Friday, November 11, 2011


I have been a devout follower of the plan over the past few days...i have done very well except perhap ONE glass of RED wine, or a few squares of dark chocolate, both of which are healthy anti-oxidants. I have been reading up on anti-oxidants and free radicals and what it all means. More to come definitley on this, and how this will fit into our next session beginning early January.

I have been following the plan but on my own terms. Today i had oatmeal with flax seed,unsweetened apple sauce, walnuts, and cinnamon. Then a little while later i had a brown rice cake and peanut butter. Was not in the mood for eggs,as i had an egg white and spinach omelet when i came home from zumba last night.

For lunch, i did not have anything planned, (bad plan) but i usually buy healthy foods at each shopping trip, so i had a grapefruit, spinach, avacado and buckwheat soba noodles which i got at renys. they are quick and versatile. I made a simple dressing with the grapefruit juice, lime juice, sesame oil and a bit of agave nectar. It was delish. I chopped up some scallions and tossed it all together (cooked the noodles first then ran them under cold water) YUM and talk about healthy. For dinner i plan on pork tenderloin and sweet potato with a few asparagus spears and my antioxidant fix, red wine, one glass. I just enjoy it and its good for me, so in moderation, we can do this!

Just a little tidbit for you. My well meaning husband bought me newmans vanilla almond flakes cereal. It is made with whole grain, and it is really good. but Very sweet. i wasn't going to eat it, but took a look at the sugar, and beleive it or not, Kashi go lean has more sugar (the berry kind)!!! So, i did eat it with unsweetened almond milk and i was happy. Lesson: always check the labels.

Today is my day off after two zumba classes yesterday, but i woke up and did 100 plus sit ups. I think if i want to reach my goal of a taut stomach, that has to be part of my life on off days.

Looking forward to sharing my tweaked plan with you all soon.

I have been hearing all sorts of fun stuff from the plan. Just a footnote: the plan assumes you are all doing these workouts probably 6 days a week so on your off day, eat a bit less okay?

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