Tuesday, January 10, 2012

It's All About What You Want

So, two days into our Fit Club challenge and i feel good. Great even. I know two days without a cheat doesn't seem like much, but i try take it one day at a time, and therefore, each day is an absolute victory. It is important to have goals, and keep your eye on the prize, no doubt. But it can also be overwhelming to be at point A, and want to get to Point B, realizing all too well all the time, effort and sacrifice it will take to get there. But they say anything worth having takes effort, right? Like the title today states, it is all about what you want and what is important to you. To me, nothing feels better than feeling comfortable in my own skin: my clothes fitting just right, feeling energetic, alert, alive, strong. In order to achieve this i need to eat properly, including all the elements of the plan we are on, as well as treats in most definite moderation. Now if what i wanted was different, i would have different rules that would apply to me. The thing is i don't think in terms of health and fitness, that there is anyone of us who would choose to be overweight, out of shape, lethargic, gluttonous. So, therefore, many adults (and many times i am one of them!) make choices that go against their desired outcome. If you eat junk, don't exercise, then you will get what you have planned for: poor health. Take this example: i was ranting and raving about how i hated being me, i hated how unorganized i was, but i told him all i can do was try . He pointed out to me that everything that happens to me is by my own doing. Its sad, but true. I could do many things differently (like focus on one task at a time rather that starting ten, lucky to finish one), i would be closer to my goal and not always feel like there is never enough time in the day.

With that said, what i want requires certain behavior. I am taking one day at a time, but today my menu consisted of (for ideas for you)

2 pcs of double fiber whole wheat bread with 2 T cottage Cheese
Plain non fat greek yogurt (1 cup) with flax ground, blueberries strawberries

Lunch: half avacado, red beans, peas, scallions with a bit of soy sauce and sesame oil

Peanut BUtter Sandwich whole wheat, 1 T agave, half green apple sliced on top.

I was craving something sweet, so i mads hot chocolate with almond milk ,chocolate whey powder, 1/4 cup lowfat milk, and a table spoon of ovaltine. It was good and satisfied the craving.

Dinner (MY TRIGGER MEAL) MOST PROUD OF THIS: I made lasagna for my family (and i make good lasagna!) and i did not have any. I didn't deny myself (do you know i've read that people deny themselves of their impulses (eating, sex, sleep, etc) hundreds of times a day?) I had a great salad with this awesome yogurt based parmesan dressing (found in the produce section of most stores) it had 45 calories per 2T and like 4.5 g of fat, not bad! the salad had lentils (protein), red onion, mushrooms, red pepper, yum. Very satisfying...getting back to the denial part. I really didnt. I thought about having a small pc of lasagna, but that choice would not get me closer to where i want to be, plus i had enough splurges over the holidays, so, i was all good with my decision. I told myself i would have it tomorrow for lunch if i still wanted it. We'll see...i have in the back of my mind the knowledge that white lasanga noodles will raise my glycemic (sugar) levels quickly and that excess sugar will be stored as fat! Yikes, maybe no lasagna. Whatever works! Whatever mind game i have to play with myself to stick with the program, Bring Em!

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