Friday, November 20, 2009

Flat Belly Folly

Ok, here is a secret I am letting out of the bag: I have never had a "flat" stomach. Even when I was a skinny kid, my belly was always a bit round and protruding. Genetics, I guess. I also guess that is why I am so drawn to those ubiquitous ads claiming flat belly success if you do x, y and z. ZZZZZZZZ! Put me to sleep! I fall for it everytime: Acai berry, mediterranean diets, cider vinegar, lemon juice... You just don't know what to believe or try. Here's a newsflash for you: I am not saying that no one has a naturally flat mid section. What I am claiming is that 9 out of 10 times those people with the ultra trim, sculpted stomachs are A) airbrushed. B) dehydrated! I am serious. I've read more than once that models or celebrities getting ready for a photo shoot like that will eat very little a few days before, and even prohibit how much water they drink (body builders do this all the time before a competition).

Now the good news: Since I have reconstructed how I approach food and how much I need to be satisfied and not full and bloated, my stomach is a lot flatter. My sides are more taut and I see some six pack! Yay. (I also have to attribute this to Zumba and kickboxing. Especially Zumba, as I find the dance moves really work my abs and obliques!) It's not every day, though. Some days I get up even after I have consumed very responsibly and my lower abs look like I swallowed a water balloon. Mind you, I eat more salt than anyone should, so I do contribute it to that. But, it still bums me out, even if there is a reason for it. While I won't be showing it off anytime soon, it makes me feel good to know it's there. I feel comfortable and healthy.

With that said, I will now pass on some fodder for flat belly fiends (or friends) like myself:

Drink Green Tea Daily: Those who drank 4 cups of green tea daily lost over 8 times more ab fat. Squeeze some lemon in it and drink it piping hot for maximum results. Don't add milk or too much honey!

Eat these three proven flat belly foods: whole grains, 1 oz of nuts (they talk about almonds specifically, but any I think would be good, as long as they aren't honey roasted or chocolate coated!) They state 1 oz of pistachios is roughly 42 nuts? THAT HAS TO BE A MISTAKE, CAN SOMEONE HELP ME OUT HERE...i think on the package i have it said more like 18 which is still a good snack. The last flat belly food is protein. TRY THIS: TOSS one cup of edamame beans (get them frozen-they are easy to defrost and a quick fix) and toss them with a bit of sesame oil and maybe a bit of soy sauce. This is a really good snack or salad.

Here's a Thanksgiving themed recipe that sounds quick, easy and delish (lowfat and healthy too):

Pumpkin Soup

1 Tablespoon diced white onion
2 Tablespoons diced celery
1/2 teaspoon butter or oil (a bit more if you need)
1 can pumpkin
1 Can low fat cream of chicken soup
Chicken Broth (to make it as thin as you like)

Brown veggies, then add the rest. Simmer till warm. Season as you'd like-curry is especially good (thanks dawn).

HAVE A HAPPY THANKSGIVING IF I DON'T GET TO CHECK IN BEFORE THAT. REMEMBER, ENJOY YOURSELF AND THE FOODS YOU LOVE, BUT LISTEN TO YOUR BODY. DON'T EAT UNTIL YOU CAN'T MOVE! Make sure your Thanksgiving includes a vegetable that is not in a casserole or a salad. If you feel like eating more, eat that and put some cider vinegar in your dressing (I have been eating cider vinegar everyday, and I think it's helping??? Just call me a flat belly fool) I went to a pre-Thanksgiving Dinner last night, and did just that. I was so happy when I came home. I even had dessert, but just ate till I was comfortable. The scale the next day was less than the day before. Now that is something to be thankful for.

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