Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Shopping Continued

So, Shopping! I love it, but do it all too often. Problem is I don't like to spend too much money. Let's just say it would be hard for me, although I have done it, to spend $50 or more on any one peice of clothing. I think it is absurd. However, I love designer clothes and being in fashion, so this creates the next obstacle on the road to looking good. Thus, I am regulary checking Ebay for deals. Usually, they have women's clothing lots for sale. Sometimes the clothes are all new with tags, sometimes a mix of used and new. A designer lot new with tags can go for several hundred dollars, but you'll get 20 or 30 pcs., well below retail. I just got a great lot. All the clothes were used, but in excellent condition. To me, one wash, and they were never anyone else's. (Anyone beg to differ on that?) Anyway, I got about 17 pairs of pants, a wool coat, and the rest were tops ( I think 35 pcs. total) for $71.00 (including shipping). Even if you don't like all the stuff in the lot, 17 pairs of pants to try on! Heaven! They were mostly Gap, Abercrombie, BCBG, The Limited. I can't wait to get the package. I will let you know how it turned out. So, go ahead and try it yourself. Just type in women's clothing lot and your size and see what you get. Lots of fun, and you don't have to leave homw (again, a problem if you like to shop too much).

So, getting back to last night. When I have control at dinner (my witching hour, when cravings kick in to say the least), I feel proud and literally give myself a pat on the back. The moment I wake up, the first thing I think of was "Was I good last night-did I eat or drink too much?) Then I either pat myself on the back or beat myself up and tell myself I am a loser. That I don't love my kids enough or I would take the ultimate care of myself to lenghten my life so I can be here for them as long as possible.

My goal is to eat meals without sampling my cooking 20 times until I am full, and then eat dinner anyway! If I could just eat the meals intended, and not finish the cold ground beef and spaghetti off my kids plate (why, why, why, when I am not even hungry). I find I really have to focus to just make the meal, sit down and eat it, and not put one morsel of food in my mouth until it is time. I have to put my mind to it, or mindless eating will take over! It can be done, but with much effort, and I am certainly not there yet.


Today I did not get on the scale. Too scared. I was pretty well behaved yesterday, didn't overeat, but ate some fattening things. Point is I did not feel out of control and that is good. More in a minute, having some technical difficulties, need to do a test.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Spell Check!

Sorry, I promise to spell check next post! I am just always rushing to squeeze in a post. More on the whole time issue next time!
December 1: No Self Control!

Well, I did pretty well over the Thanksgiving Holiday. I consider doing well eating what I want, but in moderation. You see (take note), when you allow yourself to eat what you want (just in perhaps smaller portions), you don't tend to overeat or self sabatogue. So, I did great. Then when I got home, I knew I had to cool it, and all of a sudden, I was in the binge mode. I don't binge and purge, just eat a ton, then feel really bad about it. So, that is where I am at right now, 110 lbs!

Enough about that. Tips for you: Did you know that if you eat spicy foods, you can raise your metabolism by as much as 23%? I eat spicy foods all the time, but because I like them. I am hoping the that the metabolism thing is really true, though. It is a great perk for foods I already like.

THE LATEST: I was reading a question and answer type article and the question was why did this person weigh more at night than in the morning (sometimes up to 10 lbs she said!). The answer seemed obvious to me: You have a day's worth of food and drink in you. In the morning after "evacuating" as she called it, you have the least amount of waste, water, food, etc. The person writing in thought she might be retaining too much water, but the expert didn't seem to think that was it, as weighing differerenly throughtout the day is normal. Any thoughts out there?