Monday, November 7, 2011

Looking Forward to Monday?

Is this possible? Mondays are usually the most dreaded day of the week. We have to get up and get going on our schedules once again. EXACTLY. This is what i need. Structure, routine. When it comes to eating healthy and sticking to a fitness plan, Mondays are THE BEST day. Time to corrall yourself back to reality, back to following the directions (hopefully you did not get irrevocably lost over the weekend).

So that is what i did, once again. The weekend could have been a lot worse in terms of damage done. I worked a lot, so no time for a workout on Friday or Sat, but Sunday i was determined. Only i feel like i sort of cheated: rather than do a dvd in the comfort of my own home, i opted for my preferred workout: of course, ZUMBA! I drove half an hour to do a 1.5 hour class, and i really don't have too many regrets. I do know that my body would have been more challenged doing something different, something other that what i regularly do. But THAT IS WHY I REGULARLY DO ZUMBA, BECAUSE I LIKE IT, AND THAT EQUATES TO REGULAR EXERCISE WHICH IS WHAT WE ALL STRIVE FOR, RIGHT?

YES, MUSCLE CONFUSION...i know and i will get back to it. I will do a different strenght exercise each a.m. just to confuse myself! sit ups, push ups, inner thigh lifts, tri-cep dips...i want to be sore at least once a week. That is progress. I get great cardio from zumba, but i need more targeted weight training types of exercise too.

Back on track. Much looser with the diet now, but generally following the rules. I eat less on the days i won't work out (except the weekends :( ! but still mix the protein and complex carb. Just bought evaporated cane juice crystals and am using one teaspoon per large cup of coffee as i just really enjoy a bit of sugar in my coffee, and i don't think that is what is keeping me from my ideal body! Its all the other sweets i might sneak in or eating way too much. Not the lousy teaspoon of natural cane juice sugar!And i have decided i need dark chocolate in my life, so i eat 4 squares of it each day (unsweetened that i got from trader joes, it is great and curbs my cravings for the rest of the day!!! It is a great antioxidant so i am ALL ABOUT IT.

Still eating healthy and exercising, although i am sure the scale won't be where i want it for a couple of days after the weekend, even though i wasn't as bad as i could have been, i was bad enough!

So yes, this Monday was a great day for me. Ate healthily all day. Zumba class was great. I am happy. Word to the wise: Instead of putting yourself down for the weekend antics, look forward to Monday, knowing it will be a great day cause you will make it that way!

Good night!

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