Monday, November 14, 2011

What is your....

Trigger: When is it easy for you to stick to the plan, what is the hardest part of the day to stick to it? What are easy foods to avoid, which are the most difficult. It is good to write this info down in your journal. Awareness is the first step.

I have become sorely aware of when my triggers are and what triggers me. Countless times throughout the day I am tempted to mindlessly pop something in my mouth. No, i am not hungry, but perhaps tired, or perplexed as to what my priorities are, what i NEED TO GET DONE. This notion of never enough time in the day stressed me out to the max. Thus a peice of chocolate sure does help (FOR A NANO SECOND) and then i am back to square one.

THe good news is since being on the plan, i have learned to acknowledge the mindless eating and really curtail it. Plus i really am eating healthy! That is great, and i am feeling great. I think my downfall lately is just eating too much.

Case in point: Last night i was so proud of myself. My family and I went out, and afterwards to an early supper. The kids of course wanted pizza. So, i was not hungry, and i did not want to give in to pizza! So, i excused myself, and ran to Hannaford to grocery shop. I made up my mind when i got home, i would make a nice whole wheat wrap with tuna, olives (a monounsaturated fat which will be key to our next session's eating plan), celery, spinach, olive oil light hellmans mayo (probably not 100% on the plan, but close, tomato and a glass of red wine. Since i did not have my afternoon snack, thought that was okay. Only one problem: I generally cannot make yummy food ahead and save half...i made two cans of tuna and made the wrap with half of what i made....the continued to eat the rest of the made tuns sans wrap. LOSER!! i would have been fine if i just stopped at thewrap. I estimated with all the stuff in the wrap and the wine, and the extra tuna, to have eaten about 700 calories! THen the kicker: once i overeat, i want more (the wine i know makes me want to eat more) so i had a nutrigrain bar! it was great! but 120 calories more and 11 g of sugar.

so, not so good. But i stopped there. I had no exercise yesterday, but did take an hour long hike, so although it doesn't count for points, it counts for calories burned. I did do a dvd on sat upper body and this am i did my 100 sit ups and will do zumba tonight! I have to alternate the sit ups with pushups, my goal now doing one or the other every day. But i HATE pushups....i am able to do more though since i have been doing them a bit more regularly. I will perservere!!!!

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