Monday, November 30, 2009

Nothing Tastes Better Than Thin Feels?

To the question above, I say, after some thought, NO! I can think of some things are so fantastic, I would take the chance of gaining weight! (Think of Starbucks Chocolate covered Espresso Beans in Coffee Ice Cream!) This was the quote that Kate Moss has been getting slack over lately. It was very telling, though. I honestly thought (silly me) that she was just one of those lucky ones who were naturally thin. Think of the signs that she wasn't, I remind myself: smoking (instead of eating, no doubt), drugs (instead of..)

Let me explain my position. I don't think there is anything wrong with considering what you are going to eat before you do. Is that sugar covered danish worth how it will make you feel immediately afterwards and in the long run? That would be a no for me because I don't like danish. Now that ice cream, yes, I would have SOME. I would allow myself to have some. Gone are the days for me when I would not let myself have it, then have it on an impulse without really allowing myself, and then feel like I have messed my healthy eating up, so I might as well eat the whole carton, and start fresh tomorrow! IT JUST DOESN'T WORK. Now, I let myself eat what I want, and by truly doing so, I don't fall into that awful mess. For example, Thanksgiving! I ate more than I should, more than I felt comfortable with, physically and psychologically. I take full responsibility for it. The next day I vowed to do better, but sometimes when you stretch your stomach out with food, the next day you are hungrier more often. So, the next day I ate more than usual, but I knew what I was in for. Now, I am back to normal, and glad to have enjoyed my holiday, complete with pecan pie a la mode. The only think I would change is this: When I had the pie, I really didn't want it at that moment. But I had built it up in my mind so much, my head wanted it more than my stomach! It would have been MUCH more enjoyable if I just waited. I did wait one hour, but I needed more time! All I can say is I will try to do better next time!


Have you seen the ads with Sarah Jessica Parker talking about how Garnier Nutrisse products get rid of her wrinkles and dark circles, etc. There is just one problem with these ads: THEY ARE COMPLETELY AIR BRUSHED. How could she, in good conscience, lend her name to this product and these photos! It ain't right, I tell you! I love Sarah's work, but not this particular choice. Your fans and you deserve more!

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