Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Decisions, Decisions ...

Okay, as usual the buffet at the Toole house was open today: Will you be having Chocolate Chip or Plain Fluffy Pancakes? How about a cinnamon roll or a really cute Turkey Sugar Cookie to go with that? NOT!!!!

Really, i am no decision maker. For example, i have been looking at paint chips for months now trying to figure out the perfect shade of green for my kitchen and chocolate brown for an accent wall. do i go with the brown that has gold hues, red tints or just a milk chocolate. What about the other walls? A lighter color but should it be more mauvy, or taupy or golden??????? YIKES. With all of this oscillating, it is a wonder i get anything done (paint not bought yet, and the sale is over :(

But when it comes to breakfast it is pretty easy for me to make THE RIGHT choice: This morning i had non-fat greek yogurt with strawberries, blueberries, ground flaxseed, a dash of agave nectar, and a handfull of kashi go lean. IT WAS AWESOME and the best part, i got a lot of bang for my calorie expenditure: A FULL CUP OF FAGE NON FAT GREEK YOGURT IS ONLY 130 CALORIES AND OF COURSE NO FAT AND SUGAR. best part is the 23!!!G of protein. wow, awesome. I am still feeling satisfied and i ate that 1.5 hours ago, and usually i would be hungry again cause i am always hungry. So when i tweak the menu for January (so looking forward to that) it will include some natural sweetners and might include a conveinence food or two that has an artificial sweetner, but for the most part, i would like us all to stay away from those. I have totally given up diet soda and i am not really missing it. So i think that will stick. I have seltzer now with a bit of cranberry and lemon if i want something sparkling, usually without the cranberry and it is very refreshing and takes care of my carbonated beverage craving. So, yes,i added a bit of agave nectar, but i figured a bit of sweetness to make me feel totally satisfied with my meal and not craving a dark chocolate acai "berry"!!
It worked, let me tell you.

Now if i only could be so smart at dinner time....

I was last night. Had chicken with spinach and some salmon canapes with capers (no bread on that, just rolled up salmon with a bit of cream cheese...only 80 calories for 3, i had 5...yum. they are little by the way!

Tomorrow i will try to give you some guidelines for getting through Thanksgiving...Heres a funny little thing i saw in a store the other day: One of the mysteries of life: Why is it that 2lbs of chocolate can make a woman gain 5 lbs!!! Ha ha...

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