Saturday, February 27, 2010

A Happy Wife (or girlfriend) is a Good Life

I've seen this quote on the tee shirts of some pretty rough and tumble guys. I used to think it was quite sexist: Keep the lady happy if you don't want headaches, basically. As I get older, I have a different take on it. It is up to the WIFE to keep the WIFE happy. In other words, it is up to you to take care of yourself, take time for your self, read yourself so that you know what you will need in order to be the best possible you. In turn, you will be the best wife and mother (or girlfriend) for your family or loved ones. THAT IS PRICELESS. You won't mind giving your time to your family if you make a habit out of carving some time out of each day that is just yours. This may take some maneuvering on your part, but it will be well worth it. For example, I had a great time with some friends last night. I enjoyed myself thoroughly. This morning let's just say I was ready to rid my body of some toxins. When I indulge, the next day I just love to sweat it out. It is the best instant fix I know. When I need to achieve maximum sweat in minimal time, I choose the treadmill. So I pushed myself on that then did my abs for dummies video (yes video) for 10 minutes. The video is 45 minutes, but I usually do just a 10 minute portion per day. I think doing 45 minutes of that would be overkill. I certainly feel it after 10 minutes. We are not here to punish ourselves people! I skin brushed (read previous blog), face polished (info below) and showered. Now I am ready to take on anything the kids or my husband throw my way. What a great state of mind to be in. You can have this everyday! It can be yours...

Skin Polishing: Listen up, this is important. If you want facial like results, try this: I bought on the clearance rack yet another skin care product promising great results. The reason I had high hopes for this one is that it had glycolic acid, which I have read is great at removing dead skin layers. I am telling you all that it works. The product i bought is called Daily Skin Polisher (self heating) by rite aid. (It says compare to Olay regenerist Thermal Skin Polisher) I am sure that Olay product would run at least $20 if not more. The Rite Aid product was $2.99 (down from $11.99). I would buy it for $11.99 too. I am hoping though to visit other rite aids and stock up on it. I recently had a facial and was really very impressed with the results. This is almost as good..My face is so smooth and glowing afterwards.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Waking Up Hungry: It's a Good Thing

I am not usually hungry when I wake up. I think one reason is that I tend to eat big dinners. As an experiment I ate a light meal for a couple of days in the evening. Not surprisingly, I woke up hungry. Everything I have read has stated that eating within one hour of awakening is the best thing. It gets your metabolism going. First start out with a big glass of water (preferably either iced or hot with lemon, but stimulate your metabolism, and the lemon detoxes). I have found that besides a super hot flavorful cup of coffee, nothing is better in the morning than a cold ruby red grapefruit. So good, tasting and for you. Refreshing is the word. Remember the Grapefruit Diets of years gone by? They were right. The acids in grapefruits help slow your digestion, helping you feel fuller longer. The vitamin c can't be beat for cold prevention, lowering cholesterol, and decreasing chances of stroke, heart disease and some types of cancer. I section it out removing the pith, then squeeze the remaining carcass into a glass and drink it! Pure and delicious...Grapefruits also help to reduce the narrowing of your arteries and help to reduce blood pressure. Go for it. Once a day. Maybe section a few at a time so when hunger strikes you are ready.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Superbowl: What Was Your Score?

So did you do it? Did you give in to all the convenient excuses and over-indulge on game day? What I want to know is who is behind the conspiracy? Everywhere you look there are game day recipes for high fat (highly delicious), mega calorie dips, spreads, chilis, subs. Why? Is it because Football players eat all these things and that is why they are so big? Are we supposed to aspire to that? Why is that one (namely me) feels like a failure or left out if I don't indulge in the hype-laden foods of the day? "Well, it's Superbowl Sunday...It would be UN-American not to eat and drink and celebrate THE BIG GAME!" Does it matter that I didn't even know who was playing until the morning of? The point is, like most Americans, I live for the excuse to indulge. So, with that said, I met it head on this time. Ok, I will have Buffalo Sauce and Bleu Cheese and even Tortilla chips, BUT MY WAY. I made the most delicious Buffalo Chicken Salad with Low Fat Bleu Cheese Dressing. I added scallions, peppers all colors, shredded cheese low fat, tomatoes,celery, carrots, cukes, sunflower seeds, red onion. I mixed the shredded chicken I pulled off my leftover baked chicken from the day before, with a bit of light cream cheese and the Frank's Red Hot Buffalo Sauce (the cream cheese mellows out the buffalo sauce a bit). Poured some light bleu cheese dressing. Then I crushed a handful of Lime Tortilla chips and sprinkled them on top. The result: Fantastic, Superbowl (Healthy) Decadence. I did not feel one bit deprived and had leftovers for the next day. Plan your work (food prep) and work your plan. Thanks to knowing myself and years of experience, I was able to identify a weakness approaching, and by planning wisely, I pigged out on Superbowl Sunday (on a salad!) I even stopped myself 3 bites after I knew I already had enough (not too bad for me! It was just so delicious!)

