Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The "Science of the PLAN" and my Sugar Laden Day

I will start with the sugar. Of course, i will also start by saying i was running around as usual and failed to plan.

So, i found myself at Reny's at lunchtime with a few other important things i needed to do before i could go home. Hmmm what should i eat? Well i got some nutrition bars (two) that had all the elements of our plan (protein, complex carbs, even flax!) but TOO MUCH SUGAR even though it wasn't added in at least one of them. The one that did have added sugars were at least the all natural kinds, but nonetheless blood sugar spiking, fat storing MESS! (will explain more below). So, the sugared bar was a kashi go lean peanut butter granola bar with no high fructose corn syrup, said so right on the label! Big deal, still had evaporated cane juice and brown rice syrup, which are not processed and nutritionally stripped forms of sugar so are minorly more healthy, but still have the negative effects of sugar we are all trying to avoid: Raising your blood sugar so you use up that energy first rather than your body needing to go into your fat reserves for energy and whatever you don't use gets stored as FAT! So the kashi go lean had 11 G of sugar. Now the bad news: the first bar i had was a larabar and the flavor was jocalat a chocolate cherry flavor. This bar was impressive in many ways: all organic, free of added sugars, gluten free, dairy and soy free, 4 G protein, full of antioxidants. Ingredients were dates, almonds, unsweetend cherries, cocoa powder, unsweetened chocolate. Sounds great, right? WRONG and for one reason: 22 GRAMS OF SUGAR. yIKES THAT WILL SPIKE!!!

So, that of course wasn't enough. No lunch will do that to you. So i had 3/4 cup approximately of this granola i bought (again great ingredients, probably too much sugar) this was all in the car!!!

So then i go home and there was a quarter of a power bar (26 g of sugar for the whole bar, so divide by 4ish, so roughly 6 g more of sugar cause i had to eat that too. When i got home from zumba i chilled out, and had my 4 oz of grilled chicken, some cous cous and boiled carrots. and a glass of wine. i know...and i can tell you this. I am NOT at my destination due to my foibles with the diet, cause i am keeping up with workouts mostly, but i consider this THE HALF WAY POINT, LEARNING CURVE IF YOU WILL. I know i have time to do better, and i will not give up. I am more aware, not mindlessly putting things in my mouth, (i think good and hard about what eating all that sugar will do, but sometimes the stomach prevail!) So with the tweaks i have in mind, i think next session we will see even more success.

Now to the science of it: As i mentioned above, eating sugar OR White Carbs (flour, white rice, white pasta) creates a spike in blood sugar, which if you don't use it up gets stored to fat. Now who wants that, really? Eating a complex carb with a protein stabilizes your blood sugar and provides more nutrients so you are not on that hypoglycemic roller coaster where you are craving more bad carbs. Eating more meals with this combo speeds your metabolism and helps prevent bingeing.

The water you need to drink flushes out toxins, fat, extra salt, you name it. Also speeds up metabolism, especially if you drink it hot or cold. On the videos i recommended via my email (you tube, type in Food Doctor Diet Plan eating protein with complex carbs)they recommend making a vat of fruit teas (unsweetened of course) maybe add some lemon or seltzer and drink that all day. No calories, more flavor, might help you get the necessary water down.

Have a great day. I am trying to eat less calories than normal all day because i know i will be off the plan tonight. I don't mind going off on a scheduled indulgence, as long as i don't go TOO overboard, cause no one feels good after that.

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