Monday, November 21, 2011

More S Words: Sugar and Stress

Yes, i had more sugar this weekend... Not happy about it, oh well, new day today. I bought these delicious dark chocolate covered acai and pomegranate "berries" to mix with almonds and dried fruit to sell for catering. Great right, not really. The acai and pomegranate were actually made (aka highly processes) from the juices of these berries and molded into what looked like a chocolate covered berry. And while they did not have high fructose corn syrup, they had evaporated cane juice and another "natural" form of sugar, aka sugar. I was popping those little babies like and addict with pills! They were good, yes full of antioxidants, but when it all boils down to it, SUGAR! 25 G per 1/4 cup. And yes, i had definitley more than a 1/4 cup of each. Then i had chocolate coverd pretzels, a big no excuse: PMS

My saving Grace: zumba on sat, great dvd workout sunday, new day today, zumba tonight.

What was i so stressed out about this weekend: my ipod was WASHED IN THE LAUNDRY. Interesting news: IT STILL WORKS (MINUS THE LIGHT if you squint you can see what songs there are...i put it in rice overnight.) WOW. bad news i am nervous now and will probably go get a new one. Worse news, i already ruined the one i had, so this was my daughters!

Other stresses include people who you are desperatley trying to coordinate with and they ignore all communication attempts and they play it off like nothing went wrong...very frustrating.

I am talking about more than one person which you can imagine makes you seek solace in chocolate.

Free Radicals: So what happened to my body after i ate all that chocolate this weekend (and white flour in the pretzels): My blood sugar spiked. When that happens your cells do not respond well and the inflamation that the blood spike created wreaks havoc in the cells fostering any free radicals you may have in there already (and i think creates them too, not sure). Point is the mutation of the cells is what causes a HOST OF disease, namely cancer, but many more. The antioxidants we hear so much about fight free radicals and help cells back to their natural state.

So don't do as i do, do as i say. Learn from my mistakes as i am trying to, okay?

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