Tuesday, April 12, 2011


At least 3 times a week i remember to take 2 Tablespoons of ACV before a meal. As it's going down, the taste is so hard to swallow i often try to remember WHY EXACTLY am i taking this? Below is an article i saved to remind myself of exactly why i need to take ACV everyday before each meal! You can mix it with a little honey if it makes it more palatable to you. I mix it with equal amount of water so it doesn't burn so much going down...i buy the organic unfiltered kind which you can get at Trader Joes for cheap!

The list of apple cider vinegar health benefits are many. Apple cider vinegar helps to retard the onset of old age. Apple cider vinegar is very rich in potassium, a mineral many of us are deficient in, and a deficiency that causes old age to creep in on us sooner. Calcium maintains our hard tissues such as bones, and postassium is the equivalent to the body's soft tisues, keeping the body's flesh, joints and arteries soft and resilient.

Apple cider vinegar helps fight high blood pressure and keep heart healthy. Animal proteins and fats have a tendency to thicken the blood. When blood thickens, it puts a strain on the heart. Then the blood pressure goes up and other problems start to appear. In order for the blood to circulate freely throughout the body, the blood should be thin. The potassium in Apple cider vinegar is beneficial to both the heart and blood pressure, and helps to keep the blood healthier and thinner, and thereby aids in preventing a stroke.

Apple cider vinegar:

1.is a natural fighter against germ and bacteria.
2.helps removes body toxins
3.helps support a healthy immune system
4.relieve gout, arthritis stiffness
5.helps relieve sore throats
6.helps reduce LDL cholesterol (the bad cholesterol). The pectin found in Apple cider vinegar is a water-soulble fibre that is capable of soaking up fats and cholesterol in the body and then is excreted instead of being reabsorbed. The amino acids contained in Apple cider vinegar have shown promise in neutralizing some of the harmful oxidized LDL cholesterol.
7.reduces water retention in the body and excess sodium from the body
8.relieves asthma and assists in preventing circulatory problems.
9.relieve nasal congestion, A constant draining of mucus from the sinus cavities can be both sore and uncomfortable. It is best to cut out, or eat as little as possible, of mucus forming food – which traditionally, in most cases would be dairy products. Many sufferers of nasal congestion have experienced relief by adding Apple cider vinegar to their diet.
10.helps with diminishing premature calcification of the arteries.
11.flushes gallstones and kidney stones. Apple cider vinegar is beneficial in breaking up kidney stones and gallstones, by softening or dissolving them.
12.prevents Osteoporosis. The maganese, magnesium, silicon and calcium found in Apple cider vinegar have been linked in sustaining bone mass, which is important in fighting against Osteoporosis.
13.helps increase concentration and memory
14.assists in blood circulation, body temperature as well as vitality and energy.
15.improves digestion and assimilation. If the food cannot be broken into the absorbable form, the body cannot assimilate the required nutrients needed from the diet. The malic acid and tartaric acid found in Apple cider vinegar help in digesting food for proper metabolizing of proteins, fats and minerals, while killing off unwanted and unfriendly bacterial in the digestive tract.
16.relieves contipation. Constipation is the root causes of many illnesses and degenerateive diseases. When we add fibre to our diet, such as pectin in Apple cider vinegar, we assis our body by having the regular bowel movements and proper elimination, which helps with preventing cancer, especially colon cancer.
17.cures diarrhoea and food poisoning. Add 1 tbsp of Apple cider vinegar to a glass of distilled water and sip 1-2 tsp of the mixture every 5 minutes. Effective to aid the body rid of harmful compounds and bacterial, as well as providing a protective coating which soothes the irritated lining of the colon.
18.prevents cramps
Apple cider vinegar is a powerful anti-oxidant. Although Apple cider vinegar cannot cure cancer, itis a powerful antioxidant, neutralizing the free radicals. If free radicals are left alone to have the run of our bodies, they cause major damage by severely damaging cells, which leads to aging and degeneration.

Apple cider vinegar is effective in weight loss. Apple cider vinegar taken before meals will speed up the metablism, makes the body burn calories better, and controls the blood glucose level.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

We All Make Mistakes, Words of Wisdom and MORE

In several internet articles about, you guessed it, fitness, dietary habits, I was reading about mistakes people make in their daily lives that contribute to their battle of the bulge. The two that I make are lack of sleep, and overeating healthy foods. What are yours?

So, let's discuss the two i mentioned.

Lack of Sleep: Being who we are: BUSY, MOTIVATED, SELFLESS, Multi-tasking women and mothers, i think we can all relate. I have had very few awesome nights of sleep since my daughter was born 10 years ago. Not only has it given me bags and dark circle under my eyes, but i think it is helping me to keep the one constant in my life: my little paunch aka belly fat. Skimping on sleep decreases leptin, a hormone that squelches appetite, and increases grehlin, a hormone that increases hunger (who knew?) You not only eat more when you are tired (i always do, it's like i need to do something that makes me feel good because the one thing i really need, REST, i can't get!), but you crave high fat, calorie dense foods for energy. Lack of sleep also increases stress hormones, which can decrease your body's efficiency at metabolizing fats and sugars. Most people need between 7-9 hours, i usually get 5 or 6!\

Overeating Healthy Foods: I have to say, i don't eat too much junk: very rarely will you see me eating chips, bacon or other non-healthy foods. I eat lots of bananas, avacados, nuts, olive oil..all great for you, but still high in fat and calories (even if its the good fat). For example, take bananas. Great for you. The potassium helps balance minerals in your body, helps rid your body of excess sodium, and potassium rich food help to prevent muscle breakdown by freeing up more amino acids which help muscles build and repair. We tend to lose muscle mass as we age, and since muscle burns more calories than fat, we need to build and maintain it! BUT Bananas have 17G of SUGAR...as much as a DONUT believe it or not, so limit your intake to one a day. Maybe even to half in the a.m. and keep the other half for a snack later in the day. Olive Oil: Heart Healthy, good saturated fat, 14G of fat per Tablespoon, 120 Calories! Enough said. Portion size matters...be aware.

Quote of the Day: Like it or not, there is always someone better than you. At some point you just have to say, "That's OKAY, I STILL HAVE SOMETHING TO OFFER!" Kathy Davis, successful greeting card designer