Sunday, July 25, 2010

Consistency is Key

Hello All. It has been a while. I knew in the summer the blog posts would slow down dramatically due to needing to prioritize. I mentioned previously that this blog is my guilty pleasure. Finding the time to squeeze it in is challenging, especially with the 3 ZUMBA classes I teach weekly, a full service seasonal catering service I own, a bi-monthly article I write for the local paper, 2 energetic little get the picture.

Enough of that. We are all busy, which is a great segue into the topic for today's blog: Consistency. Fitness and a healthy lifestyle is all about being consistent. In order to reach your goals, you have got to plan your work (outs) and work your plan! Same thing goes for how you eat. am not saying you can't have what you're craving. Have it, but compensate in some way to make up for it. If you have a heavy-ish meal, make the next lighter. Be aware and consistent in these ways and you will see results. Since I have become a ZUMBA instructor, I have seen fantastic results. WHY? Because I exersise consistently 3x a week. It also works because I enjoy it and therefore am sticking with it. Just because I am the instructor, doesn't mean I can't just throw in the towel, and decide I don't want to do it anymore. But I DO want to do it. Same goes for all of you out there. If you find something you like you WILL stick with it. You will want to.

My next point is you have to CONSISTENTLY VARY YOUR ROUTINE. Meaning that one type of activity is not enough. Although i work out hard with ZUMBA and have seen great results, when I do a different work out, I am generally sore the next day. Running makes my shins sore, and abs are sore after traditional ab exersises. That tells me that I need to challenge my body in other ways. Hiking, Biking, FUN stuff that you can do with friends and family ( I am not really referring to traditional exersise machines, life is just to short for that torture). I can handle some weight training, and i think it is extremely important.

TONED ARMS: Many ask me how to get their arms looking better and toned. I have a few recommendations. First, you have to do cardio and ZUMBA is a perfect choice. Next, i suggest you check out Tracy Anderson. She is one of Madonna's and Gwyneth Paltrow's Trainers. She has a website, the I like her because her focus is using light weights with lots of repetitions and unconventional movements to target the smaller muscle groups. Combined with cardio, i beleive this can help you achieve the arms you crave! I suggest you try the Tracy Anderson Perfect Design DVD sequence one to see if she is for you.

BEAUTY UPDATE: FOR THE RECORD, I TRIED THE ROC EYE PRODUCT WITH THE MICRO CURRENTS, AND MY ADVICE IS SAVE YOUR MONEY. THEY JUST DIDN'T WORK FOR ME AND I HAVE BEEN USING IT SINCE JUNE! I did try St. Ives Cucumber Anti Stress Under Eye treatment and liked it, seemed to reduce puffiness. Found in any drug store!