Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Diet Coke Solution (really?)

Let me start off by saying I really am no fan of diet coke and any soda in theory. One Hundred percent horrible for you, and the diet version probably more so due to the chemicals. With that said, I have to tell you it has been my saving grace lately. For a long while i was stictly drinking water or maybe selzter with cranberry and some lemon or lime. The cranberry fizz drink is probably my favorite non-alcoholic beverage, but I have to add probably more cranberry than I should to make it really good. If you remember, I really want to save my liquid calories for wine! But when I know that I have to take it easy to ease the scale back in the right direction, I don't have any wine, even my beloved one glass a day. That is the diet coke steps in. No calories and very satisfying. It fills me up, too, which is nice. If I have a diet coke with lunch, I am usually too full to finish lunch, and then I can put in the "redistributing calorie" plan, and save the rest of my lunch until I am hungry again (usually 2-3 hours later). For now, it's working. I am really against soda, so this is kind of a bummer for me, but right now the good outweighs the bad, so I will stick with it. The most I drink are 2 diet cokes a day, so how bad can it be. Or perhaps I should start drinking soy milk? Did you hear this one? The guy who plays the agent on Entourage on HBO stated he is no longer going to drink soy milk because it gave him man BOOBS! He did mention that he drank 12 GLASSES a day! Again, is 12 of ANYTHING a day necessary? I am kind of lacking in the department of his misery, so I am considering it :)


Oh yeah, we weren't and seemingly neither is anyone else for her work anyway. I don't mean to be cruel, just pointing out that this 40 something woman is looking outrageously HOT for her age or any age. I chalk it up to the fact that her only job is to look outrageously hot (spa visits, diet, exercise, and of course, her own little HOTTIE, Ashton, who I am sure keeps her busy...) Some people have all the luck! Anyway, she is my idol. Looks better than ever (have you looked at her in the 90's? Not so good! But, I can tell you, from experience, we all have those pictures).

Speaking of HOT, while I was lying awake last night, I was thinking of who I thought was the hottest male on the planet (other than my husband :) Answer: David Beckham (as a matter of face, his wife is no slouch, so they qualify for the hottest imported couple!) Any thought on this? This isn't my normal subject matter, WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME? Hormones I guess!

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