a woman, honestly ask yourself: Do you really let yourself eat anything you want for an entire day? I know I have perhaps been less strict with myself on days (well, actually a lot of days :) but, I don't think I have ever said, Okay, today it's anything goes. I bring this up because I just read this funny/sad article in the April 2009 Ladies' Home Journal. The woman who wrote it is a member of Weight Watchers, but too many "emaciated people who have no business being at a meeting" prompted her to walk out, vowing to splurge on anything that day. First stop Dunkin Donuts (what would your first stop be?), where she ate 1/3 box of donuts (normally she has black coffee there-no wonder she needed to binge!) Lunch consisted of Bacon Cheeseburger, lots of very salted fries, and a chocolate malted with whipped cream. After a trip to the bookstore to look at cookbooks, she stopped at a cafe to have a piece of chocolate cake. Right about now as I was reading this, I was wondering how much this lady weighs, cause I probably would have stopped there. I'll continue telling you what she ate the rest of the day cause you won't believe it, but first I want to share one of her insights with you. I loved her description of "fat" people and what skinny people think of them. She says skinny people envision fat people lounging on sofa immensely enjoying a carton of Ben and Jerry's or a bag of Cool Ranch Doritos. She states, and I know this to be true, that when you are in that guilty act of overeating, you are eating and eating with your shoulders hunched and your head down, and you gobble things without even tasting them. She says "You start with I want and you end with I want, only now you have even more weight added to what is already too much and don't you think we know if all, all, all the time!" Powerful words, I think.

After Lunch, she watched two movies that made her more hungry, so she went out to get a turtle sundae, extra caramel sauce, plus a big bag of Cheetos. At this point I am loving this lady, as she explains that every time she flies she buys a bag of Cheetos, because if she goes down, at least she has had a bag of Cheetos! (again, what is the food you would want on the plane? For me I guess dark chocolate). Dinner: A nice steak with sauteed buttered mushrooms, loaded baked potato with bacon, sour cream, butter, and Caesar salad with a buttered baguette. Apple crisp and crumbled cherry pie topped off the meal. Before it was ready, she helped herself to a martini with olives stuffed with bleu cheese and potato chips dipped in Lipton Onion Soup mix dip. Okay, are you freaking out at this point, because I certainly was. I think I enjoyed reading this because it made me look like an angel. Why am I fretting over my 2 glasses of wine and extra helping of dinner? She is REALLY BAD. Well, as you may have guesses, after her binge, she literally smashed her scale with a wooden mallet. OMG! She ends the article by going to her Weight Watchers meeting the next day, four pounds heavier. Your supposed to confess your slip-ups, but she didn't She just started counting points the next day. I started asking myself, would I want to do that. What's four pounds to experience that kind of freedom. The good news is I don't want to do that, not to that extent. But I wonder: Is it worse to cheat a little every day, therefore keeping the status quo in terms of a weight your not happy with? Or should you binge like a crazy lady once in a while, but then really stick to the plan? Since I have very little discipline, I think I would go through with the binge, but still continue to cheat a little each day. So, that won't work for me. Would you be able to do that? I'll leave you with the last comment that the author of the article made that may help you decide if you want to. She states "I would like to end this by saying that it felt really good to cheat all day long, to eat whatever I wanted. But it didn't. " I think we all knew that. When your thighs start throbbing because your excess food just has no where to go (imaginary or not), there is no way to feel good!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Is Kirstie "Nuts"?

The definition I like best of insanity goes something like this: Insanity is doing the same things over and over again, and expecting different results. I recently viewed the DVR'd Oprah show in which Kirstie keeps saying she is nuts. But is she? According to this definition, she ate until she could eat no more consistently, yet expected not to gain any weight back. Wrong. She said herself that she chose to ignore the consequences. That she did not act responsibly when it came to diet and exercise. So, she knew what would happen when she repeated her mistakes. That behavior could indeed make you crazy! And it is what a lot us do regularly. We know how we will feel after we eat poorly, don't exercise, or don't put our well being first. I, for one, do not want to be part of the crazy club (although I just almost burned my house down after putting water on for green tea with lemon and getting so involved in thought for this blog, that I forgot it!) So, I throw out this challenge: Don't be another Kirstie. Learn from her mistakes. Try to remind yourself to take it one day at a time. Don't get overwhelmed by the thought of a lifetime counting calories and tedious exercise. Instead, just show up! Just get to that exercise class, try to portion out your food and not go back for seconds. Chew gum while your cooking so you aren't full before you even serve dinner. A little something everyday can add up to a lot. You are just one exercise session, just one nutritionally sound meal away from feeling great. I know it works for me. I am not saying it is easy to stick to, but, like anything, if you break it down into baby steps, you just might be able to succeed without feeling overwhelmed.

