Sunday, January 23, 2011

Jack La Lalanne, Bridalplasty, and Daughters

I must start off with the death of Jack Lalanne, the founding father of the fitness movement, who, as I am sure you were wondering, died at age....96. This is a man who according to his agent "exercised and ate healthily every day of his life". I didn't know this about him until reading his obituary, but he had a fitness show from 1950-1970, which urged kids to go wake up their mothers and drag them in front of the TV to exercise! Talk about a man before his time. Well, longevity he certainly experienced, but more importantly was the quality of his life. Hey, his dog's name was Happy! This is a very telling fact about a guy who treated his body right. If we all did this, i do believe we would all be happy. According to Lalanne, "the only way to hurt your body is not to use it...inactivity is the killer, and remember, it is never too late!"

Thin life crisis is geared towards all of us interested in our health, but as the name suggests, i think i cover topics geared towards those approaching or in mid life. Lalanne's message is one to hear loud and clear: it is never too late even if each day you fall off the health wagon, just get right back on. This is a thank you to Jack Lalanne and people like him (and me I hope) trying to introduce people all the benfits of fitness and health. The only difference between Jack and I is that i don't eat healthy and exercise EVERY day, but i do try!

BRIDALPLASTY: I am seriously concerned about the mental state of women in our country. Have you seen this most offensive and ridiculous show? It show petty, shallow, numb women vying for their fantasy wedding. Okay, we've seen reality shows like this before. But this one takes it a step futher: The top prize includes all the plastic surgery procedures their hearts desire to be performed before their wedding day so they can have their perfect day! I don't even know where to start with this. First of all, who would want to marry any one of these air heads? But, i digress. I am not here to women bash. What i do want to ask is WHY?? Why is it that women think they need to be fixed? Why can't they see how wrong this is? Do their prospective husbands just want a cookie cutter bride who has a straigh nose and thin thighs? I am just appauled. I have nothing more to say on this!

Now to a much more important topic, one which i will just introduce now, but will most likely delve further into another time: Our Daughters and the messages that health conscious mothers are sending to them. I am so torn and i would love some feedback. Yes, i am conscious of what i eat and exercise as a fitness instructor. I thought i was being a good role model. I NEVER comment on my body (too fat, skinny, whatever) and i never comment on my tween or 6 year old daughter's physiques. I know they are very impressionable and hang on every word i say, so i certainly don't want to give them any complexes. But they are very intuitive..they pick up on everything. So now i am hearing things from them like oh my legs are too big, or they will jiggle around the extra skin on their calves and say oh i hate this extra skin. I did bring it to their attention that they need the extra skin in order for their muscles to be able to move freely and that seemed enlightening.

My question is how do you make them health conscious and portion aware without creating issues and angst? Their is a high percentage of childhood obesity, so there is a need particulaly in this country for education, but where is the line? I wanted to not bring it up with them so that it would not be an issue. But i think that is the wrong approach.

I have a friend who shows her daughter the portion size on the box, which i think is a good thing. Not enough of us know what a proper serving of something looks like. I have always tried to incorporate eat everything in moderation, eat until you are comfortable, not stuffed. They tend not to eat enough of the healthy foods at times, so i do ask them to take a few more bites, but certainly if they say they are full, I excuse them from the table. I just wish for them a life that does not include wasting so much time on what they eat or look like. But, judging by Bridalplasty, i think we're all in trouble! Comments?