Sunday, November 23, 2008

November 23: Some tips for you

Hey. I am trying to figure out some kind of format for this blog. I think I will start everyday with my weight for the day. Let me explain: I weigh myself everyday. I think this is good and bad. Good, because I know if I am leaning higher or lower, and need to perhaps adjust some habits. Bad, because it is obsessive behavior. Anyway, yesterday was 108.2 and today was 107.2 lbs. (keep in mind my scale is about 2 lbs. less than it should be). Anyway, it was shocking because I felt like I ate way too much the night before, and to wake up to 107.2 was good.

I don't want this blog to be all about me and my phobias, fears, obsessions...I want to relay info to you. Things that i find interested in relation to health, fitness, aging, etc. So, on that note, may I recommend the book The Perricon Prescription ( I think that is how you spell it). It is by a doctor, and he gives all kind of advice and recommendations on how to be wrinkle free. Among them is to eat salmon at least 5 times a week. I thought he was nuts, but find that is not that hard for me because I like salmon and can eat it different ways (smoked, terriyaki, cajun). He also recommends supplements. I take L-Glutamine (supposed to work against the negative effects of alcohol and make you crave it less!), L-Carnitine (found in the Nivea Anti-cellulite creams and pills sold with it), Alpha-Lipoic acid, and Chromium Polynictinate (not chromium picolinate he insists). I have heard of the chromium and L-carnitine for help with fat burning, better absorbtion, but he says it helps with wrinkles too, so great! Anyway, he has lots of interesting theories, so it is a good read. I have also tried the face cream ingredients he recommends (alpha-lipoic acid, vitamin c ester, and DMAE (which he touts as a miracle ingredient). Anyway, I don't know if I have seen much difference, but then again, I don't take the pills 3 x daily with meals (probably twice a day) and sometimes I forget to put on the face cream. I still have hope though, so I use it. Also, I have tried the Garnier Nutrisse anti-puff eye roller gel and have to say, I don't think it works. And I have tried very hard to apply day and night as directed, and still, not impressed. I have these dark cirles and puffy eyes. Any ideas out there (I've even tried cucumber slices-tea bags are next!)

Looking forward to hearing from you. I don't know how you get people to discover your blog, but hopefully someone will. I am going to visit Skinny Jeans, a blog I really like, and see if I can get some ideas on blog traffic.

Thanks! Vicki

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