Sunday, January 29, 2012

Mind Games

I haven't written in a while because i was trying to figure out if i was ever going to stop self sabotaging myself. When the fit club challenge started the second time around, i had my normal ups and downs. Then i decided to really go for it, enough is enough. So for a week i was doing very well. No wine, no sweets, just good stuff. I was amazed at how easy it was ONCE I SET MY MIND TO IT. Making the wrong choices was just not an option. My birthday was coming up, so i decided when i went away i would splurge. That was fine, but the problem was once i made up my MIND to splurge, it was hard to stop. I felt fine about having cake, eggs benedict, wine. But getting back to the plan was hard because i knew i would have to deprive myself again. This is the wrong mindset. Its why this time around i devised the plan to allow for a little sugar, a little dark chocolate, that kind of thing.

Good news is i am so back on the plan. It just took me a couple of days more than i thought. The first couple of days back is always the toughest. The cravings and the temptation to just start tomorrow....very strong. THe difference this time, i hope, is to realize that it doesn't really matter what i eat once in a while, but its my habits most of the time that count.

My other big hurdle that i have been dealing with a long time is that i am an overeater. I happen to be a great cook :) so when i make something delish, i eat way too much of it. Even if it is the healthiest dish on the planet, overeating is overeating. Calories add up, even it they are healthy.

Yesterday, being one of those "back" days, was tough because i was feeling hungry alot. Whenever that hunger crept up, i promised myself i would go for something healthy. I had these amazing looking chocolate chip cookies on the counter, and i didn't touch them. Now, according to my new philosophy, i really should be able to have one if i want it and move on. But being the first few days back, i didn't want to start what might be something that could escalate. So, i ate a healthy dinner of salmon and salad (asian style). THen i ate 2 grapefruits and an apple. I was still craving sweets so i had a hot chocolate with hot water and almond milk. I was good after that. THis morning, the scale was down, so i did somehting right. Maybe the grapefruits??? Or the two and a half hours of Zumba yesterday!!!

i have a new strategy. Rather thatn trying to get fitter for my trip to florida (and the beach!), i have decided that if i reach my short term goal (fill in the blank here) then i will be able to (fill in the blank). For me it is being able to purchase these designer jeans that promise the bet fit ever. Now i want to buy them when i achieve my goal, so all the more reason to get there. And i am not far. The point is keep your mind on the prize. Allow little treats along the way, but setting these short term goals will add extra motivation when you are faced with the every day temptations that are just a fact of life.

I leave you with a few healthy snacks you can go to instead of the cookie jar, all under 100 calories:

25 Pistachios (that's a good number, huh?)
1 cup pineapple chunks, with 2T shredded coconut (yum)
1/2 cup cherrioes and half cup fat free milk (or 35 calorie almond milk)

Have a great day! I am off to a birthday party with the kids, and i will pass on the cake, thank you. I will just make sure i eat before i go!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

It's All About What You Want

So, two days into our Fit Club challenge and i feel good. Great even. I know two days without a cheat doesn't seem like much, but i try take it one day at a time, and therefore, each day is an absolute victory. It is important to have goals, and keep your eye on the prize, no doubt. But it can also be overwhelming to be at point A, and want to get to Point B, realizing all too well all the time, effort and sacrifice it will take to get there. But they say anything worth having takes effort, right? Like the title today states, it is all about what you want and what is important to you. To me, nothing feels better than feeling comfortable in my own skin: my clothes fitting just right, feeling energetic, alert, alive, strong. In order to achieve this i need to eat properly, including all the elements of the plan we are on, as well as treats in most definite moderation. Now if what i wanted was different, i would have different rules that would apply to me. The thing is i don't think in terms of health and fitness, that there is anyone of us who would choose to be overweight, out of shape, lethargic, gluttonous. So, therefore, many adults (and many times i am one of them!) make choices that go against their desired outcome. If you eat junk, don't exercise, then you will get what you have planned for: poor health. Take this example: i was ranting and raving about how i hated being me, i hated how unorganized i was, but i told him all i can do was try . He pointed out to me that everything that happens to me is by my own doing. Its sad, but true. I could do many things differently (like focus on one task at a time rather that starting ten, lucky to finish one), i would be closer to my goal and not always feel like there is never enough time in the day.

With that said, what i want requires certain behavior. I am taking one day at a time, but today my menu consisted of (for ideas for you)

2 pcs of double fiber whole wheat bread with 2 T cottage Cheese
Plain non fat greek yogurt (1 cup) with flax ground, blueberries strawberries

Lunch: half avacado, red beans, peas, scallions with a bit of soy sauce and sesame oil

Peanut BUtter Sandwich whole wheat, 1 T agave, half green apple sliced on top.

I was craving something sweet, so i mads hot chocolate with almond milk ,chocolate whey powder, 1/4 cup lowfat milk, and a table spoon of ovaltine. It was good and satisfied the craving.

Dinner (MY TRIGGER MEAL) MOST PROUD OF THIS: I made lasagna for my family (and i make good lasagna!) and i did not have any. I didn't deny myself (do you know i've read that people deny themselves of their impulses (eating, sex, sleep, etc) hundreds of times a day?) I had a great salad with this awesome yogurt based parmesan dressing (found in the produce section of most stores) it had 45 calories per 2T and like 4.5 g of fat, not bad! the salad had lentils (protein), red onion, mushrooms, red pepper, yum. Very satisfying...getting back to the denial part. I really didnt. I thought about having a small pc of lasagna, but that choice would not get me closer to where i want to be, plus i had enough splurges over the holidays, so, i was all good with my decision. I told myself i would have it tomorrow for lunch if i still wanted it. We'll see...i have in the back of my mind the knowledge that white lasanga noodles will raise my glycemic (sugar) levels quickly and that excess sugar will be stored as fat! Yikes, maybe no lasagna. Whatever works! Whatever mind game i have to play with myself to stick with the program, Bring Em!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Take the Plunge

So I did something out of my comfort zone today: On New Years Day, i jumped into the Atlantic Ocean in Rhode Island with my family. I did it for several reasons. It wasn't like it was on my bucket list. I had never before felt the need to do this. but this year i thought it would be the perfect start. A way to cleanse my spirit and start anew. Although i have "started anew" countless times i once again continue pursuing my goals of health, fitness and wellbeing. I decided to look at the good choices i have made this year instead of focussing on the negative.

Yes, i have worked out this year steadily without fail. Becoming the instructor has forced me to be consistent, and i am proud i came up with and followed through with this plan. I will continue to do so.

What i have learned this year: YOU CANNOT OUT EXERCISE POOR DIET CHOICES. No matter how much you exercise, if you eat junk, you will continue to feel like garbage. Diet is more important than exercise. Exercise is great, help tone you, released endorphins, but your diet needs to be regulated, and balanced.

Yes, i have been eating much better. The problem is i eat too much. I also get overwhelmed sometimes, and eating temporarily satiates me. Will work on that.

New year, New plan, the difference this year: I WANT TO EXERCISE. Not only did i find an exercise i adore, but because i have been working out regularly for a long while now, when i can't exercise i crave it and i want to maintain the results because i have noticed some amazing results. I know if i don't do a little something everyday those results will disappear and i am not having that.