The kids were sick so I stayed home with them. I was so content with my meal, I fell fast asleep. One problem: I woke up at midnight with almost 4 hours of sleep under my belt: I will try next time: A handful of Sesame Seeds. Sesame Seeds are known to have trypyophan, the sleep inducing amino acid famously known in Turkey. I also rely on Melatonin which I buy at the drug store which works very well...and all natural. Another source of melatonin: Cherry Juice (Try Knudsen Just Black Cherry Juice with 100% juice and no added sugar :) (If i were you, I would cut it with seltzer and squeeze some lime or lemon juice in it!)

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Less Sore? Eat more!

This is another tip I love. Anything about eating more for a good reason gets the thumbs up in my book. I usually do not eat 2-3 hours before a workout for a few reasons. One is just plain common sense: All that jumping around makes the food not settle so well and I get nauseous. Secondly, I've read that your body burns the calories you've just eaten rather than the stored stuff you want to burn (i.e. fat). So, usually it is fairly late by the time I come home from the most fantastic exercise class on the planet (ZUMBA). This is the perfect set up to overeat if you let it be. DON'T. Plan ahead. Know exactly what you will eat and how much. When you get home, do an assessment. Am I really hungry? If you are, great, follow my advice on what to eat that follows. If you're not, eat just a small portion of whatever you planned just to reap the benefits of less muscle soreness and boosted muscle building and metabolism revving. Studies have shown that eating within 30 minutes of exercising help prevent your body from breaking down muscle tissue in order to replenish itself. The perfect thing to eat after work out would be about 400 calories with 20-30 grams of protein. Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches or a SMALL bowl of pasta with meat sauce fits the bill. That sounds good! Top if off with a large glass of iced water with lemon and you're good to go. Just make sure your portion is correct. If you are not hungry, go for a glass of low fat milk. Studies have shown that milk re hydrates your body better than water after a workout because it has electrolytes and potassium.

SORENESS: Personally I like being a bit sore a day or two after a workout so I know I pushed myself. But, for beginners, it can be a little too much of a reminder of how out of shape you really are! OUCH! If you exercise in the a.m., caffeine has been shown to reduce muscle soreness more than pain relievers. Also, papaya and pineapple have bromelain and papain, enzymes help break down proteins for digestion bur also have anti-inflammatory properties to help speed up your post workout recovery (Information in this blog segment provided by Eat This, Not That!)

Monday, February 1, 2010

Give Yourself the Brush Off?

First some updates. The Espresso "MUD" Body Scrub and Wrap at Nine Stones Spa in Portland Maine was fantastic! Pricey, but worth every penny. The scrub is intended to detox and exfoliate your skin. It smelled divine. Then the Vichy Shower hosed me off right on the same table I got the scrub applied. Heaven not to have to get up. Afterwards I did have to get up to dry off and then go on to the massage table to get an extremely buttery lotion fantastically massaged into my skin. This treatment had it all. I never did get to the restaurant I mentioned (Duck Fat), but I will. If any of you go, please let me know! So, on to the brush off. IF YOU WANT THE SOFTEST SMOOTHEST SKIN EVER, DO THIS! Go to drug store and buy yourself a natural bristle brush (looks like a shoe shine brush). I think I bought mine for about $9. Before you shower or even work out DRY BRUSH your skin. Special attention should be paid to the back of your knees, your inner thighs, under your arms (lymphatic areas). Brush toward the heart always for 2-3 minutes at a time. Do everything except face and breasts. After your shower finish with an alpha hydroxy lotion (c.booth is very affordable and have lots of different options. You can find it at or local drug stores or even wal mart (i bought it on the clearance rack there, so don't know if they carry it regularly.) YOUR SKIN WILL FEEL AMAZING. You won't be able to go a day without doing it because it feels so good and is effective. Skin Brushing helps reduce cellulite, tightens the skin, aids in digestive process, removes dead skin cells, aids circulation. The skin eliminates 2 lbs. of toxin waste each day. Help it along!

EAT TO LOOK YOUNGER? OK...I was happy to read sunflower seeds have the highest natural vitamin e content of any food around. No antioxidant is better at fighting off the aging effect of free radicals (found in pollution, junk food, chemicals, smoking). I throw them in my cereal in the morning which is granola and soy milk (make sure yours has at least 3 grams of fiber and less than 10 grams of sugar per 1 cup serving)