Speaking of Green Tea with Lemon. Tip for today: Straight from, you guessed it, Prevention magazine. In order to absorb the powerful antioxidants in green tea called catechins, you should add fresh lemon juice. Doing so will help absorb 13 times more catechins than if you drank the plain tea. The vitamin c in the lemon juice will allow just one or two cups of green tea help your heart, as opposed to the 5 cups a day consumed by the Japanese subjects in this study. Just don't add milk as it interferes with catechin absorption. The magazine also states only freshly brewed teas, and not the bottled types, are effective in promoting healthy hearts and decreasing stroke risk.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Kudos to Kirstie

Okay, first of all, Kirstie Alley is 58! 58! I think she looks amazing for that age, even with the newly regained weight. I think we can all relate to her, as the yo-yo weight thing, especially after 40, is just a fact of life. On Oprah yesterday, she said she felt like a failure. When you find yourself in that downward spiral where you are out of control, you certainly feel like there is no hope, so you might as well keep over indulging. I applaud her for stopping her self-destructive behavior. She decided enough was enough, and is getting back on the right track. That alone is a victory. By going on Oprah, she is making a public commitment which will be hard not to follow through on. Yes, she made the same public promise when she was a spokes model for Jenny Craig. But, like many of us, she slipped, big time. I think it just humanizes her. I wonder about her, though. You have got to be in a really bad place in your mind to give up so entirely when you are a PAID NATIONAL SPOKESPERSON for a famous weight loss program. Kirstie is smart, though. She has announced that she is developing her own weight loss plan. Mark my words: When she does slim down, her program will sell like hot cakes. Maybe that was the plan all along.....

Shape Magazine Bikini Cover girl Julia Louis Dreyfus (age 48!) was interviewed yesterday about what she does to stay fit. I really liked what she said. Basically, it went something like this: Life should not be a prison sentence. She likes wine, bacon, chocolate, and she has them, just in moderation. Seems like a simple concept, but I think hard to follow through with on a regular basis. Sometimes we do slip up and that's OK. If you don't think that is OK, you set yourself up for a major slip up. If you fall off your health regiment one day, don't let it go to two. Get right back at it the very next day.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Sharing is Caring...Do you care?

Okay, I am going public! How much more public can you go than a blog, you ask? Well, I have only mentioned in passing to a few people that I started this blog. I really didn't want to admit that I spend so much time thinking about how I look, weight, etc. Well, the truth is that you have two choices after 40: you can care about your weight or not. If you do, unfortunately, you have to be mindful of what you eat and how active you are. If you don't, eat what you want and wear elastic waistbands. I was recently at a comedy show with a very funny lady preforming ( She joked that she was 50 and had basically given up. She got tired just thinking about all the mind games she played with herself about her appearance. She didn't have the energy any more, didn't give a crap, and was now happily wearing elastic waistbands. As I was laughing, I was torn inside: Did she really not care? Would I be too tired to care when I turn 50? Even now I find it exhausting and find myself devoting way too much time to examining what I eat, workout plans, etc. It's such a catch 22: When I do devote the time to all of that, I feel really great. When I pretend it's not important, and I fall off the weight management/healthy bus, I feel awful. I should say I feel bad. Which brings me to my next point. In our society (and it others) women are always describing a diet slip as being bad. I hate that. Men absolutely do not call themselves bad if they eat too many chocolate chip cookies. They just are not programmed that way, either internally or socially. But, in defense of the feeling bad description, if I eat unhealthily, I do feel bad physically. That is what we should be focusing on-the not caring for our bodies that make us feel lethargic, etc., and not that we were naughty. I think this is a very important distinction.

Change your thinking...

So, getting back to that comedienne, I do think she cared. She had a hip hairstyle and nice makeup. I think that we all have to change the way we think about fitness and nutrition. To stay in shape, we don't have to deprive ourselves of everything we love. Just have smaller portions. You would be amazed that once you start doing this, your stomach will actually be full with the smaller portion. I've noticed that if I eat a lot, then I feel hungrier the next day, like I stretched my stomach and need to fill it again. If I eat less for a day or two, then if I listen to my body, I get fuller faster. As for fitness, I used to think that if I didn't do "official" workouts, then I wasn't really burning the calories I needed to. Well, remember, just like every calorie you eat counts, every calorie you burn counts too. I realize now, you don't have to do 40 minutes, 5 days a week of repetitious, exhausting, and boring workouts. Yes, do the cardio/fat blasting workouts 2 or 3 times a week for 40 minutes. Just vary them. When you are on the treadmill, skip for a few minutes, then run, then walk up the incline. It will be much more bearable and fun that way. With any workout you do, try to vary it to make it fun. On the other days when you don't have an "official" workout planned, try in some way to work up a sweat. This can be done by vigorously cleaning, (sweeping for 30 minutes burns 100 calories), but I think the most rewarding, is to play with your kids! It's fun, and at the same time you are developing a closer bond with them. So, lately I have been jumping on the trampoline with them, not just watching. I have been playing hide and seek, tag (makes you run!), kickball, hopscotch. I have been doing this in an experimental way to see what my weight would do considering I haven't been exercising as much lately. Guess what? Although I felt I haven't been controlling my portions enough, I have not gained any weight, and in fact, am on the lower side of my range. Awesome! Today I am going rollerblading while my girls ride their bikes and scooter.

