Monday, October 26, 2009

Big Changes and Beauty Reviews

I don't do well at parties, generally. I really like parties, but, maybe because I don't get out often enough, when I do go, I tend to over do it. Not drinking necessarily. At this stage of my life, I no longer enjoy headaches, dry mouth and all the other lovely side effects of over indulging with alcohol. So, I tend to know when I should go for a glass of water instead of another glass of wine. But, overindulging with food is another issue. Drinking alcohol is partially to blame. I am sure I am not alone when saying that drinking leads me to eat more than I normally would or should. But even if there was no alcohol, in the past, I would over eat. It was like all all rules were out the window. Actually, for a long time, i didn't have any rules when it came to food. I would eat what I wanted, when I wanted and how much I wanted. That wouldn't be so bad if I could have just controlled the last part. The how much part. I would be eating things that I knew were decadent, etc. Then I would say, well this is a party, if you can't eat X at a party, then when can you, etc. Games, games. Well, finally, I think I have a handle on it somewhat.

You see, scapegoats are a really handy thing. For example, my friends came over the other day unexpectedly. Well, time for a party in my mind. I wasn't going to drink any wine that night, but because they were there, I did. And then I got hungry, and I ate too much. I rationalized, well, it's my friend's fault-they came over, what was I going to do, not have a glass of wine with them? Well, OK, I could have had A glass of wine with them, but I used it as an excuse to have a few when that was going against all I am working for, mainly control of myself. Then I wound up eating snack type food at dinner time (they didn't have any, but I felt the need to bring it out for THEM, of course, using them as a scapegoat again). The Point is: I am starting to see it all for what it is. I have made some good changes over the past few months and here they are:

I eat smaller meals throughout the day.
I eat until I feel satisfied, not full.
I don't eat until I am too full or keep eating for all the wrong reasons (well, I already blew it, might as well keep going, I will work out tomorrow, etc.)
At the party the other day, I was genuinely hungry, at until I was satisfied. When I got home, guess what? I was hungry again, so I ate a small meal. THIS IS ALL GOOD!

What I like is that I felt in control, made good decisions. I have an example that may explain: One night I was making dinner, slid into some old habits, ate a bit too much. I felt like I ate for the wrong reasons. The next day I didn't feel excited, even though the scale said less. Today, the scale said more, but I am OK with it because I felt like I ate and acted appropriately.

That I ate when I was hungry and stopped when I wasn't. PERIOD. Why is this such a hard concept???

Because as we see on a regularly basis, people eat for many reasons. If we only ate until we weren't hungry, we wouldn't have so much obesity around us.

OK LADIES, new beauty product update: Victoria Prinipal's Reclaim line. Got it at a yard sale (unused, unopened packages) for $10. So far I really like it. Only using it a week. I will give an indept review after 30 days or so.....Package included eye serums, anti aging day and night creams, enzyme masks, etc.

SENDING BACK: GOT SUCKERED INTO THE COMMERCIALS ON THE RADIO-ORDERED "HYDROLYZE" NOT LIKING THE DARK CIRCLES, BAGS UNDER MY EYES-I am sure it is from 5 years of lack of sleep due to babies and catering. Anyway, didn't work for me-everyone is different, but I sent in for my refund.....