Wednesday, December 28, 2011


"Woman Calls 911 claiming she ate too much".
Okay, you laugh when you read this initially, but didn't you ever feel that way? SO in need of some professional help after you eat to the point of no return? You eat not only the wrong thing, but way too much of it, KNOWING how you will feel the day after, but you seem to have no control when you are in the moment. You know that day after pill after you have unprotected sex? Well there is a fortune to be made for the person who invents a similar pill to be used the day after a binge. Made a mistake? Poor judgemet, ate too much? Don't worry, take this and you will not get...fat.

Yes, food to many women is like sex is to men. Have you ever heard the statisic that states how many times a day men think of sex? Well that is me and food. You don't know how many times i think of food, what i will eat, what i should and should not eat, and how many times i catch myself ALMOST absentmindedly pop food in my mouth: what is leftover from breakfast, my kids plate, last night, whatever. It is constant. Luckily i have become much more mindful about what i eat, although the thoughts are always there. I try to decipher if i am actually hungry or not, and 80% of the time i swear i am, but the other 20% i am eating even though i know i have had enough, know that i should be done, that the food i have consumed is enough fuel for that day, let alone for that meal. It is amazing how much food we eat vs what we actually need for optimum health.

No, i cannot dial 911 as much as i wish there was a magic number i could call that would rush to my aid and help me through the challenging times...unfortunately it is all up to me, to us. And the rationale is that it is the best thing for me, but who said our relationship to food is rational? ONE DAY AT A TIME. Better choices next time...:)

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