Have you tried...

Covergirl Simply Ageless foundation with Olay Regenerist? Ellen Degeneris (is it Ellen Degenerist :) is the spokeswoman. Olay Regenerist has been the recipient of many awards in the beauty magazine contests. When I run out of my present foundation, I am going to try it. If any of you have tried it, please write in! Or, if you have found a anti aging product that really works for you, please pass it! Sharing is caring, after all.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Think About This:

"Today decides tomorrow". I just love that quote. It says so much so efficiently. For a woman trying to maintain her health and figure, it means this: Whatever you do or eat today will effect how you feel tomorrow and the coming days. If you stick to your plan by exercising and eating right, by not falling into old habits, you are certainly going to improve your tomorrow. It may seem obvious, but if it is so obvious, why do so many of us have such a hard time sticking to the rules of good health and well being? It would be wonderful if there was a pill you could take to make you feel as good as you do when you wake up after a day of following the rules. You feel WONDERFUL, your stomach might feel a bit flatter, your state of mine, just so positive. Now imagine the other scenario: you ate and drank way too much yesterday. While you were doing it you knew it wasn't the right choice, but somehow you could not stop yourself. Now what is the feeling the next day? Remorse, shame, guilt. It is one of the worst feelings ever. I think we all know which feeling we prefer, and since there is no pill that REALLY will make you fantastic over the long term, we should really keep in our mind the "Today decides tomorrow" mantra. I certainly have been trying to do that, and it has been working. Making the right choices for yourself empowers you, and empowerment in this area of your life opens up a lot other doors. Think about it.....

Tips for you:

I think I have mentioned I bought Garnier Nutrisse Eye Gel Roller and wasn't that impressed. Then I read in Prevention Magazine (my new favorite-although secretly I feel I am too young to read it, in actuality, I'm not!) that sticking your eye creams or gels in the fridge helps them to reduce puffiness better due to the cold. Makes total sense, why didn't I think of that! I will report back in this works or not.

SOMETHING I DID THINK OF, but also read in Prevention concerns your workouts and levels of intensity. It makes perfect sense, but perhaps you had not thought of this: Think of your car. You use less gas while you are on the highway at a higher, consistent speed. You use more gas when you are city driving, constantly stopping and going, speeding up and slowing down. Did you make the connection with your body? Same idea. So you should stop and start, and vary your workouts. If you are running on the treadmill, start at a moderate pace, then after about 8 minutes, increase the grade and walk up a steep hill at a moderate pace for another 8 minutes, repeat. Then maybe run up the hill for a shorter time at the next interval. If your going to be working out for a set amount of time, you want every minute to count as much as it can. Get some great music, and get going!

That's all the wisdom I have to impart right now. I leave you with this: Have a great holiday weekend, eat what you want, but in moderation. If you do, you'll wake up happy!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Let them eat cake!

Just a funny thing I saw on the web. A magazine asked celebrities what their favorite cake was. Everyone has a favorite cake, right? (Mine is Flourless Chocolate with Vanilla Ice Cream and Caramel Sauce) Well, apparently not Eddie Murphy. He shocked me when he responded (and this is loosley quoted) "I can't do cake, not even a bite! I want to keep my middle trim, and I am getting a bit long in the tooth, etc." NOT EVEN A BITE? Now, that is discipline. I certainly couldn't do that, nor would I want to. The discipline is what struck me though. I wish for my trigger foods, I could just write them off like that. Cake, fortunately, is not one of them. So, I can eat just one bite of cake. I never thought Eddie Murphy would be the one to enlighten me in this way, though! Funny...

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Be Mindful

Well, now I am forty. I have to say I feel no different. I do feel kind of embarrassed to tell people how old I am. My only saving grace is that I don't look 40, so I get a kick out of their reaction. I have been exercising regularly, but still hover about 5 lbs. over what I would like. I want to stress to all of you that see my picture and think, she doesn't need to lose weight, this: It does not matter how much you actually have to lose. It matters how you feel about yourself. How you feel in your skin. Each day you make choices which are healthy or not. Those choices translate into how you feel about yourself. I know when I make healthy choices I feel FABULOUS. So why do I continually make unhealthy choices? Many people, I am sure, ask this question daily. I have a few suggestions that I use that help me to make healthy choices. First one is "Just show up" to the healthy action. Like exercise. I tell myself I am just going to get dressed and start. I don't have to do a lot. Not more than 20 minutes. Most times, though, I do more. I tell myself just eat healthy at this meal. That works too. But all these decisions take a determination on my part to be MINDFUL. Mindful of what I eat and how that makes me feel. Mindful of how wonderful exercise makes me feel (after it is over, of course).

So, I have been hearing a lot about Acai berry and a detox-cleansing combo. It has been on tons of pop ups, stating that you have to follow this one rule to get rid of belly fat. It has been on Oprah and Rachel Ray (Dr. Oz?) Anyone know what this is and does it really work. People are swearing by it, but I am tired of trying yet another fix that doesn't work.

That's it for now.