Wednesday, September 26, 2012

learning CURVES

I always knew i ate too much, but seeing in in black and white on my computer screen is really helping me see where i am going wrong. According to my vitabot statistics i should be eating a max of 1540 calories a day. Today i had 2740! Not good! I have been eating on the healthy side (although on my report card my fat and calories section i got an "F". So, i see that really granola for breakfast is out. It contains just too many calories for a portion that would satisfy me. the problem is i have some huge bags of it and i love it and don't want it to go to waste (but it is going to WAIST). So, i need to make a plan and the plan is i am going to make granola bars with it, and use them in my catering business or donate them or give them to friends in gift baskets...YES that is it. Ok, see, problem solved. Now, the problem of eating too many calories high in fat, even if it is good fat. Back away from the nuts...and carbs...I did a strenous bootcamp workout today, that is the good news, but i think exercise makes you even more hungry, a dilemma. Good news today, no bad sweets ( dark chocolate i think is ok and i had only one serving of it, didn't go back for more) the exercise was of course, good. Other good news is i was down on the scale 2 lbs. mainly due to the fact i hadn't had any wine, and when i do have a glass i tend to eat probably put me back to where i was but i WILL do better tomorrow. This first week of vitabot has helped me to see i need to make better choices. There are so many foods out there that i can eat alot of that result in fewer calories (think dark leafy greens). More good news, i bought an olive oil spray mist bottle so i can use less oil on things....that is one of my other bad habits, i love olive oil and use it often and liberally. it is very highly caloric!!!! So happy to have Zumba Class tomorrow :)

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