Friday, May 1, 2009

Kudos to Kirstie

Okay, first of all, Kirstie Alley is 58! 58! I think she looks amazing for that age, even with the newly regained weight. I think we can all relate to her, as the yo-yo weight thing, especially after 40, is just a fact of life. On Oprah yesterday, she said she felt like a failure. When you find yourself in that downward spiral where you are out of control, you certainly feel like there is no hope, so you might as well keep over indulging. I applaud her for stopping her self-destructive behavior. She decided enough was enough, and is getting back on the right track. That alone is a victory. By going on Oprah, she is making a public commitment which will be hard not to follow through on. Yes, she made the same public promise when she was a spokes model for Jenny Craig. But, like many of us, she slipped, big time. I think it just humanizes her. I wonder about her, though. You have got to be in a really bad place in your mind to give up so entirely when you are a PAID NATIONAL SPOKESPERSON for a famous weight loss program. Kirstie is smart, though. She has announced that she is developing her own weight loss plan. Mark my words: When she does slim down, her program will sell like hot cakes. Maybe that was the plan all along.....

Shape Magazine Bikini Cover girl Julia Louis Dreyfus (age 48!) was interviewed yesterday about what she does to stay fit. I really liked what she said. Basically, it went something like this: Life should not be a prison sentence. She likes wine, bacon, chocolate, and she has them, just in moderation. Seems like a simple concept, but I think hard to follow through with on a regular basis. Sometimes we do slip up and that's OK. If you don't think that is OK, you set yourself up for a major slip up. If you fall off your health regiment one day, don't let it go to two. Get right back at it the very next day.

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