Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Is it Time to Seek Professional Help?

  • Usually, this statement refers to psychological help (and believe me , with my harried life, I have asked myself this question from time to time :) What I am asking you is if you think perhaps it might be time to check out a weight loss club or system. If you think about it though, weight loss systems are a form of psychological help. I truly believe that what you put in your mouth is influenced primarily by your mind. If it was exclusively physiological you would stop eating when your hypothalamus (is that the monitor in your brain that tells you when you're full?) Your eating would not be influenced by external cues (happy, sad, tired which is a big one for me). So, maybe we do need some psychological help. Some one or some system to help us make those healthy choices. That's another psychological factor. When were truly hungry, (and not just eating cause we're bored, upset, etc.), our minds have a choice. Do we go for the potato chips or that apple? Then we go into all kind of rationalizations why maybe we could or should have those potato chips (I need extra salt cause I sweat a lot today, or I haven't eaten that much today, so I'll have some, and then I'll eat a light dinner...) These mind games are enough to make anyone cry out for help. What I am saying is wouldn't it be nice to have no guess work. I get so frustrated when I go out to dinner for example. Lately, I've become increasingly aware that just because I choose the turkey or fish item on the menu, doesn't mean I have made the healthiest or least caloric choice. I wish (and may even do something about it) that all menus were required to have nutritional info next to each item, so we can make educated decisions. Then, if we want to eat that 2,000 calorie burrito, it would be our choice! Getting back to the systems, I would love to know more about Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig and Nutrisystem. Does anyone have experience with these and would be wiling to share? I will write more about what I know and think about them soon!

1 comment:

connwoman said...

I have lots of experience with Weight Watchers. I started as a member, enjoy success with the program and am now working for Weight Watchers.

I believe if people are going to pay a commercial weight loss company to help them lose weight, they should use the following criteria to chose their program:

Does not exclude any of the major food groups

Does not exclude any certain foods that may be "bad" such as "carbs."

No special food is necessary. Members do not need to purchase any Weight Watchers brand food ever to follow the program. Members receive information to allow them to eat all grocery store foods and restaurant foods "on program."

Promotes gradual weight loss.

Moderate in calories - does not recommend fewer than 1200 calories per day.

Includes behavioral modification and exercise components.

Has a maintenance component for long-term weight maintenance.

Weight Watchers meets or exceeds all those standards

The Weight Watchers program is flexible, easy to follow, constantly revised to reflect the latest in scientific and medical information in human nutrition and weight management. Members learn how to follow the program from people who are successfully using the program to manage their own weight so they receive additional insight, motivation and inspiration from somebody who knows first hand the challenges they face. Perhaps most important is that members of Weight Watchers find help embracing healthy lifestyles in an environment of group support.

Weight Watchers is the only commercial weight loss program that has maintenance claims verified and published in peer-reviewed scientific and medical journals.

If there were a commercial weight loss program that was based on sound science (as Weight Watcher is) and met or exceeded all government standards for nutrition (as Weight Watchers does) and was more effective than Weight Watchers, I would work for that company. There isn't because Weight Watchers is the best and that's why I use Weight Watchers to maintain my weight and encourage others who struggle with their weight to do the same.