Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Secrets and Keratin Hair Treatment Review

Okay, we all have secrets...well one about me is that I am a salt-aholic. Lately I have also added sugar addict to my list, which is all part of the evil plan of the food industry to keep us eating all the food they make, and more, thus buying more. This is what I have been reading lately from more than one source and it makes perfect sense. Supposedly our bodies are designed to crave sugar and fat from the time we were introduced to our mother's breast milk. It was a survival mechanism that helped you want more, thus drink more milk, therefore growing and thriving. Sugar, Fat, and Salt are addictive because they trigger the pleasure chemical dopamine n the brain. So, basically what you have to do is try to wean yourself off the high fat, sugar and salt foods. What will inevitably happen is you will crave them much less. That is why i hate artificial sweetners. Since i switched to splenda in the morning (I have been using a splenda sweetned syrup in my coffee, hazelnut or vanilla flavored), i have been craving more sweets throught out the day. I take that back, i was craving sweets more than i wanted to, so i cut out the sugar in my coffee, thinking i had to cut it somewhere, and that was the only sugar i actually ADDED to anything...Right now i am in a vicious cycle of salt and sugar cravings that i know just a few days of abstinence would help cure. The problem is getting through the first few days!

I should correct that last statement. Salt has always been the one constant in my life. I can remember my mother scolding me for putting too much salt on absolutely everything besides those obviously sweet things. To this day, the salt shaker is close by at every meal, and it really is not good. The ironic thing is that i have LOW blood pressure, giving me the green light to go hog wild with the salt. WRONG. I am constantly bloated in my belly and i wake up puffy a few days a week. Thank goodness i sweat a lot with teaching zumba or it would be worse.

The next few posts of this blog will discuss the negative effects of salt, and what can help. I am hoping this exercise will help me for good. It feels cathartic already. According to my source, Prevention Magazine, salt : secretly increases your weight, fills up fat cells, and spikes levels of insulin while it quietly undermines your health without any signs, until it is too late!

Foods with sodium: This surprised me. A chicken caesar salad with Grilled Chicken at a fast food place has double the sodium of an order of large fries! I would of course, order the salad, looking at the calories and fat, ignoring the sodium, which will put water weight pounds on me, probably as many pounds as eating excess calories or fat would. 3 minerals which combat sodium in the body: calcium, magnesium and potassium.

More on salt next time!

Keratin Hair Treatment. The signs are all over: Keratin smoothing here, Keratin Hair Treamtments...i had gotten the japananese hair straightening system by Liscio a few years ago and it was AMAZING, but TOXIC! They used very harsh chemicals, and although it never burned my eyes or bothered me, for my hair to get and stay that straight, they had to be using some harsh stuff. The keratin system claims to be all natural and that is great. As far as results, not so great. I spent $165 and was promised not pin straight, but much smoother hair that would only require minimal straight ironing. I have very thick, coarse hair and needed something like a relaxing. It looked good the first week and after that it was down hill. One month later, and it looks like i had no treatment. BUMMER, but you live and you learn..Perhaps it would work on a person who had thinner, less coarse hair than I have, but if your hair is thick and wavy, i would look for another option. I have mentioned Naked Naturals conditioner several times in this blog, and have to say i get better smoother results when i use that than with this treatment, and that costs $8 per bottle.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Zumba, Product Reviews

Been a while, sorry about that. Busy as usual..One of the activities I have been occupied with is of course, Zumba. I was therefore, ecstatic to read about the many benefits of Latin Dance, and specifically, Zumba, in this month's Prevention Magazine. They ran an article on the different types of dance fitness crazes of late and the benefits...The area that Latin Dance/Zumba targets the most: Front and side back and abs! YES! I can tell you that is true by seeing the nicely defined obliques and tranvers abs I have acquired from regular Zumba. Prevention reminds us that it is these muscles that not only makes us look good in a bikini, but support our spine and building a stronger core improves our posture. I find poor posture is a problem for young and old alike (think that slouching teen you know or of course, how we tend to shrink and the rounded shoulder problem as we age). Yes, Prevention says, a good beat gets practically anyone moving and..."moving to music subtracts stress and ads joy. You're not (hopefully) watching the clock...you're out meeting people; it's entertainment. (and beleive me, i can be very entertaining, ask my students :) "Dance is a total body workout that has all the benefits of a long run or elliptical (although certainly not as torturous or boring) and then some"...a one hour class can burn as much as 400 calories (I have evidence that at my class it averages somewhere about 550) You'll also tone EVERY muscle in your body, improve balance, and boost brainpower." Again, I can attest to all of that! And you have seen those Dancing with the Stars body transformations...need i say more? Check out zumba.com to find a class near you and if you're near me, come to mine!


Revolution Ab Cuts: You know the one that Kendra Wilkinson is endorsing, although not in ads, but speaking about her success with it on talk shows (yes, she is paid to do that, sneaky, huh?) I got it at a super discount so thought i would try it.
Experiment: I have been taking it 2 pills, three times a day with meals.
What's in it: It was the stuff that i was buying in supplements anyway (ones that are not cheap by the way) It says an 800mg serving of the following: CLA, GLA, ALA, EPA, DHA, Sesame Oil and Vitamin E. So it's not one of those supplements with caffeine added to boost metabolism. If you have read the Perricone Prescription, these are many of the supplements he says to take to burn fat, boost metabolism, slow aging, etc. Question is the dosage: is roughly 100 mg per ingredient listed enough? 3x a day, yes i would say.
Company Claim: Targets mid-section, butt, and stomach fat.

RESULTS: Been taking it since March 1. Went on vacation and ate healthily, but not in moderation. Besides one week of vacation, have been limiting alcohol intake. When i got back from vacation, the scale was 2 lbs less than when i left! That was good news. Remember, i exercise regularly, and watch what i eat, but keep in mind i do have slip up days. So, i would have to say that i do like this supplement, but it is pricey (about $40-50 for 120 pills, 3-6 per day). The bottle is almost gone. I would say it has helped, but watching what you eat and limiting sugar and salt intake would help probably in same way. BOTTOM LINE: When ingredients listed are on sale or ab cuts is on sale, buy it. Otherwise, save your money!

Spray Tanning: A perfect, safe way to get a nice bronze coloring to kick off the season. MUST GET IT sprayed on by a person, not a machine! They will match the shade to your skin tone and spray it on precisely, no streaks! Lasts 10-12 days...Try Envious Bronze if you live in Maine. www.enviousbronze.com LOVED MINE.

Evercleanse Detox/3 Step Colon Cleanse System: Bought this at Rite Aid for $17 (originally $44)
Pros: A detox system that you don't need to dramatically change your ordinary diet.

System: 3 parts: Colon Health tablets, a fiber powder you drink, and pro-biotics tablet.

Claim: Increases nutritional absorption, decreases appetite, gentle, removes pathogenic bacteria, increases vitality, helps remove toxins in the intestinal track, increases good bowel movements, helps you lose weight. Cleanse, detox, and replenish, maintain a healthy digestive system.

RESULTS: Definitely don't waste your money. I felt constipated and or gassy when i took this. Did not decrease my appetite in the least.
I do feel energetic, but i attribute this to my regular routine of exercise and healthy eating! That's all you need. Your body will clean itself out! PLENTY OF COLD ICED LEMON WATER IS THE KEY!!

Hope this helps! Have a great day!!